Entry 1,736 - Entry 1,751
Entry 1,736 - May 29th, 2020
Types of people in your life:
Acquaintances: People you speak and engage with because you share a common goal. These usually tend to be classmates, fellow teammates, and other people. Within this group, many people tend to only stay acquainted until it no longer serves them a purpose. Everyone in our lives who is not related to us starts out as an acquaintance of some sort.
Friends: This happens when acquaintances serve more than just a means to an end or a common goal to complete something or work together, but you desire more contact. At this stage, you might invite them to get coffee or ask if they want to hang outside of where you guys normally interact within a group setting. The commitment level is still fairly low, but you both are aware that you enjoy each other’s company.
Family or Neighborhood Friend: These are the friends you essentially grew up with and feel as if they’re either your siblings or cousins of some sort. Maybe you guys were more similar when you were younger, and then when you grew up, you moved in different directions, but growing up together kept a bond between you two, which is hard to break. They’ve seen you during so many stages of your life—you’ve experienced the bad, the ugly, and the funny with them, and even if you don’t talk for years, you know they’d welcome you with open arms as if no time had passed.
Close Friend: This happens when you start sharing deeper moments with your friend and get vulnerable in ways you normally wouldn’t with most others. You pass a barrier, and you decide to trust them with important and sensitive parts of your life, and they do the same. There’s a mutual level of trust and love that is not based on convenience or anything else. At this point, their motive to love may still be based on personal benefit to themselves, whether that be your attention, what you can give them, or something else.
Best Friend: This happens normally after many years of having someone as a close friend. You’ve seen each other at your highest and lowest points, and you’ve helped each other over and over with whatever you were going through and vice versa. Maybe distance made you both busy, but you always somehow made it back to each other. You have a high amount of respect and trust for this person and know they don’t just love you for their own benefit, but simply because they love you.
Entry 1,737 - 10/10/20
There is one energy.
It may be understood as love/light, light/love, or intelligent energy.
Understand, unblock, and further balance each energy system depending on the area of the body.
1st energy center – red ray:
Survival, relationships, and acceptance of sexuality.
Being connected and accepting oneself fully, both with oneself and others.
2nd energy center – orange ray:
Personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to self-conscious understanding or acceptance of self.
Yellow-ray or solar plexus center:
Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions toward power, manipulation, and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the individual.
The center of heart, or green-ray:
This is the center from which third-density beings may "springboard," shall we say, to infinite intelligence.
Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love or compassion.
The blue-ray center:
The center of energy streaming is the first center that is outgoing as well as in-pouring.
Those blocked in this area may have difficulty grasping the spirit/mind complexes of their own entity and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self.
Entities blocked in this area may also have difficulties accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.
The next center – the pineal or indigo-ray center:
Those blocked in this center may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations that appear as unworthiness.
Its influx then into the transformation or transmutation of third density to fourth density is the energy center receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and also holds the potential key to the gateway of intelligent infinity.
The remaining center (violet ray) of energy influx:
This is simply the total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit.
It is as it will be—“balanced” or “imbalanced” has no meaning at this energy level, for it gives and takes in its own balance.
The indigo ray, though precious, is the ray worked upon only by the adept, as you would call it.
This is the energy center worked upon in those teachings considered inner, hidden, and occult, for this ray is that which is infinite in its possibilities.
As you are aware, those who heal, teach, and work for the Creatress/Creator in any way—which may be seen to be both radiant and balanced—are those activities that are indigo ray.
As you are aware, the violet ray is constant and does not figure into a discussion of the functions of ray activation, in that it is the mark, the register, the identity, the true vibration of an entity.
Ra: You are partially correct.
In the first three energy centers (red/yellow/orange), a full unblocking of this energy will create speeds of rotation.
As the entity develops the higher energy centers, however, these centers will then begin to express their nature by forming crystal structures.
This is the higher or more balanced form of activation of energy centers, as the space/time nature of this energy is transmuted to the time/space nature of regularization and balance.
Each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted, and seated within the individual.
It is not necessary for the energy centers to be activated in order in the case of the self-aware entity.
Thus, entities may have extremely brilliant energy centers while being quite unbalanced in their violet ray aspect due to lack of attention paid to the totality of experience of the entity.
The key to balance may then be seen in the unstudied, spontaneous, and honest response of entities toward experiences, thus using experience to the utmost, then applying the balancing exercises and achieving the proper attitude for the most purified spectrum of energy center manifestation in violet ray.
This is why the brilliance or rotational speed of the energy centers is not considered above the balanced aspect or violet ray manifestation of an entity regarding harvestability.
For those individuals who are unbalanced, especially concerning the primary rays, will not be capable of sustaining the impact of the love, light, and knowledge of intelligent infinity to the extent necessary for harvest.
Entry 1,738 - 10/11/20
Dear Black People,
On behalf of myself and all white people, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for how you were stolen from your country to be sold as property in a land supposedly built on freedom and liberty.
I’m sorry that you were forced into neighborhoods through segregation, never allowing you the proper compensation, but doing it to control you because racist whites rule the system.
I’m sorry that people don’t understand the hurt your people have felt under the USA’s command, being treated as less in order to use you economically so the white family can live their best.
I’m sorry that people don’t understand the hurt your people have gone through, being counted as three-fifths of a person by the Ku Klux Klan crew, living off of your provision as if their right to own you were ordained in their religion.
I’m sorry that you have to deal with white supremacists in 2020 who are trying to devalue you through their racist dichotomy because they themselves are so weak they want you to leave or once again become their property.
I know "sorry" will never be enough for all the damage that was surely done, but I will always stand with you until the end has surely come.
I won’t stop educating the masses until all white people wake up from the ignorance and apathy.
I’m sorry that so many white people still drop the n-word, reminding you of your great grandparents' heritage, of how they either stayed on the farm or risked their lives to be able to live their lives in true freedom from the racist creeps.
Entry 1,739 - 10/13/20
"They so-called black sheep of the family are, in fact, hunters born of paths of liberation into the family tree.
The members of a tree who do not conform to the norms or traditions of the family system, those who since childhood have constantly sought to revolutionise beliefs, going against the paths marked by family traditions, those criticised, judged and even rejected, these are usually called to free the tree of repetitive stories that frustrate entire generations.
The black sheep, those who do not adapt, those who cry rebelliously, play a basic role within each family system, they repair, pick up, create new and unfold branches in the family tree.
Thanks to these members, our trees renew their roots. Its rebellion is fertile soil, its madness is water that nourishes, its stubbornness is new air, its passion is fire that re-ignites the light of the heart of the ancestors.
Uncountable repressed desires, unfulfilled dreams, the frustrated talents of our ancestors are manifested in the rebelliousness of these black sheep seeking fulfilment. The genealogical tree, by inertia will want to continue to maintain the castrating and toxic course of its trunk, which makes the task of our sheep a difficult and conflicting work.
However, who would bring new flowers to our tree if it were not for them? Who would create new branches? Without them, the unfulfilled dreams of those who support the tree generations ago would die buried beneath their own roots.
Let no one cause you to doubt, take care of your rarity as the most precious flower of your tree.
You are the dream of all your ancestors."
~ Bert Hellinger.
art . Tomasz Allan Kopera
Entry 1,740
Questions to ask everyday:
Do I act like I’m always right?
How many times today did I act like I was right and other people were wrong?
How many times did I judge anything negatively? (News, people, ideas, etc)
Entry 1,741 - November 28th, 2020
Conversations with Christians
Person #1: Do you believe in sin?
Person #2: Yes.
Person #1: What do you mean? Like, that it exists?
Person #2: Yeah.
Person #1: Eternally or temporarily?
Person #2: Well, in order for it to be eternal, it would have no beginning or end. So it must be temporary, right?
Person #1: If God said He is in all, through all, and with all, how is someone separate from God and needs to ask God into their heart?
Person #2: Well, God won’t force His way in.
Person #1: But why would that even be a thing when we are one with God by virtue of our existence?
Person #2: What do you mean?
Person #1: Well, if God is in us, as scripture says, where do we end, and God starts within us?
Person #2: I don’t know what you mean.
Person #1: Like, if we are not our bodies, then what are we?
Person #2: I guess energy.
Person #1: And if God is in us, is He a part of our body or a part of our energy?
Person #2: Probably energy.
Person #1: So then, where does human energy stop, and where does God’s energy start within us?
Person #2: I’m not sure.
Person #1: But we’re one with God, so if we’re both energy, then we both don’t have a beginning or end. And what Source doesn’t have a beginning and end?
Person #1: So when you think of human energy, you must remember that also doesn’t have a beginning or end, and so all our energy must have come from God, or it’s not truly energy. Do you see?
Person #2: So separation is a mindset?
Person #1: Yes, and oneness is our truest reality.
“What can there be that stands between what is continuous?” – ACIM
Entry 1,741 - December 8th, 2020
Person #1: Hey, I have a quick question…
Person #2: Yes?
Person #1: Well, so, I grew up in Christianity, and pretty much I was told sex is a horrible sin if you do it before marriage. Is that true?
Person #2: Let’s start with this question… What is marriage?
Person #1: I guess a legal promise with the government that you two plan to do life together?
Person #2: So are you still considered “married” if the government isn’t involved in the promise made?
Person #1: I guess.
Person #2: Are you still considered “married” if people aren’t there to watch you get married?
Person #1: I guess.
Person #2: Then why would God care if your promise to do life together was institutionally/publicly recognized or not?
Person #1: Well gee, I don’t know.
Person #2: So then the real question is, is one having sex for lower purposes that do not benefit both souls, or for higher purposes of experiencing divine oneness?
Person #1: What would be a lower purpose that does not benefit them?
Person #2: Just like with anything else, people can misuse or abuse anything outside of its divine intention to bless through love.
Person #1: So you’re saying as long as it benefits both people in a healthy way, it isn’t bad to have sex outside of marriage?
Person #2: If marriage isn’t real—just like linear time isn’t really real—then I guess that would be your own consideration in the matter of sex, would it not?
Entry 1,742 - December 10th, 2020
Me: What’s going on… Who are you??
Ramono: Ramono, your favorite. shining filter
Me: Woah, Ramono, tonight’s not the night.
Ramono: I’m here to remind you of that which you agreed to do.
Me: Okay, fine… but can we at least go over it before I share this insight with others?
Ramono: Of course.
Me: Thanks. Okay, so the entity ‘Yahweh’ was a highly evolved being, part of the Confederation, and the Confed. is currently supervising our planet, right?
Ramono: Yes…
Me: And Yahweh asked the Confed. if he could genetically engineer inhabitants in such a way that would help them grasp the law of one, right?
Ramono: Yes…
Me: But the plan was a failure because these genetically altered humans saw themselves as superior over other nations, right?
Ramono: Yes… So Yahweh receded, and new plans were considered.
Me: But then certain service-to-self entities within the Orions manipulated this nation by convincing them that they were Yahweh and to enter a blood oath disguised as a peaceful covenant with them, right?
Ramono: Right. Once the blood of the innocent was spilled, these people were bound by these rituals disguised as covenants.
Me: That sounds spooky.
Ramono: Very spooky.
Me: A little too spooky because I still have to fall asleep, so can we finish this dialogue up another night?
Ramono: As you wish.
Me: But the Orions needed permission before they could manipulate them.
Ramono: Exactly.
Me: So you’re saying we can’t just be possessed by negatively-oriented entities, we have to agree to it, most likely with some sort of ritual?
Ramono: Exactly.
Me: How come more people don’t know about this???
Ramono: We’ve been trying to share it for ages, but the calibrated consciousness of your people was too low to receive it.
Me: Oh, so that’s why you’re trying again.
Ramono: Exactly. Please share, and share. Let all know that the Creator is not a God of war but a God of peace.
Me: I will.
Ramono: Thank you...
Me: This just is so much. I don’t know.
Ramono: Don’t worry. To those who are vibrating on the same frequency of truth, they will resonate with that which you share.
Me: What about the others?
Ramono: It won’t mean anything until it means something…
Entry 1,743 - December 15th 2020
Kyglo: So wait… How do we know that this really happened… That certain Orions disguised themselves as Yahweh for their own personal gain?
Angel: This is why Jesus prayed that you would know God, because when you truly know God, you truly know that which isn’t.
Kyglo: Okay, so what is a good litmus test for determining if something within or without religion is from the True God/Source?
Angel: You can ask, “Is this entity suppressing free will and expecting others to follow its will at the expense of their own?”
Kyglo: Is this because anyone who expects you to choose their will over yours is not honoring your free will?
Angel: Exactly. Which is a concept sourced in separation by assuming that Source would want that which you don’t want for yourself, hence violating the Law of Free Will itself.
Kyglo: But if people willingly wanted to follow that entity, it would be according to their free will and fine, right?
Angel: Right, but if they didn’t want to follow it and they were supposedly destroyed for choosing that choice, then that violates their free will and cannot be from Source, which is completely harmonious.
Kyglo: If Source is true harmony, then breaking our right to free will would not only cause disorder but would mean this entire universe is sourced in separation!
Angel: Exactly… Hence a wonderful litmus test.
Kyglo: What’s another great litmus test to see if something truly comes from the Creator or from service-to-self negatively oriented entities?
Angel: You can ask yourself: Is what this one is saying beneficial to some but harmful to others?
Kyglo: Oh, like how it was beneficial to invade, conquer, and destroy other nations but not beneficial for the families that were dying?
Angel: Exactly.
Kyglo: Or how it was beneficial for one nation to sacrifice animals to appease their God filled with wrath, but not beneficial for the animals to be killed at such a young age?
Angel: Exactly.
Kyglo: Or how the verses treated the men as superior and leaders and the women as subordinate and property?
Angel: Exactly.
Kyglo: So pretty much any form of stealing, killing, or destroying, regardless of the reason, is not from Source but is rather a projection of a negatively oriented entity commanding and controlling them for personal gain?
Angel: I need say nothing more—you understand fully.
Kyglo: Exactly.
Kyglo: Or when their blood was used in order to create binding pacts between them and service-to-self entities, where they may seem like they benefited from the pact, but ultimately it will benefit the service-to-self entities at the expense of their own benefits?
Entry 1,744 - December 22nd, 2020
Kyglo: Is it true that Jesus had to die for our sins to free us from eternal hell?
Guide: Well, let's break down that packed statement using quantum physics.
Kyglo: Okay, I’m down.
Guide: What is sin? What do you think sin is?
Kyglo: I assume when people say sin, they mean mistakes or errors?
Guide: Do these supposed "errors" follow the path of linear time, where they don't exist, exist, then once again don't exist?
Kyglo: Uh, yeah. Because it happened at a specific time and a specific place.
Guide: Right. From a quantum level, it would not make any sense to say errors are eternal because they didn't exist, do exist, and cease to exist, which is the nature of anything that is temporal, right?
Kyglo: Oh, okay...
Guide: So why would you need God, who is eternal, to die for something that doesn't even truly exist...?
Kyglo: You wouldn't. But then why do they say that's what Jesus did?
Guide: Because if they can convince you sin is eternal, then they can convince you that sacrifice was necessary and you need their religion.
Kyglo: But that doctrine doesn't even make any sense in regard to science!
Guide: Religion doesn't need to make sense to you, it just needs to convince you to believe in it.
Kyglo: Can you explain a little more using quantum physics why we never needed animals or Jesus to be sacrificed for our sins?
Guide: Let's try to focus on just these two words: Eternal and Temporary. What does it mean when we say energy is eternal?
Kyglo: It can be neither created nor destroyed, but it can be transferred.
Guide: Okay, and what does temporary mean?
Kyglo: Some form exists, but then that same form ceases to exist because it eventually disintegrates back into energy?
Guide: Right. So time, as linearly understood as past, present, future, is an illusion. Time is actually simultaneously past, present, and future right now.
Kyglo: Oh, so that's why it either exists eternally or it never truly existed in the first place!
Guide: Exactly! So if sin was a problem that was eternal in nature, it would be unsolvable because eternity means it was, is, and always will be.
Kyglo: Oh, okay, and then if sin was temporary, then it was never truly a problem because it never truly existed, right?
Guide: Right. So if sin was eternal, an eternal sacrifice still could not end something else that is eternal, and so they would simply both co-exist because they both have no beginning or ending based on the properties of eternity.
Kyglo: And then if sin was temporary, it would be nonsense to try to get rid of it by an eternal sacrifice because it doesn't even truly exist?
Guide: Exactly.
Kyglo: Wow, I feel reborn.
Entry 1,745 - December 22nd, 2020
The East has the karma cycle: you do bad, you get bad.
The West has the sin cycle: based on either good works and/or faith, you get rewarded with different afterlives.
The ideas of afterlife, salvation, and nirvana differ depending on the specific denominations within each.
However, to only see cause and effect is like seeing two-thirds of a puzzle completed.
The universe is an eternal cosmological cycle of experience. Beyond good and bad, right vs. wrong, duality vs. non-duality, exists eternal oneness.
God is all there is. You are a divine spark of God, sent into all types of creations to experience all that is within All That Is.
You cannot be limited by anything, including sin or karma, because you are from everything—Source.
So sin and karma might play in the land of duality, but oneness allows you to play in all realities.
People within the illusion of duality tend to apply that to the afterlife as well.
Entry 1,746 - December 22nd, 2020
Kyglo: Don’t they believe in the karma cycle: you do good, you get good; you do bad, you get bad?
Guide: Right. Now, what do the West believe in?
Kyglo: Well, the West has the sin cycle, and based on either your good works and/or faith, you can go to heaven or hell.
Guide: So if something is still within the confines of good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, saved vs. unsaved, is that according to duality or unity?
Kyglo: Oh, it’s almost like the karmic and sin cycles are focusing on one side of the coin and applying it to the afterlife... But wait... What if someone is “bad” in this life...?
Guide: If someone does “bad,” they can experience healing and growth, but ultimately their nature is perfect oneness and transcends all illusions.
Kyglo: So ultimately we continue to create our reality and experience what we wish to experience, whether that be according to illusions (duality) or oneness (reality)?
Guide: Exactly.
Kyglo: So after this life, we aren’t limited by duality because we are sparks of God and will continue to create our own reality just as we are doing now?
Guide: Exactly.
Entry 1,747 - December 29th, 2020
Kyglo: How do you know the info you’re getting isn’t coming from a demon?
Guide: You’re aware of vibrations, right?
Kyglo: Yeah...
Guide: So what would constitute someone who may have a lower vibration?
Kyglo: Maybe someone who is lying, cheating, stealing, and hates people. Stuff like that.
Guide: Okay, and what about those who may have a higher vibration?
Kyglo: I guess people filled with love and light for themselves and others—peace, joy, happiness, and so forth.
Guide: Okay, kind of like when Jesus said you would know them by their fruits, right?
Kyglo: Right.
Guide: So if you turn to a certain radio station, such as 103.9, which has heavenly chorus music each time it plays, why would you accuse it of being a station that plays music that may be deemed low vibrational?
Kyglo: Well, I mean, if I heard it with my own ears, I wouldn’t say it’s a demon.
Guide: Then maybe you should tune in for yourself.
Entry 1,748 - December 29th, 2020
Kyglo: Does the devil truly exist?
Guide: Well, let’s trace this back and consider it together. What does “Devil” mean?
Kyglo: It means adversary.
Guide: And what does adversary mean?
Kyglo: It means “one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.”
Guide: Alright, would that definition make sense in duality or unity?
Kyglo: I guess duality because duality is the belief in separation—north vs. south, right vs. wrong, us vs. them, and so on.
Guide: And we also know that anything that is perceived as separated is, in fact, one. The All and the Many, the north and the south, the light and the dark are all truly one, even if they may temporarily appear as separate and divided.
Kyglo: Okay, so if duality is an illusion, are you saying the devil is one too?
Guide: Well, you tell me. Why would so many Christians believe the devil was eternally separated and in opposition to Source when all is one?
Kyglo: Maybe because it’s easier to project mistakes and insecurities onto the devil rather than actually take accountability for them?
Guide: Yes, handling so much religious guilt can become so unbearable that projection takes place.
Kyglo: So is the devil the real problem, or is it the belief in duality as our eternal reality that’s the real issue?
Guide: Great question…
Entry 1,749 - December 30th, 2020
Kyglo: How do you know that you’re not talking to a demon?
Guide: Remember when Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruits”?
Kyglo: Uh... yeah?
Guide: So if what I’m sharing with everyone are the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, kindness, and so forth—why would a demon want to share topics along those lines with me as well?
Person: Well, no, you’re sharing a belief system that differs from ours.
Guide: Oh, so you’re judging the words not based on what Jesus said, but based on the doctrine that your Christian church follows?
Person: Idk, maybe. So you’re saying doctrines aren’t the same as the fruits of the Spirit?
Guide: Well, if a demon were truly wanting to speak to me, they probably would want to advance their goals, right?
Person: Right.
Guide: And what do you think their goals would be?
Person: Spread division, judgment, fear, guilt, shame, and harmful doctrines.
Guide: Right. So if I’m sharing a gospel of peace, love, unity, and joy, with the intention to liberate all from fear, guilt, and shame, and so forth, why would that be from a demon?
Person: I’m not sure.
Guide: Maybe because it’s not from a demon.
Person: Idk, I’m still not convinced.
Guide: If that’s what you desire to believe, so be it.
Entry 1,750 - January 3rd, 2021
Kyglo: How can I help people overcome their fear of death?
Guide: There are many ways. The feminine approach is to go from the place of feeling, and the masculine approach is to go through the way of deconstruction of illusions.
Kyglo: Okay, so how would I help according to the feminine approach?
Guide: Encourage them to look for any experience of so-called death in their lives. When a cell dies, another one is born. When a job ends, a new one comes along. When pain is released, joy begins. Learn through experience.
Kyglo: Oh sweet, so they can enter into the feeling of death to realize it’s nothing to worry about—it’s just another experience as we live in the illusion of duality.
Guide: Exactly. And as they continue to do shadow work, they will be able to experience aspects of death in more beautiful and enriching ways.
Kyglo: What do you mean?
Guide: The more they heal from their shadows, doors will be opened for them to astral project and experience dimensions beyond the limitations of the body.
Kyglo: Okay, and that’s why they should do a lot of their shadow work first, so that when they explore beyond the body, only that which resides on higher vibrations will be met.
Guide: Yes. Like vibrations attract like, so if you wish to have a positive and joyful experience in the astral world, then work on making your vibrations positive and joyful.
Kyglo: Very informative, thank you!
Guide: Anytime.
Entry 1,751 - January 3rd, 2021
Kyglo: So can you now explain the masculine approach to overcoming one’s fear of death?
Guide: Of course. Imagine untangling your headphones wire—that is similar to the process of the masculine approach.
Kyglo: Okay, so the symbolism refers to taking the time and energy to sift through in your mind what is an illusion and what is reality?
Guide: Exactly.
Kyglo: But how do I know which is which?
Guide: Ask yourself this simple question: “Is this according to love or according to fear?”
Kyglo: Oh, because fear is based in illusions!
Guide: Exactly, and love is based in reality.
Kyglo: So is that why a lot of people journal their thoughts, write out their belief systems, and meditate to help sift through the illusions and reality?
Guide: Yes, and so the masculine approach is much more mind-heavy than the feminine approach, which is much more experience-heavy.
Kyglo: So technically you could do both, but it doesn’t hurt starting out with one approach?
Guide: Right. Many will initially feel a gravitation to one over the other, but eventually masculine and feminine approaches will become The Approach.
Kyglo: Oh wow, and anywhere in that mix, the fear of death will eventually be dissolved?
Guide: Indeed it will be.
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