Entry 347 - Who Will Pay The Tithes?



Time after time, I’ve seen my friends and others within Christianity struggle with anxiety, depression, major guilt, and more, and my question is this: If a religion is unable to help you remove these things and simply appeases them through dependency on the religion, does that religion really have your best interests at heart? Think about it. 

If those in Christianity could train you how to heal yourself, how to deal with your shadow self, how to move through anxiety and depression so you no longer suffer from it, why would you need Christianity? Why would you need to go to church on Sundays? Why would you need to ask the priest to ask God to forgive you?

The sooner you learn that religion isn’t trying to heal you but to keep you coming back, you realize that its motives are not simply for your self-interest, but for the religion’s collective interest. It wants you to keep coming back to church. It wants your children and your children’s children to keep coming back to church. And what happens if they stop? Who will fill up the pews on Sundays? Who will pay the tithes? Who will be submitted to the priests? 

So, it makes sense that there are multiple doctrines in order to keep you coming back, ranging from fear-based doctrines to promising healing through dependency on its teachings and way of life. Because without these walls, you would see it’s all an illusion, and you don’t really need that religion to be saved. You don’t really need that religion to be healed. You don’t really need that religion to have access to God.

You come to the realization experientially, not just intellectually, that you yourself are the temple of the living God, and you have direct and immediate access to God whenever and wherever.


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