
Showing posts from September, 2020

Entry 360 - Realization While Reading ACIM

9/30/20 I realized something while listening to A Course in Miracles... When you heal someone, you are essentially taking their burden and loving it to death.   You are saying that your love is stronger than the pain clinging to them, and so you take on their pain because you know that loving that pain will embrace it into nonexistence.   Instead of the pain hurting the host, you let the pain feel the love of God and return it back to pure energy. Your very act of loving it is enough to release it back into the world as pure energy.   It’s like taking an abused child who hits and screams at you and hugging the wounded child until the little one finally hugs back. Then the screaming and hitting dissolve into love, and all that remains is love—a tender hug, a shoulder to cry on, and the soft touch of a caring and supportive person in their life. Love is the answer to dissolving negativity into pure energy. Metaphorically speaking, through love, we transform s...

Entry 359 - Labels Make it Easy to Judge Others

9/30/20 The reason why I don’t always label myself in all areas of my life is because if someone can’t label you, then they can’t judge you. It gives power back to the person to simply be and helps others avoid the backlash of their judgment because what you send out into the world returns to you with the same measure. How do you judge something you don’t even know? And why would that person need your judgment if your judgment is based on your perception, not their reality? Would it even be of any help? There’s a good chance if you’re already negatively judging someone, you’ve come to a conclusion in your mind of whether that person matches your personal morality scale or not. Through labeling, we define something according to our understanding and then make a judgment, comparing it to the scales of morality we deem fit. Maybe she wears short shorts, and you see anyone who wears short shorts as not moral. Or maybe she swears, so you consider her less moral than you. However, if you kee...

Entry 358 - Subjective vs Objective

9/30/20 Time is relative. Each person is localized in a fix position. That persons feelings are subjective. Their thoughts are subjective. Their perception is subjective to themselves. Their ideas are subjective.   Their beliefs are subjective.   Every point of who they are and what they believe is completely subjective if it is personal to that person. Science shows there is an objective and subjective element to all of life. What that points to is there could be objective truth in your perception on life but the fact that it is coming from you, a local entity in time and space, it becomes subjective.   Objectivity can be seen all over the world, but when something becomes personal, it becomes subjective.   Your relationship with your religion is subjective. Your relationship with your community is subjective. When a point of locality become nonlocal, it becomes objective.   For example energy is objective. Regardless of anyone’s perception energy is neither cr...

Entry 357 - Understand Your Conditionings by Osho

  “I am not teaching you to fight with your conditionings. Understand them. Become more intelligent about them. Just see how they dominate you, how they influence your behavior, how they have shaped your personality, how they go on affecting you. Just watch! Be meditative. And one day, when you have seen the working of your conditionings, suddenly a balance is attained. In your very understanding you are free.”                                             -  Osho

Entry 356 - Religion vs God

9/30/20 People who don’t fit into a neat little box threaten those who prefer to stay within their “boxes.” Those who challenge the walls are not welcomed by those who desperately cling to those same walls for safety and support. Just like a certain frequency is picked up by a radio, when your vibrations raise and your frequency changes, people will naturally fall out of your life if they are not on the same frequency as you. One isn’t necessarily “better” than the other; we’re all just on our own journey of life. Similarly, when your vibrations change, people who no longer match your vibrations will naturally fall out of your life, and people who do will come in. Don’t force anything. It’s better to go with the flow than to fight it and tire yourself out. One vibration isn’t necessarily “better” than the other. We’re all just on our own journey of life. Religion says, "Believe the way I want you to believe." God says, "Spend time with me."   Religion says, "On...

Entry 355 - Taking Responsibility

9/30/20 Within religion, it’s so easy to become the victim and blame people outside of us and Satan for our problems rather than take a position of responsibility. People think it’s easier to blame and point fingers, but actually, a victim mindset is toxic for your own growth. Most of what happens to us is a lesson holding a blessing and is meant for our growth. Many times, bad things hold good, and good moments hold bad. Taking responsibility helps bring awareness into every situation.

Entry 354 - Religious vs Spiritual

9/30/20 If you are in a religion, you are religious. If you are outside of religion but follow God, then you are considered spiritual. Yes, people in religion can also be spiritual, but you have placed yourself in an environment that is a mixture of religion and spirituality, which can cause confusion and limits within the heart. If you consider yourself spiritual but serve as a devoted and submitted member of a certain denomination within a certain religion, then you still have limits on what you can or cannot believe, how you operate in accordance with your religion, and what is considered "acceptable" within that denomination of religion. Some key points religion needs to thrive and survive: 1. Convince you that you need that religion to live, survive, and get closer to God. 2. Convince you that you are guilty and shameful and need God only through that particular religion to save you. God forbid that God save you outside of religion's limits, and God forbid you no lon...

Entry 353 - God is the Best Judge

9/30/20 When you simply love a human and let them be, you free them. When you judge, you close them off from feeling your love because you create separation. You set a bar of morality that you don’t believe they are meeting, and you hurt them. Religion makes humans think it’s our job to judge, when it’s God’s.

Entry 352 - The "Nots" to Awakening

9/30/20 If you see yourself as better than others, separate from others, or more elite than others, then you are not awakened. And if you don’t think you are any of these things, but you are in a religion that does think like that, and you put your identity within that religion, then you are a confused soul. Because even though you say you aren’t like that, you are unconsciously like that because the religion from which you derive your sense of self is like that. Do you see the confusion? Do you see the irony?

Entry 351 - Be passionate for God, not for belief systems.

“To let go of the known for the unknown requires great commitment, willingness, and devotion to surrendering one’s faith to God. (Eye, 110) It is the ultimate human paradox that man’s dependence on perception precludes his being able to know his own identity. (Eye, 220) There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence. (Eye, 289) To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and understand God; and to know God is to understand love. (Eye, 88) It is helpful to remember that neither Truth nor Enlightenment is something to be found, sought, acquired, gained, or possessed. That which is the Infinite Presence is always present and its realization occurs of itself when the obstacles to that realization are removed. It is therefore not necessary to study the truth but only to...

Entry 350 - Human Bean Challenge

9/30/20 As a human bean (particularly in that shape also), move and play as deep as you desire into your own programming (religion traditions family).  Then move and play as deep as you desire into other people’s programming (other religions, other cultures, other political parties). Then eventually have fun and transcend all tiny tot forms and fully embrace the unknown.  

Entry 349 - Energy is Energy

9/30/20 The Bible says symbolically that we are made in image and likeness of God If we are not our body because when we die we leave our body, then what are we? If God never dies, then is He more than a limited body in a limited place at a certain time? God is energy. We are energy.  Energy is energy.

Entry 348 - Different Perceptions of God

9/30/20 We all could have different perceptions of God. Who is to say mine is right and yours is wrong when no one has seen God? As I was walking on my way to meditate, I came upon a deep realization. It is a scientific fact that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and, therefore, energy is eternal without end. Every person and everything is this energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, so it makes sense that God is in us, and we are in God. It also makes sense that God is Source Energy, and the energy that constitutes us is also God. A part still comes from the whole. You can get water from a bucket, pour a small amount into a glass, and that water doesn’t cease to be water. Similarly, you can take God from Source and put it in a human, and that energy does not cease being God. The point is, everything that is energy is not only from God, but  is God. Where God starts and man ends, who knows? Where man begins and God ends, who knows? All that we truly know is tha...

Entry 347 - Who Will Pay The Tithes?

9/30/20 9/30/20 Time after time, I’ve seen my friends and others within Christianity struggle with anxiety, depression, major guilt, and more, and my question is this: If a religion is unable to help you remove these things and simply appeases them through dependency on the religion, does that religion really have your best interests at heart? Think about it.  If those in Christianity could train you how to heal yourself, how to deal with your shadow self, how to move through anxiety and depression so you no longer suffer from it, why would you need Christianity? Why would you need to go to church on Sundays? Why would you need to ask the priest to ask God to forgive you? The sooner you learn that religion isn’t trying to heal you but to keep you coming back, you realize that its motives are not simply for your self-interest, but for the religion’s collective interest. It wants you to keep coming back to church. It wants your children and your children’s children to keep coming bac...

Entry 346 - Powerful Quote by Osho

9/30/20 “God is a presence, not merely a person.   God is the ultimate experience of silence, of beauty, of bliss, a state of inner celebration. Once you start looking at God as godliness there will be a radical change in your approach. Then prayer is no more valid; meditation becomes valid. One is now and here. In that tranquility, in that calmness, you become aware of a luminous quality to existence. Then the trees and the mountains and the rivers and the people are all surrounded with a subtle aura. They are all radiating life, and it is one life in different forms. The flowering of one existence in millions of forms, in millions of flowers. THIS experience is God. And it is everybody’s birthright, because whether you know it or not you are already part of it.   The only possibility is you may not recognize it or you may recognize it. The difference between the enlightened person and the unenlightened person is not of quality – they both are absolutely alike. There is only ...

Entry 345 - Is Christianity Really the One True Religion?

9/30/20 If Christianity is the one true religion, and you need to believe in its precepts to be saved, then which of the 41,000 different denominations is the "true" branch from God? If Christianity is the one true religion, why are there so many disagreements and internal contentions over multiple interpretations?  If Christianity is the one true religion, then salvation has devolved into a belief system. Before Christianity, there were thousands of years when people didn’t condense salvation into a belief concept; instead, people focused on being the best version of themselves and, for many, their relationship with the Creator. Many of the major religions believed in reincarnation and also believed that how you lived your life determined whether you spent time with God or “returned” to “cleanse yourself” until you were ready to be with God. The Jews believed that you could be saved without becoming Jewish or joining the Jewish religion. They believed that as long as you fol...

Entry 344 - Judaism Tarot and Psychics

9/30/20 I’m curious as to why the Jews were told not to engage in Tarot readings or consult with psychics. What about Tarot reading is different from God and His angels communicating with His people? Does not God use angels, things, places, and people to communicate with others to help them? Is not Tarot a form of guidance from guides and angels, just like other methods? Why would the Jews, who are already channeling God and the angels in multiple ways, be told not to do it through a card deck? Or why would “God” tell the Jews to refrain from consulting psychics? What about hearing someone’s words would be harmful unless one chose to accept them and live by them? Especially if psychics don’t have power over anyone’s lives and simply provide a general vision of where one is currently heading if no changes are made.  At the end of the day, it’s you who makes the choices about who you will be and where you will end up. If psychic readings are simply a possibility of chance, of somethi...

Entry 343 - True Love Has No Conditions

9/30/20 If you accept the belief that even though God loves everyone, God will send a majority of humans to hell for eternity, then you do not know true love.   Love unites.   Love frees.   In love, there is no right or wrong; there is forgiveness.   In love, there is no punishment; there is constructive instruction.   In love, there’s no "us versus them," only One.

Entry 342 - Rise Above Through Awareness

9/30/20 People who are insecure or deeply hurt will attempt to fill you with similar insecurities or hurt you as well. Otherwise, if they weren’t hurt, they would have no reason to hurt you. The secret to dealing with these people is to observe and move on. Bring awareness to their negativity, allow yourself to feel whatever comes up, and then move through it to move beyond it. The only power someone has over you is the power you give them. Don’t stoop down to their level; rise above through awareness.

Entry 341 - We Create Our Own Chains

9/30/20 When people try to harm others, they end up harming themselves.   When people try to pray against someone’s will, they are praying against their own will.   When people try to pray in a way that dismantles someone’s current situation in life, even though they think it’s for the best, they are actually dismantling their own situation in life.   People with a low vibration cannot see that we are all one, and the negativity they express with their words directly affects themselves. Even if they are convinced that their “negative prayer” is for the best for that other person, they are actually receiving the full retribution of that negative prayer for themselves, potentially in the same or a different form. The energy behind their prayer is still energy within their own heart.   When you pray against someone’s will, you are actually praying against your own.   When you attempt to disrupt someone’s life by imposing your own input, you...

Entry 340 - Combative Discussions

9/30/20 When you say something that someone feels could be threatening to their current belief system, they tend to have what I like to call "combative reactions." For example, one time I tried bringing up a scientific fact that 90% of our days are regulated by our subconscious. I brought it up because I am trying to become more aware and share that awareness with others. The person's reaction wasn’t, “Oh, tell me more,” nor did she have any desire or intent to hear what I had to say about it. Instead, her reaction was defensive, aimed at protecting her current belief system. So, she brought up how she needs to be rooted and grounded in Christ so that things go well, which I’m not saying is wrong. The point is, she stopped listening to what I had to say and instead countered with something that aligned better with her beliefs.   If someone genuinely is listening to you, they will let you talk. If someone is not defensive, they will be open-minded and hear what you have to...

Entry 339 - The More I Go Within...

9/30/20 The more I go within, the more I find my truth. The more I go within, the more I find that outside of me that resonates with the melody of my heart. The more I go within, the more I find the beauty of my soul.

Entry 338 - Never Abdicate Your Authority

9/30/20 Never abdicate your authority. Never give someone else power over your life. You can observe and not let their perception become a part of your own. You can still acknowledge and accept that it is their perception without it becoming your own. People can offer suggestions, advice, and belief systems; people can even say this or that will happen to you in the future, but at the end of the day, the only thing that truly happens is what you choose to create. Every day, you are constantly manifesting your present moment. You are responsible for the reality you see because your world within is a reflection of your world without. No matter what someone says outside of you, it’s just as much an illusive property of this world unless you choose to make it real. For example, you might choose to read your daily horoscope one day, and it says, “You’re feeling terrified today,” but you have no recollection of feeling terrified. You’ve been working hard to work through all the shadows and f...

Entry 337 - Ch 13 from The Aquarian Gospel

9/30/20 11.  John was delighted with his visit to Jerusalem. Matheno told him all about the service of the Jews; the meaning of their rites. 12.  John could not understand how sin could be forgiven by killing animals and birds and burning them before the Lord. 13.  Matheno said, The God of heaven and earth does not require sacrifice. This custom with its cruel rites was borrowed from the idol worshippers of other lands. 14.  No sin was ever blotted out by sacrifice of animal, of bird, or man. 15.  Sin is the rushing forth of man into fens of wickedness. If one would get away from sin he must retrace his steps, and find his way out of the fens of wickedness. 16.  Return and purify your hearts by love and righteousness and you shall be forgiven. 12.  To teach men to be pure in heart, you must yourself be pure in heart, and word, and deed. 14.  Men need a pattern for their lives; they love to follow, not to lead. 15.  The man who stands upon the...

Entry 336 - Towards Rapid Positive Polarization

9/30/20 “This same ability to structure abstract concepts and to analyze experiential data may be the key to rapid positive polarization.” — I Am Ra How can you structure abstract concepts if you only learn one abstract concept within your own personal bubble? How do you analyze experiential data if you refuse to experience anything but what you’re used to and comfortable with? The reason why it’s so important to go beyond the limits of what you know, of what you’re used to, of your bubble, is so that you can formulate and organize abstract concepts and experiences and build an understanding that is more adept and fuller than before. If you only have three puzzle pieces, there’s only so much of the whole picture you can see.   However, if you have 45 out of 50 puzzle pieces, you have a much better idea of the whole picture. However, getting those extra puzzle pieces means you’re going to have to go to different places. They aren’t all neatly fitted in a box like when you buy a...