Entry 2,152 - Entry 2,168
Entry 2,152 - May 14, 2024
Premature aging of the body through destructive daily actions is for the weak.
Through Bryan Johnson's research and Blueprint, a new evolution of human beings will lead the future of this world.
As leaders die out from refusing to rid themselves of harmful actions to their bodies, other people's bodies, and the planet's body, we will be the ones to take over and lead the generations toward a healthier and brighter future for all—animals, people, and ultimately the Earth as a whole.
Entry 2,152 - May 14, 2024
One of the issues with many in spirituality is that they hear some channeler say they are all light and love and don’t realize that they could very easily be manipulated without even knowing it.
It gives the same energy as those from the Abrahamic faiths who say the Creator is light and love but then, at the same time, claim that the god they call the Creator demanded them, on multiple accounts, to commit full acts of genocide.
The Law of One, in my opinion, is a book designed to condition, program, and manipulate people so that they are bred and domesticated for entities and other people in power to control them without them taking notice.
The Law of One entities constantly tout that to be on the light side, or "service to others," there are certain behaviors you must follow. Otherwise, you will enter the other strand and have to ride out that wave for millions of years.
However, I don’t think the goal is to become one or the other but to balance and experience both ends in order to understand what God is and what God is not.
One will never have a thorough understanding of what God is and is not if they only experience what God is.
To deny the darkness and selfishness of our being is to deny those experiences that, through wisdom, show us who we truly are.
I think the book is a prime example of manipulating people to be a certain way so that they can be taken advantage of when the time is ripe.
Entry 2,153 - May 14, 2024
Those who don’t know themselves don’t know God.
Entry 2,154 - May 14, 2024
New Age people always say that everything is a mirror of you, but I would say that everything is a mirror of who you are or who you are not.
Oftentimes, you learn more about yourself by knowing what you aren’t rather than just knowing what you are.
Entry 2,155 - May 16, 2024
The reason why I don’t confine myself explicitly to the framework of Christianity is because the whole premise of Jesus needing to save you—even if you believe in Christian universalism—is also the necessary belief that you are tainted, wrong, sinful, and in need of a savior in the first place.
That groundwork is a recipe for disaster. It’s a recipe for not believing in yourself, for believing you’re not good enough, for believing you need to be dependent on an outward religion in order to help you be better. It creates the need to always look outside yourself.
Whether that be a need for Jesus, a need for the Bible, or a need for the community, it’s always a need outside of you that makes you completely dependent on that framework—and also dependent on those limitations.
Entry 2,156 - May 16, 2024
Christianity’s biggest downfall is that it discourages its followers from exploring selfishness, or what they would call "the dark side."
It encourages selflessness for the religion and claims that it is the mouthpiece for God. This makes its followers dependent on a shepherd who claims to come from God.
Entry 2,157 - May 18, 2024
Christianity tries to operate like psychotherapy without proper credentials. They hold Bible studies that turn into trauma dumps, which they are not prepared to deal with.
Entry 2,158 - May 18, 2024
I don't care what the supposed excuses are for being only love and light while denying the other parts of humanity. Those yogis will come back, whether they like it or not, to explore the darkness because both are part of the human experience, and all experiences will eventually be experienced.
I find it highly ironic that many love-and-light gurus, spiritual teachers, and people who deny their humanity don’t even realize that they’re training others to become similar to psychopaths and sociopaths—people who don’t feel bad, don’t feel emotions, and don’t feel when others hurt them.
They refuse to turn those feelings back on. They purposely shut them off and allow people to hurt them over and over. They teach people how to be enablers to abusers and narcissists, making them extremely manipulable by psychopaths and sociopaths. They don’t realize that they are either artificially creating a psychopath or sociopath, or they are making someone extremely susceptible to that behavior because they are not balancing their humanity.
Entry 2,159 - May 18, 2024
I've fallen from grace so many times I can't even count, but I don't regret any of those falls because they all helped me move deeper into love.
Entry 2,160 - May 19, 2024
The more love and light you attempt to express while repressing and hiding your darkness, the less relatable you become. It’s like those superhero movies you watch. Yeah, they're fun to watch, but they rarely if ever move you to accept all of yourself due to how unrelatable they are.
But if you were to watch a movie that is relatable, you most likely would be sobbing in a bowl of tears because you see your humanity reflected back to you in a way that fills the darkness with love and presence.
So if people start to act like a superhero, as if they're above everything, don’t be shocked when no one can relate to them, and they can’t relate to them
Entry 2,161 - May 19, 2024
If you truly love yourself more than you love pleasing others, then the people pleaser within you will die and be reborn as a person who does what’s best for you—even when people are upset at you for not doing what’s best for them.
Entry 2,162 - May 19, 2024
The exposure or revelation of aliens existing alongside us would dismantle so many mainstream systems of belief that it would rock people's worlds, and I would argue that many people would take a long time to recover from it.
For example, many religions think God made this the only place needing salvation, and other worlds, civilizations, and habitats are not considered within that story. So it would tear across the fabric of potentialities when people realize there is more than just religion because there is more than just one world that entities inhabit.
Entry 2,163 - May 22, 2024
If someone wants to reach true nirvana, then they’re most likely not going to like what I have to say. It’s completely contrary to those men in white gowns who spout that the way to nirvana is to deny your emotions and become a gray blob with no opinions.
Or the Western religions that tout only God is nirvana, and you have to continuously pray, humble yourself, say you are nothing and sinful every single day, and wish to God that he will grant you a seat in heaven to sing to him for eternity. No, it’s not any of that.
If you truly want nirvana, you must experience both heaven and hell—the contrast of what some say is the light and the dark, the good and the bad. That means you can’t run away from your emotions; you have to embrace them fully, not dissociating from them when they pop up like Eckhart Tolle likes to teach.
He says to be so present that they don’t affect you. No, in my opinion, that is missing the whole point of being human. We don’t have this glorious emotional body just to dissolve it right when it comes up in the present moment. We came to FEEL. To ENTER INTO. To reach into the depths of our emotions and understand how they change us when we feel what we feel.
If you truly want nirvana, then you must go to hell and heaven. That’s where all the major religions get it wrong, in my opinion. They long and desire for heaven, but they don’t have that same desire to go through hell with boldness, with bravery, with determination to know themselves more.
To know humanity more. To become more connected to the people around them through their emotions. So many religious and spiritual people bypass the emotional body and just focus on the spiritual body, and I didn’t realize I fell into this same trap until I took a much-needed break from spirituality for months.
It’s hard to see in the midst of it, but when you go up from a bird’s perspective, perched on the outside, you see the flaws, the good, the bad, the boundaries, the doors—all of it. I started to see that spirituality and religion share very similar limitations and negative captivations that entrap people.
Hell is just as important as heaven. If you really want to experience nirvana, you have to experience the other side of nirvana—let’s call it nirvano. One domino, two sides: nirvana and nirvano. Oneness is the domino. Heaven symbolizing Love is one side; Hell symbolizing hate is the other. Both are still part of the domino.
You won’t fully understand what the domino is if you only know one side. The side without the dots could be the love side, representing wholeness and unity, but still lacking in understanding what it is UNLESS one has seen the other side.
Entry 2,164 - May 22, 2024
Some of the nicest people I've met in my life were atheists, agnostics, and Satanists. Some of the most judgmental and terrible people I've known have all been Christians. What does that mean from my experience? Religion is a front. Religion is a facade, and the weak fall for it every time.
Entry 2,165 - May 22, 2024
I have no respect for a religion responsible for murdering innocent people because they refused to convert.
In the past, that religion had more power and could kill people who spoke against it. But they have consistently lost power and can no longer kill us for speaking up against it.
I will speak against the ills and evils of Christianity until the day I die. Justice will be served until the last remnants of that religion are buried in the ground.
Entry 2,166 - May 22, 2024
In my opinion, Christianity is for the weak. Not only that, but it's an incredibly boring religion. There is little to no manipulation of energy, just constant surrender into the void without any planning of any sort besides expecting God to do all the work.
Entry 2,167 - May 23, 2024
People talk down about how bad hate is, but then forget what masterpieces hate brought forth. Remember when Kendrick Lamar shredded Drake to pieces with his two new tracks, Euphoria and Not Like Us? Do you think that was motivated by love? That was most definitely motivated by hate. And because of his hate, he brought forth some of the most awesome and jaw-dropping freestyle comebacks to date.
We need to start seeing hate for what it truly is—massive bombs of creativity that spark within and cause a domino effect of ambition.
Entry 2,168 - May 24, 2024
You can't run away from your darkness. It will always be there waiting for your arrival. No matter what religion or spiritual group you believe in that tells you that you must choose one pathway, the reality is that your darkness is just as much a part of you as your light. And until you master your darkness, you will never fully master your light. You can try to ignore it for centuries, for millions of years, but eventually, you will have to come face-to-face with the other side of life, with the other experience of life, with the other moment—the good.
Mainstream Christianity raises pussies. They're so afraid of their dark side, they don't know how to tame it. And so, when they try to stay in the light and wonder why they are abusing people verbally and physically, cheating on their wives, hurting people, and doing things out of the ordinary, it's because they have not learned how to tame the dark side. They have not learned to open into it, to understand it, to embrace it. Until they understand it, they will always be a slave to it, and that's why some of the most atrocious acts were done by religious people.
They don't understand how the dark side rules because they refuse to look at it within themselves. They disassociate from truth and live a lie by assuming that they are only light. By denying their humanity, they deny their ability to overcome, to embrace, to understand the dark within them. No one can run away from the dark. It exists in everyone.
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