Entry 2,061 - December 14th, 2023
Quotes from The Law of One
Questioner: I think I have an erroneous concept of the mind/body/spirit complex, for instance, that I represent here in this density and my higher self. The concept probably comes from my concept of space and time. I am going to try to unscramble it. The way I see it right now is that I am existing in two different locations, here and in mid-sixth density, simultaneously. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are existing at all levels simultaneously. It is specifically correct that your higher self is you in mid-sixth density and, in your way of measuring what you know of as time, your higher self is your self in your future.
Questioner: Would an analogy for this situation be that the individual’s higher self is manipulating to some extent, shall I say, the mind/body/spirit complex that is its analog, you might say, to move it through the lower densities for purposes of gaining experience and then finally transferring that experience or amalgamating it, you might say, in mid-sixth density with the higher self?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The Higher Self does not manipulate its past selves. It protects when possible and guides when asked, but the force of free will is paramount. The seeming contradictions of determinism and free will melt when it is accepted that there is such a thing as true simultaneity. The Higher Self is the end result of all the development experienced by the mind/body/spirit complex to that point.
Questioner: As an entity goes through the death process in third density and finds itself in time/space, it finds itself in a different set of circumstances. Would you please describe the properties or circumstances of time/space and then the process of healing of incarnative experiences that some entities encounter?
Ra: I am Ra. Although this query is difficult to answer adequately due to the limitations of your space/time sound vibration complexes, we shall respond to the best of our ability.
The hallmark of time/space is the inequity between time and space. In your space/time, the spatial orientation of material causes a tangible framework for illusion. In time/space, the inequity is upon the shoulders of that property known to you as time. This property renders entities and experiences intangible in a relative sense.
Each particle or core vibration moves at a velocity approaching the speed of light from the direction of supraluminal velocities. The time/space or metaphysical experience is very finely tuned and, although analogous to space/time, lacks tangible characteristics. In these metaphysical planes, there is great fluidity.
Questioner: How do disciplines affect the energy centers and the power, shall I say, of the white magician? Could you explain how that works?
Ra: I am Ra. The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold:
- Know yourself.
- Accept yourself.
- Become the Creator.
The third step, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves.
Entry 2,062 - December 16th, 2023
Any plunge into newness, any art, is a deviation from normalcy.
It’s a status quo destroyer.
Entry 2,063 - December 16th, 2023
God doesn’t want people to mindlessly read old stories that were supposedly about Him.
He wants us to critically think.
Entry 2,064 - December 20th, 2023
Similar to how we put on certain forms and take off certain forms, and we consider that life and death, but we still retain our personality. I think later on in our evolution, we do a similar thing with our egoic personality itself, where we put on and take off not the physical manifestation but maybe just the personality manifestation. Until we get to a point where we do it even more fine-tuned in a different way.
Entry 2,065 - December 21st, 2023
Quotes from Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts:
“Ideally, sleeping five hours at a time, you gain the maximum benefit, and anything else over this time is not nearly as helpful. Those who require more sleep would then take, say, a two-hour nap. For others, a four-hour block sleep session and two naps would be highly beneficial.”
“You would retain a far greater memory of your subjective experiences, and your body would be healthier, if these sleeping patterns were changed. Six to eight hours of sleep in all would be sufficient with the nap patterns outlined. And even those who think they now need more sleep than this would find that they did not, if all the time was not spent in one block. The entire system, physical, mental, and psychic, would benefit.”
“Now such schedules could be adopted quite easily. Those who work the American working hours, for example, could sleep between four to six hours an evening, according to individual variations, and nap after supper. I want to make it plain, however, that anything over a six- to eight-hour continuous sleeping period works against you, and a ten-hour period, for example, can be quite disadvantageous. On awakening often then you do not feel rested, but drained of energy. You have not been minding the store.”
“In some cases, you literally force yourselves to sleep when your consciousness could be at one of its maximum points. This is, incidentally, in the pre-dawn period. In certain afternoon hours, consciousness is lowered, and needs refreshment that is instead denied.
If the stages of waking consciousness were examined as sleep stages are presently being examined, for example, you would find a much greater range of activity than is suspected. Certain transition stages are completely ignored. In many ways, it can be said that consciousness does indeed flicker, and varies in intensities. It is not like a steady beam of light, for instance.”
Entry 2,066 - December 21st, 2023
Can someone explain how this is acceptable behavior for a Creator: Like, Sky Daddy didn’t even ask Mary for her hand in marriage. He didn’t even ask if he could tap that; he just TOLD HER via angel delivery that He’s gonna get her pregnant. What in the name of consent?! This is the God you worship?! Non-consensually impregnating humans without their permission, Daddy?!
Entry 2,067 - December 22nd, 2023
When you’re standing in your point of power, it feels like you are standing in the center of your life.
Entry 2,068 - December 22nd, 2023
In my opinion, the Ra Material is one limited perspective of the nature of camouflage reality as one goes through their evolution of the soul. As one takes the journey of becoming, changing, and experiencing, there are many experiences to be had. But in my opinion, it is highly limiting to create a massive delineation line between “positively-oriented beings” and “negatively-oriented beings,” as the Ra people have.
I think their perspective is based on their current perception. To say one must “choose a polarity” and ride it for trillions of years limits the personality from experiencing all that is, whenever they want.
Especially if those on the positively-oriented path judge the negatively-oriented path in ways such as “more suffering” or having to look a particular way because it is not positive, it creates a strong dichotomy and differentiation that makes the binaries even more pronounced than in our world. This could be the case for certain dimensional experiences.
If we are truly part of an entity that desires to experience all that is, and this strong and potent line is drawn between the positive path and the negative path, then it doesn’t matter which path you choose now—eventually, you will experience the other path. Again: the nature of all that is, is to experience All That Is.
So that’s why the way the Ra people teach the higher levels of evolutionary consciousness does not resonate deeply with me. I think it falters by limiting it to one path for trillions of years. Perhaps that experience is just as much of a “camouflage reality” as this present physical life on planet Earth, in which people can choose—or not choose—to accept as part of the evolutionary sequence of experience.
Entry 2,069 - December 22nd, 2023
After returning to Seth Speaks after some time, I’ve realized that I grossly misinterpreted many of the chapters.
The information is meant to be expansive and freeing, but if one doesn’t have a realization of that freedom, it can be counterproductive.
For example, I wrongly assumed that when I “switch to a better probable reality out of an infinite number,” I will never be in contact again with the people from that other reality, but it’s not as cut and dry as that.
We are constantly attracting the probable reality most in tune with our frequency. To see it as “we are switching” denotes an on-or-off switch. To say we switch billions of times per second also creates that worry of not having that continuity with our experience. It’s counterproductive. Rather, when one visualizes attracting the reality that most matches one’s desires for experience, that continuity is less likely to be dismantled.
You attract your given reality each second, but doing so does not take away from your valid past realities that come together as a sequence for you to understand as your current experience.
Entry 2,070 - December 22nd, 2023
I see a future where I do not destroy what has been built, but I create something better that automatically garners the attention of many.
I see myself creating properties built on renewable energy resources that help tailor a life towards more life and less harm.
I see myself developing neighborhoods with smaller, sustainable, eco-friendly homes, group gardens, group gyms, and stores thoughtfully planted in such a way that people don’t have to drive far to go to them. I see this creating stronger communities of people.
Instead of money, these communities barter to exchange goods for services and more. To eat from the farm, I see people offering their services for a certain number of hours, or to use the gym, offering services there—whatever it may be.
No home requires a mortgage of any type. Instead, if people wish to use money, they can help pay into a charity fund that gives people around the world access to food, clothing, and housing. It’s the gift that keeps giving.
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