Entry 309 - Lesson from a Caterpillar


I wonder if the caterpillar knows that once they enter the cocoon it’s not the end... I wonder if they believe they’re wrapping themselves up for burial to die? I wonder what is going through their tiny little brains? Do they even have brains….? Did they grow up and have their little caterpillar mom or dad tell them it is not the end but only a new beginning? Do they know they will become butterflies even if no one told them because they just know? Or do they embrace the unknown and go with it?

They go through the stages of the caterpillar life, then they do what they know to reach the place of the unknown. Then, once they reach the tipping point of the unknown, they realize this was much better than anything they could have possibly assumed before! That by embracing the unknown, it has brought them to a new reality! No more slugging around on the floor in fear that someone might smoosh them. No, they have beautiful wings that let them soar high above their predators, who are limited to the ground. They realized the best is right now and each moment has its own miracle laced within, and that the unknown of the cocoon is for those who are brave enough to walk through it to the other side. 

Similarly for us, maybe we are in our caterpillar phase and burial for us is the cocoon phase for the caterpillars. All of us know we must past through death. We all have general ideas and thoughts about what it will be like, but we won’t fully know everything about the other side until we pass through it. Maybe there’s initial fear because it seems so far beyond anything we do know, but once we reach the other side, it will be well worth it. 

We will come out of the other side with a beautiful resurrected version of ourselves, into a beautiful new dimension, and our eyes will once again see the foundation of life, the reality of realities, and we will meet our Creator who brought us into existence. Maybe the unknown isn’t as bad as our fear makes it out to be. Maybe death is something not too foreign. We just make a big deal out of it when it’s just another cycle we all will go through. We are born, we sleep, we live, and we all must die. The cycles of life are set and stone, unless otherwise deemed not, and we all pass through each one knowing that each will come and each will go. 

To make peace with each cycle and with our future entrance into the unknown might be the best thing we can do for ourselves. To make peace with it is to allow the peace of it to become a part of our own lives. A peace which surpasses even our own ability to wrap our tiny brains around it. Maybe in this life the caterpillar is but a small, colorful worm in our eyes, but maybe to the galaxies and the federations of entities, we are but a small, shade of tan type of worm in their eyes. I guess we’ll have to get buried to find out. 


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