Entry 328 - Signs They Shouldn't Be In Your life


 How you can tell if someone shouldn’t be in your life:
  1. They want you to change to meet the version they want you to be
  2. They love you in person but judge you behind closed doors
  3. They slowly or swiftly drop out of your life 
  4. They seem hostile towards your progression and what makes you happy
  5. They don’t celebrate your successes or stand by you when you’re weak
  6. You’re constantly questioning if they actually care about you or how they think of you
  7. There’s a natural divide between you two and you feel like you both are being pushed in different directions
A lot of times people can’t handle those who challenge their current perception because it’s too much. Maybe you vibed well with someone in high school but then you realized years later you both grew in different directions. There’s no right direction it’s just different. You can acknowledge it.


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