Entry 323 - Self-Confidence Was Stripped


Through a succession of hard trials, I had my self-confidence completely stripped, and I had to rebuild it from the ground up. Before and during those trials, I didn’t know what I wanted because I mainly always did what others wanted me to do and couldn’t even conceive of completely living how I wanted to, because that was way too vulnerable of a life. But those trials stripped me and forced me to face myself fully.

To look deep into who I am, what I like, what I love, my passions, my expression—all of that. As I started to do that and get comfortable with living my truth, it was almost like the world opened up in a completely new and fresh way.

Even though the trials I went through were incredibly difficult, and facing oneself requires the courage to be vulnerable, I’m so thankful for each trial and each person God brought along the way because they helped me find myself, accept myself, love the person God created me to be, and value my opinion of myself over other people’s judgments.

Life is too short to live as a carbon copy of society. Do you, do what you love, and be true to who you truly are. It’s never too late. If I can do it, you can too.


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