Entry 348 - Different Perceptions of God


We all could have different perceptions of God. Who is to say mine is right and yours is wrong when no one has seen God? As I was walking on my way to meditate, I came upon a deep realization. It is a scientific fact that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and, therefore, energy is eternal without end. Every person and everything is this energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, so it makes sense that God is in us, and we are in God.

It also makes sense that God is Source Energy, and the energy that constitutes us is also God. A part still comes from the whole. You can get water from a bucket, pour a small amount into a glass, and that water doesn’t cease to be water. Similarly, you can take God from Source and put it in a human, and that energy does not cease being God. The point is, everything that is energy is not only from God, but is God.

Where God starts and man ends, who knows? Where man begins and God ends, who knows? All that we truly know is that this energy that constitutes us is eternal, everlasting, and has been wrapped into a fully functioning body. So, next time you think about God being far away in the cosmos, out of reach, look within. You might just realize God is much more than just a distant concept sustained by religion. God is in you, and you are in God. The universe is God, and you are the universe.


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