Entry 351 - Be passionate for God, not for belief systems.

“To let go of the known for the unknown requires great commitment, willingness, and devotion to surrendering one’s faith to God. (Eye, 110)

It is the ultimate human paradox that man’s dependence on perception precludes his being able to know his own identity. (Eye, 220)

There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence. (Eye, 289)

To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and understand God; and to know God is to understand love. (Eye, 88)

It is helpful to remember that neither Truth nor Enlightenment is something to be found, sought, acquired, gained, or possessed. That which is the Infinite Presence is always present and its realization occurs of itself when the obstacles to that realization are removed. It is therefore not necessary to study the truth but only to let go of that which is fallacious. Moving away the clouds does not cause the sun to shine but merely reveals that which was hidden all along. Spiritual work, therefore, is primarily a letting go of the presumably known for the unknown, with the promise of others who have done it that the effort is more than well rewarded at the end. (Eye, 117)

In turn, every advance that we make in our awareness benefits unseen multitudes and strengthens the next step for others to follow. Every act of kindness is noticed by the universe and is preserved forever. (Eye, 118)

The radiance of God is the light of awareness that reveals the divinity of all that exists. In the stillness of the Infinite Presence, the mind is silent as there is nothing that can be said; all speaks of itself with completeness and exactitude. With this realization one transcends the final duality of existence versus nonexistence because only existence is possible. The opposite of Truth does not exist because Reality excludes non-reality. In this realization resides the peace of God. (Eye, 118)

Nothing in the universe happens by chance or accident. The universe is a coherent concurrence and interaction of innumerable conditions attendant on the infinite number of energy patterns. In the state of Awareness, all this is obvious and can be clearly seen and known. Outside that level of awareness, it could be likened to innumerable, invisible magnetic fields which automatically coalesce or repel one’s position and which interact according to the positions and relative strengths and polarities. Everything influences everything else and is in perfect balance. (Eye, 170)

What the people in the world actually want is the recognition of who they really are on the highest level, to see that the same Self radiates forth within everyone, heals their feeling of separation, and brings about a feeling of peace. To bring peace and joy to others is the gift of the benevolence of the Presence. (Eye, 91)

Spiritual truth, then, is universally true and without variation through time or place. It always brings peace, harmony, accord, love, compassion, and mercy. Truth can be identified by these qualities. All else is the invention of the ego. (Eye, 40)

When perception ceases, the world of wonder reveals itself. Consciousness is in all that exists. It recognizes itself manifesting as the Allness of Creation. (Eye, 228)

When one realizes that one is the universe, complete and at one with All That Is, forever without end, no further suffering is possible. (I, xxii)

Beliefs are the determinants of what one experiences. There are no external ‘causes.’ (I, 22)

Thus, if we take responsibility for being the author of our world, we come close to its source where we can correct it. (I, 22)

Exploration is innate to mankind, and its highest levels lead to spiritual inquiry. This brings up the questions of who am I, what am I, where did I come from, what is the origin and destiny of the self, and who and where is God. (I, 117)

The human mind is incapable of discerning truth from falsehood. (I, 117)

The spiritual aspirant, therefore, is wise to detach from all positionalities and opinions and be willing to surrender the ego’s temporary satisfactions for a higher goal. (I, 177)

All reactions to life are subjective. There is nothing happening that is awful, exciting, sad, good, or bad. It is pointless to hold a position that catastrophes shouldn’t ‘happen’ or that the innocent ‘didn’t deserve it’, or ‘isn’t it awful’, or ‘it must be somebody’s fault’. With a broad view, one can remain unperturbed by either the content or the context of life. That requires giving up judgments, expectations, or ‘sensitivities’ (I, 179)

In as much as the entire universe and everything in it is a karmic unity, the Allness of Reality is the realization of enlightenment. If all is a karmic unity that originates from the same source, then to see any separation is an artifact of perception. In Reality, the one and the many are the same. (I, 251)

Be passionate for God, not for belief systems. That is the only real decision that has to be made and can be applied to any and all situations. The question is always whether to be at the effect of the world or aligned with the Truth of God instead. The search for enlightenment is different from that of seeking worldly success. (I, 355)”

                        Quotes from The Eye of the I By Dr. David R. Hawkins


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