Entry 45 - Lesson on Compliments


The old self is attracted to negative thoughts and the new self, the real you, is attracted to positive thoughts. The old self embodies all the negative so it wants what it is, and the new self embodies all things positive, so it seeks to be reinforced with what it already is.

That's why I believe it is so important to speak truth into people, to reinforce who they truly are because it awakens the real self and keeps them consciously focused on who they really are. There was an experiment done where they insulted a plant and then for another plant, they only spoke nice words, and the results were shocking. The words carried weight on the actual growth or decay of those plants. So if plants don't speak English, then what could possibly be the reason behind one plant living its best life due to the positive words spoken to it and the other plant withering and dying due to negative words being spoken to it in the same controlled situation?

Everything, and I mean everything in and around us is charged. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, that is a fundamental law of the universe. Your words carry charge, and they have the potential to give life or to destroy it. If plants react to your words in such a dramatic way, imagine how much more a complex human being would, with varying multi-ethnic backgrounds, histories, turmoils, pain, and so on.

I believe deep down, we are all trying to put off our false self and be fully aware of who we really are, and depending where we are on that path, words can affect others either deeply or not that much, yet they still carry much importance no matter what the given reaction is to your words. Even if you try to insult someone, and it doesn't hurt them in any way because they're conscious and aware of what's really happening when you're insulting, it still will definitely hurt you. The laws of the universe still remain intact. The negative energy you pour out will only feed the negative energy within you and attract more of it back into your own life.

So, to know that you have the potential through your words to either heal and to help them realize who they truly are, or to possibly contribute to having negative energy enter into your life and negatively affecting their life, why would you choose anything but positivity?

So again, when we compliment others, we're bringing to light the truth in who they truly are. It's a powerful thing to partake in. You're actively contributing to awakening a person to their true state of being. You're part of helping them reach an awareness that Jesus prayed for. Our oneness, the reality of who we are, the reality of where we're going, and the reality of all that is around us. You're part of the solution and more of a help than you could ever imagine.


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