Entry 299 - Taught to Compulsively Think

Feb 24th 2020

If you really think about it, so much that is around us keeps us compulsively thinking, compulsively identified with our mind focused on the past or the future, and not on the present moment. If you consider it and really consider it, you’ll see things are set up in a way to make you think about something you lack and making you think about how you need it.

Our minds aren't trained to be present. Instead, they are trained to desire, to want, to need. You listen to a love song on the radio, and instantly you are taken away from the magic of the present moment to a thought of a future or past event that you desire. You're out of the present, and into what ifs and the "maybe's" and "if's". Maybe that's the biggest virus of our lives. Keeping us glued deeply to the past and future, never truly living out the unknown mystery of the now.


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