Entry 338 - Never Abdicate Your Authority


Never abdicate your authority. Never give someone else power over your life. You can observe and not let their perception become a part of your own. You can still acknowledge and accept that it is their perception without it becoming your own. People can offer suggestions, advice, and belief systems; people can even say this or that will happen to you in the future, but at the end of the day, the only thing that truly happens is what you choose to create.

Every day, you are constantly manifesting your present moment. You are responsible for the reality you see because your world within is a reflection of your world without. No matter what someone says outside of you, it’s just as much an illusive property of this world unless you choose to make it real.

For example, you might choose to read your daily horoscope one day, and it says, “You’re feeling terrified today,” but you have no recollection of feeling terrified. You’ve been working hard to work through all the shadows and fears you once clung to and have no idea what it’s talking about.

At that moment, you can make one of two decisions. One, believe that horoscope and accept it as your reality, and watch as the world gives you things to affirm that accepted negative condition that will terrify you, or choose to see it as someone else’s perception and opinion that has nothing to do with you. Then you simply move along and continue your day.


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