Entry 308 - Healthy vs Unhealthy Way to Deal with Emotions


The way I approach painful emotions is dramatically different from how I used to. Before I used to see it as a weakness to show any type of negative emotions such as anger, hatred, etc. I used to be afraid to cry, afraid to show how I felt with any emotion that wasn’t related to happiness because I grew up seeing many people direct their pain onto other people rather than move through their pain. 

Instead of people confronting their emotions in a healthy way, they were directing the pain of their emotions onto others in a way that hurt them as well, so that caused me to do the opposite extreme of that by pushing any unwanted emotional feelings deep down and storing them in my body as trauma. Instead of projecting them, I stored them, which caused a very deep disconnect to my emotions in general. 

I was so afraid to experience them because I saw so many people who seemed like they lost complete control over themselves over these emotions, that I never wanted to lose control over myself like that ever. I then realized it was neither healthy to resist feeling your emotions and instead store them in your body as trauma, or to project the pain from your emotions onto others and lose control of your own self. 

I realized that emotions aren't our enemies, but the way we react to them is what hurts us and hurts others. I realized one of the many lessons we came here to earth to learn was the deep lessons emotions bring to us, and how they aren't meant to be dismissed or forced onto others. So then we either ignore them, project them, or diffuse them by feeling our emotions and allowing ourselves to move through them to experience the lesson we were meant to experience at that time. 

Maybe your boyfriend cheated on you. Maybe your dog died. Maybe your grandma died. Regardless of the scenario, pain in this third-dimensional experience will come, and emotions are here to teach us important lessons. It's so much better to honor the emotions by feeling them and moving through them than by self-sabotaging ourselves by denying and ignoring them, or by losing control and projecting them onto others unfairly. 

Emotions are meant for us to learn our lessons. Yes, they obviously most likely involve other people, but what we feel and must move through is what we must move through. Forcing someone to feel what you feel why dishonoring their ability to feel their emotions isn't right, it's torture. Release yourself and release others from hurting by going on this journey with yourself deep within. If people join you, that's fine, but deal with the Green Goblin of hatred yourself. Stand before it and let yourself feel that painful emotion until you can move through it, and have nothing left but love and compassion for that Green Goblin and the many lessons you learned from it. 


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