Entry 333 - Dear You


If you’re seeing this, this message is meant for you. I want you to know how proud I am of you. You are learning to befriend all that encompasses you. Embracing it all helps you appreciate how each moment has added to your growth, your evolution, your mindset, and your current state of mind. 

Remember, this is only the beginning. Each day, you are not who you were even a day ago. You’re growing exponentially. You’re meeting new people who are constantly challenging you. You’re dealing with past memories and learning to detach from the lingering emotions stuck to past events; instead, you draw from their wisdom but don’t let them bring you down.

You’re learning to balance your time between work and play efficiently and with ease, and you realize deep down it’s all play. You have more control over your emotions and are more aware of how you interact with others. You consider your reactions before you respond to someone else’s words. 

You realize people’s words are more of a reflection of who they are than of who you are. You are learning to find peace in the midst of the storm. You’re identifying less with invasive thoughts and becoming more of the observer behind them. You’re considering your growth, charting it, and refusing to go back to where you were before.

You’re working very hard to be aware and keep your vibrations as high as possible, and if anyone approaches you with negative words or actions, you know how not to let their low vibrations bring you down. You refuse to engage in anything that will lower your vibrations, such as gossip, rumors, hurtful language, or bad actions. 

You are setting a wonderful example for all those who follow you on social media, knowing that your presence is needed and important in this world. You want to make a positive impact on the world before your time is up, and you must meet death face to face. You know you’re trying your best, and God is helping you with the rest. You are doing great! Keep it up!!!


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