Entry 298 - Don’t Give the Karens What They Want


(Before I start, I want everyone to be aware I use Karen as a filler name instead of “person” for anyone who judges ignorantly. I have nothing against any Karen’s. It’s just more engaging than using the word “person”.)

I find it hilarious when people who already have preconceived, baseless judgements of someone, have to go to that person that they’re already judging because they know they don’t know and recognize that they need to clarify it so they seem more justified in their “righteous” and “correct” judgement. 

They ask, “Wait, are you a lesbian? Are you bi? Are you a celibate? Are you asexual?” The best response to their awkward invasion of privacy is, “Well Karen, first of all, I don’t owe you any explanation because frankly, you make me very uncomfortable by rarely ever talking to me and then out-of-the-blue asking me such private, personal questions for your own personal desire to know. 

Secondly, I’m going to save you from hurting yourself by taking away your ability to judge because you’ll have no idea what I am or what type of relationship I’m in because I’m not telling you. So you can sit back and try to guess, but you’ll never know for sure and your negative judgements will be illegitimate because you’ll have no solid foundation to rest your negativity on.”

Maybe girlfriend means the best of best friends. Maybe girlfriend means partner in crime with a hint of spicy. Maybe girlfriend just means a platonic friendship but someone you want to grow old with and that’s all. May girlfriend means baby in the streets, daddy in the sheets. Or maybe it means girlfriend with some romance but with no sex at all. The best part is Karen will have no clue, and so she’ll be left with herself sitting there on her little plastic toilet shaped chair, staring at a wall, confused, trying to find out how to judge without the tiniest clue how to. 

If you really think about it, how embarrassing would it be if while Karen could’ve loved and accepted that couple, but instead she chose to judge them with the little amount of time she had on earth for something she wasn’t even sure about. Then, once she falls backwards into her grave and finds herself face to face with God and realizes the two people she was judging just wanted to travel the world and grow old in diapers together, she will probably feel some awful type of way. Instead of loving them, she spent her time gossiping, judging and rejecting them for doing something they never even did. I mean come on Karen, was it really even worth it, boo? 

See that’s why I stan mysteries because keeping things mysterious shines light on where they need to heal, and it helps them resist the urge to judge so they don’t receive the same measure of negative judgement that they sent out to others in different forms later on. So I encourage everyone to keep whatever they want a mystery not only for their benefit but for those around them and if you want what’s best for everyone, always choose love. Life is too short to stab people with negative judgement, which always ends up biting them back in the little Pinocchio booty. Love will not only help yourself to heal, but it’ll also help them through love to heal as well. Don’t forget, love is always the answer.


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