Religion vs God

People who don’t fit in a neat little box threaten those who prefer to stay within their “boxes”. Those who challenge the walls are not welcomed by those who desperately cling to those same walls for safety and support. 

Just like a certain frequency is picked up by a radio, similarly when you’re vibrations raise and your frequency changes, people will naturally fall out of your life who are not on the same frequency as you. One isn’t necessarily “better” than the other, we’re all just on our own journey of life. 

Just like a certain frequency is picked up by a radio, similarly when your vibrations change, people will naturally fall out of your life who do not match your vibrations and people will come in who do. Don’t force anything. It’s better to go with the flow than to fight it and tire yourself out. One vibration isn’t necessarily “better” than the other. We’re all just on our own journey of life. 

Religion says believe the way I want you to believe, God says spend time with me.
Religion says only through me you’ll find God, God says, I’m bigger than religion.
Religion says “Here! This is your God”, God says, I cannot be confined by walls, limits, or beliefs.

Religion says without us and our holy books you’re a train wreck, God says, all you ever need is Me and I’m with you and within you. 
If you know religion, you know certain peoples thought processes, beliefs and perceptions. If you know God, you know everything. 


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