Entry 317 - See People Beyond their Behavior


If you don’t vibe with someone, consider if it’s because you don’t vibe with those same behaviors of who you are deep within. Does someone’s lack of confidence make you feel uneasy because you hate when you lack confidence? 

Does someone who gossips all the time make you uncomfortable because you don’t like when you do that? When you can dereference unwanted behavior from the person and find that same behavior within yourself, you will realize they are no different than you. 

They’re on a path of discovering good behavior and releasing negative behavior. They’re finding out, just like you, their mistakes, what works and what doesn’t work, and that timing will differ from your timing. It doesn't mean they have to be intricately centered in the middle of your life if you both are on two different vibes, so have patience. Regardless, they are on a similar journey, my friend. 


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