Entry 307 - Putting Faith in People's Experiences

February 29th 2020

If the act of believing into God does not add or diminish who God is, and you are made in the image of God and in the likeness of God, then no belief system of yours could add or diminish as to who you are as well since you are one with God and God cannot be limited by anything.

If God cannot be limited by religion, belief, or interpretations because God is in all in, through all and with all, then you also are not confined or limited by your religion, beliefs, or interpretations because you are one with the Limitless Infinite Creator. That means, anything that stems from the mortal, perishable mind may be limited, but your true nature of who you are in divine connection to the Creator remains unlimited.

I think that a potential problem with Christianity is that so many denominations put so much pressure on how you think by attempting to link the act of thinking with eternal salvation when in reality, you are so much more than your thoughts. You are not your thoughts. You are not your beliefs. You are not your emotions. You’re something beyond duality, but so much of Christianity tries to re-identify and keep you identified with duality due to the religion having deep points of duality etched into the written scriptures of people's prior experiences. 

Maybe that’s the whole point.... Nothing is really real in the game of illusion and delusion... Even if I put an apple in NorCal and then I have an apple in my hand; technically they both exist. Technically, they’re both real, but one isn't truly real to my personal experience in the here and now. 

One is not real to my experience. Say if someone eats that apple I placed in NorCal and then told me about it, I could live through their experience of them eating that Apple in NorCal, but it’s still not the same as tasting my own apple with my own body with my own senses. 

So if I never eat the apple and simply have the person in NorCal talk about their experience of eating the apple, I will be experiencing their reality apart from my own rather than and the experiencing the reality of eating it through myself. One requires faith in someone else’s experience, and the other doesn't require faith at all. 

One is someone else’s reality, the other is my reality. One requires you to have faith in what that person is saying about finding and eating the apple being true and the other one, you do not need to have faith because you know firsthand that you experienced it and trust your experience as real because you went through it! This is what some people do when they rely on their faith, stories, beliefs from the people mentioned in the Bible. Faith turns into knowing when we enter into it ourselves, and what a pleasure to do so! The joy to be is so joyous, who would ever want to substitute it for anything else?

Many might have beliefs about the apple, ideas about the apple, even whole religions about the apple, but in the end, the apple will perish. So, too, will thought systems built on limitations also cease to be. That which won't cease to be is the eternal us as a part of God, which has no likeness to anything besides God, so the reality cannot be fully explained utilizing human language bent towards upholding duality. Nonetheless, that does not negate it as true. If anything, it further testifies of its validity by is superseding all potentialities of physical reality.


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