Entry 304 - Rising Above Interpretations and Kissing Truth


I think there are certain elements of Christianity from certain denominations that can be incredibly destructive to a person if accepted as their reality. 

For example, the Catholic doctrine that says that humans are born evil, and they will eventually die evil if they don’t take the Catholic way is not only an incredibly destructive doctrine, but also a pessimistic interpretation of the truth. 

On the other hand, the Orthodox churches view of humanity believes that humans are born inherently good, which shows a much more positive and optimistic interpretation of the truth. 

But even more so, to know reality itself which is above good or bad, life and death, opposing forces of darkness and light, exists another reality above that, and we belong to it. 

Above pessimistic, optimistic, the cycles. Above everything perceived temporal, there is a transcending primordial peace within reality that rises above the rise and fall of form. Truth itself in its most truest form. 


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