Entry 305 - Obsession for Division


I’d say a huge problem amongst people is the obsession of an us vs them mentality. Not just in religion, but those in politics, in sports, in different universities, in traditions. So many people all over are addicted to a mindset of us vs them instead of "all being for all."

The turmoil and pain caused from an us vs them mentality can be seen all over the world. Our country against your country. Our company against your company. Our college team versus your college team. Republicans versus Democrats, Christianity versus Islam. 

Even though there will be people in each of these that will decide to wear the label but not partake of the actions to further the division between us and them, it is without a doubt that their thought process in some way, shape or form is tainted by this idea of us and them. We are better and they are less. We have the truth and they do not. We will be saved and they will not. Our beliefs are superior and theirs are not. Our race is superior and theirs is not. Our political party is morally correct and theirs is not, and so on. 

It’s almost like society is compulsively addicted to identifying with a label so much so that the label becomes our identity, and whoever does not fit under that same label as us is less, wrong, going to hell, and will suffer for their wrong beliefs. It is evident that the ego is the captain of a soul who thinks along the extremity of these ideas. Separation is the glue that holds an ego supposedly together but yet separate from its other competing egos. 


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