Entry 310 - Love Knows what the Heart Cries No


You have to be at peace and okay with realizing sometimes even your best is not enough. You could be everything they need, give them the whole world, and love them more than you’ve loved anyone in your entire life, and that still wouldn’t be enough for them to thrive. It’s not because of what you can give them; sometimes people need to find their own selves apart from you so they don’t make you their mini-Savior and derive their sense of self around you. 

However, seeing that they need to do that is so hard, because you realize there’s nothing you can do to help besides leave them, but who on earth wants to leave the one they love? But you have to, or else they can’t heal, so you let go and say goodbye. That’s disturbingly, and confusingly, one of the toughest things one can go through. Paradoxically, you love someone so much, you purposely let go of that love so they can find themselves outside of it.


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