Entry 1,862 - Entry 1,879

Entry 1,862 - December 27th, 2022

On Wednesday, I had a flight from O’Hare to Las Vegas at 4:55 PM, but after multiple delays, we didn’t end up leaving until 8:59 PM. Because of those delays, I wasn’t able to make my connecting flight from Las Vegas to Sacramento.

The gate agent told me the next earliest connecting flight to Sacramento she could put me on was Friday because all the other flights before that were full. However, she ended up printing me a boarding pass for what she said was a full flight the next day, so I ended up staying in Las Vegas for two nights for the wrong flight.

After four hours on the phone waiting for Spirit Airlines to hear me out, they still refused to give me a boarding pass without fees for the actual flight on Friday that she told me I would be on.

They wanted me to pay an extra $99 because the incorrect boarding pass made it seem as if I was a no-show. I refused to pay extra and instead bought a flight with Southwest from Las Vegas to Sacramento, thinking I would have fewer issues.

Turns out they had their own problems too, lmao. We were missing an officer, which ended up causing my flight to get canceled after hours of being delayed. Luckily, I just so happened to be at the front of this massive line trying to get another flight because I had a feeling they wouldn’t find anybody for it. But then I was faced with an issue with no clear-cut good answer.

The lady at the front desk said I could either transfer to another flight for that night, which was also missing an officer, or stay the night in the airport and fly the next morning at 5:40 AM. I chose to risk it and go with the later flight that same night, and they eventually ended up finding an officer for it. Around 10:30 PM, I was finally in the air for Sacramento.

After multiple flight delays, cancellations, and staying in Las Vegas for two nights trying to get on a plane, I finally made it back home to California.

Something that was interesting about this experience was how I experienced it now versus how I would have if I were younger.

I feel as if I now live in a flexible superpositioned state where I can change my perspective from the ego to what I like to call “the Oversoul.”

The Oversoul seems to be the more integrated and expansive aspect of “me,” and it has made it easier to approach life’s challenges from that vantage point than from the feeble and frail ego.

When I do so, there’s a subtle assurance that life will move me in the best possible way if I don’t try to fight it.

Even though this whole slew of situations unnecessarily drained my finances, I still met three very interesting people who had a substantial impact on my life.

I learned more, I grew more, and I saw that I was able to handle what is normally perceived as stressful in a very lighthearted way.

I laughed a lot, whereas in the past, I would’ve definitely been more in the dumps.

Something I’ve learned as I go through peculiar challenges such as these is that with each experience, there’s what happened and then there’s what the ego perceives through a lens of mortality.

Many times the ego will try to make what happened seem “bad,” when in reality, it’s just an experience.

Cycles of ease and challenging times are bound for us all, but how we enter and leave them teaches us much more about ourselves than if we only experienced one or the other.

This was a solid reminder for myself to welcome and embrace all cycles, even if they’re not my ideal preferred experiences.

Entry 1,863 - December 31st, 2022

If Jesus wants to rule the world, he is no better than the Antichrist.

Entry 1,864 - January 4th, 2022

A poem by Paramhansa Yogananda
I want to ply my boat, many times,
Across the gulf-after-death,
And return to earth’s shores
From my home in heaven.
I want to load my boat
With those waiting, thirsty ones
Who are left behind:
And carry them by the opal pool
Of iridescent joy—
Where my Father distributes
His all-desire-quenching liquid peace.
Oh! I will come again and again!
Crossing a million crags of suffering,
With bleeding feet, I will come—
If need be, a trillion times—
As long as I know
One stray brother is left behind.
I want Thee, O God,
That I may give Thee to all!
I want salvation,
That I may give it to all!
Free me, then, O God
From the bondage of the body— That I may show others
How they can free themselves!
I want Thine everlasting happiness, Only that I may share it with others— That I may show all
my brothers
The way to happiness, Forever and forever, in Thee.

—Whispers from Eternity, Paramhansa Yogananda, edited by Swami Kriyananda. See

Entry 1,865

Love is omnipresent; it sees from all perspectives.

Entry 1,866 - January 5th, 2022

Christianity worships the God of the Bible, which was invoked by Abraham in exchange for material wealth and descendants.

Entry 1,867 - January 7th, 2022

Response to a comment:

In regard to the intellect, I agree, but I also think we are more than the body and have the ability to tap into that.

We also have the gut-brain, which communicates with our mind and provides extra information beyond the brain interface.

In physics, many argue that we possess a consciousness that exists beyond our body—one that links our individual consciousness to all consciousness, allowing us to experience and know things beyond our intellect.

If one goes beyond the brain, they can tap into that oneness. This has even been tested by the CIA in multiple studies. People who have gone "beyond the brain" were able to pick up information about where missing people or planes were, even when they were locked in a room.

It’s called remote viewing. Check out Third Eye Spies on Amazon Prime—it’s really cool.


Entry 1,868 - February 9th, 2022

She’s my dark angel,
and I’m fully under her spell.
The way she moves,
the way she talks—
it’s the feast in front of a fox.
The beauty of the phoenix,
that rose from the ashes in all seasons.
There’s no end to her power,
there’s no end to her love.
Something in her pulls me toward her—
it goes beyond her intoxicating beauty.
It reaches into the depths of her divinity,
the allness of her being tapped into fully.
She’s so present it’s beyond paradise—
it is two lives and one mega fine ride.

Entry 1,869 - February 11th, 2021

I’m attracted to the dangerously free,
the spirits who came for huge appointments,
the ones connected to their truth and their mission.
I get the hots for the powerfully adept,
the master wielders of silent magic,
energetically in tune with their Highest Self.
The mighty manifestors,
the untamed movers,
constantly raising vibrations all over with the intention to rise as one.

Entry 1,870

What if belief systems are just possibilities that we play out as our current reality?

Entry 1,871 - March 12th, 2022

You can mold people's behavior by showing what you tolerate.

Entry 1,872 - March 13th, 2022

Duality as a reality is an illusion to swim in.

Picture a room with a box within.

The box has a light switch that can turn a light on, representing life, and off, representing death. But the moment one steps outside of the box and into the room, which is always on (life), they realize they never truly died.

Entry 1,873 - March 17th, 2022

I think if I were to come up with my own hypnotherapy method, it would emphasize this: we are often aware of what is happening to us, but not as often aware of what is happening in us. So I would encourage them to journal about what’s happening.

Entry 1,874

The Oracle: “We can never see past the choices we don’t understand.”

[Architect]: “Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.”

  • Quote from the movie: The Matrix

Entry 1,875 - April 1st, 2022

Most people—I can sense some of their being.
But for some reason, I don’t just see your soul; I feel all of it.

Entry 1,876 - April 3rd, 2022

I want you to know you can feel things you’ve never felt before in your core.

Entry 1,877

“In every conflict a human gains strength; with every conquest he attains to greater heights.” - Aquarian Gospel

Entry 1,878 - April 22nd, 2022

Some people in religion sit around and talk about morals all day. Doesn’t that sound incredibly boring and lifeless? To discuss, day in and day out, what makes someone a good person, or an enlightened person, or how to help someone to be one? Like, come on, we came here to get messy and live! Not to be some boring-ass robot mimicking back a religion.

Entry 1,879 - Quotes from Seth from Jane Roberts

Now, through very intense emotional focus you can create a form, and project it to another person who may then perceive it. This may be done consciously or unconsciously; and that is rather important. This discussion does not concern the so-called astral form, which is something entirely different. The physical body is the materialization of the astral form

I am using your own terms here. By "dead," therefore, I mean completely unfocused in physical reality. Now your consciousness, quite simply, is not physically alive, physically oriented, for exactly the same amount of time as it is physically alive and oriented. This may sound confusing, but hopefully we shall make it clearer. There are pulsations of consciousness, though again you may not be aware of them.

There are various levels of consciousness and within each level our consciousness varies in its ability to sustain its present awareness. We as entities, as souls, explore differing levels of intensity in regards to consciousness. We are more than consciousness/awareness.

Remember this is an analogy, so that the word "instant" should not be taken too literally. There is, then, what we can call an underside of consciousness. Now, in the same way, atoms and molecules exist so that they are "dead," or inactive within your system, then alive or active, but you cannot perceive the instant in which they do not exist. Since your bodies and your entire physical universe are composed of atoms and molecules, then I am telling you that the entire structure exists in the same manner. It flickers off and on, in other words, and in a certain rhythm, as, say, the rhythm of breath.

There are overall rhythms, and within them an infinity of individual variations - almost like cosmic metabolism. In these terms, what you call death is simply the insertion of a longer duration of that pulsation of which you are not aware, a long pause in that other dimension, so to speak. “

Being dead is just being completely focused in another dimension. It’s when our consciousness focuses on the other dimension we blink in and out of all the time throughout the day and we focus more of our attention on at night time. It’s the expanded version of our wake scene.

Your life is your own personal experience- perspective, and when at death you take it out of the mass physical time context, then you can experience it in many ways. Events and objects are not absolute, remember, but plastic. Events can be changed both before and after their occurrence. They are never stable or permanent, even though within the context of three-dimensional reality they may appear so.

They are in themselves quite harmless. Only your interpretation of their actions can cause difficulties. Now in the middle of life, of life conditions, you also appear on occasion as ghosts in other levels of reality, where your “pseudoappearance” causes some comment and is the ground for many myths — and you are not even aware of this.

Now I am speaking generally. Again, there are exceptions where memory is retained, but as a rule ghosts and apparitions are not any more aware of their effect upon others than you are when you appear quite unconsciously as ghosts in worlds that would be quite strange to you.
(The combination of) thought, emotion, and desire creates form, possesses energy, (and) is made of energy. It will show itself in as many ways as possible. You only recognize the physical materializations, but as mentioned earlier in this book, you send pseudoforms of yourself out from yourself of which you are not aware; and this is completely aside from the existence of astral travel or projection, which is a much more complicated affair.”

Ideas of good, better, best can lead you astray, for example. You are learning to be as completely as possible. In one way you are learning to create yourselves. In so doing during the reincarnational cycle, you are focusing your main abilities in physical life, developing human qualities and characteristics, opening new dimensions of activity. This does not mean that good does not exist, or that in your terms you do not “progress,” but your concepts of good and progression are extremely distorted.

A belief in heaven or hell, under certain conditions, can be equally disadvantageous. Some will refuse to accept the idea of further work, development, and challenge, believing instead that conventional heaven situations are the only possibility. For some time they may indeed inhabit such an environment, until they learn through their own experience that existence demands development, and that such a heaven would be sterile, boring, and indeed “deadly.”

A belief in heaven that is not an obsessional belief can be used as a useful framework, as a basis of operation in which an individual will often accept easily then, the new explanations that will be offered."

A belief in demons is highly disadvantageous after death, as it is during physical existence. A systematized theology of opposites is also detrimental. If you believe, for example, that all good must be balanced by evil, then you bind yourself into a system of reality that is highly limiting, and that contains within it the seeds of great torment.”

In such a system, even good becomes suspect, because an equal evil is seen to follow it. The god-versus-devil, angels-versus-demons — the gulf between animals and angels — all of these distortions are impediments. In your system of reality now you set up great contrasts and opposing factors. These operate as root assumptions within your reality.

They are extremely superficial and largely the result of misused intellectual abilities. The intellect alone cannot understand what the intuitions most certainly know. In trying to make sense in its terms of physical existence, the intellect has set up these opposing factors. The intellect says, “If there is good, there must be evil,” for it wants things explained in neat parcels. If there is an up, there must be a down. There must be balance. The inner self, however, realizes that in much larger terms, evil is simply ignorance, that “up” and “down” are neat terms applied to space which knows no such directions."

A strong belief in such opposing forces is highly detrimental, however, for it prevents an understanding of the facts — the facts of inner unity and of oneness, of interconnections and of cooperation. A belief, therefore, an obsessional belief in such opposing factors, is perhaps the most detrimental element, not only after death but during any existence.”

There are some individuals who have never experienced during physical life that sense of harmony and oneness in which such opposing factors merge. Such individuals have many stages to go through following transition, and usually many other physical lives “ahead” of them.”

It may outrage your intellect, and the evidence of your physical senses may shout that it is untrue, yet a belief in good without a belief in evil is actually highly realistic, since in physical life it will keep your body healthier, keep you psychologically free of many fears and mental difficulties, and bring you a feeling of ease and spontaneity in which the development of your abilities can be better fulfilled. After death it will release you from the belief in demons and hell, and enforced punishment.

The experiment that would transform your world would operate upon the basic idea that you create your own reality according to the nature of your beliefs, and that all existence was blessed, and that evil did not exist in it. If these ideas were followed individually and collectively, then the evidence of your physical senses would find no contradiction. They would perceive the world and existence as good.”

If you form a guilt in your mind, then it is a reality for you, and you must work it out. But many of you form guilts for which there is no adequate cause, and you saddle yourselves with these guilts without reason. In your dimension of activity there appear to be a wild assortment of evils. Let me tell you that he who hates an evil merely creates another one.”

I spoke earlier of rigid concepts of right and wrong. There is only one way to avoid this problem. Only true compassion and love will lead to an understanding of the nature of good, and only these qualities will serve to annihilate the erroneous and distortive concepts of evil.”

The simple fact is that as long as you believe in the concept of evil, it is a reality in your system, and you will always find it manifested. Your belief in it will, therefore, seem highly justified. If you carry this concept through succeeding generations, through reincarnations, then you add to its reality.”

First of all, love always involves freedom. If a man says he loves you and yet denies you your freedom, then you often hate him. Yet because of his words you do not feel justified in the emotion. This sort of emotional tangle itself can lead to continued entanglements through various lives.

If you hate evil, then beware of your conception of the word. Hate is restrictive. It narrows down your perception. It is indeed a dark glass that shadows all of your experience. You will find more and more to hate, and bring the hated elements into your own experience.”

If you expand your sense of love, of health, and existence, then you are drawn in this life and in others toward those qualities; again, because they are those upon which you concentrate. A generation that hates war (Jane looked at Carl) will not bring peace. A generation that loves peace will bring peace.

Now I am emphasizing the issue of hate in this chapter on reincarnation because its results can be so disastrous. A man who hates always believes himself justified. He never hates anything that he believes to be good. He thinks he is being just, therefore, in his hatred, but the hatred itself forms a very strong claim that will follow him throughout his lives, until he learns that only the hatred itself is the destroyer.”

I would like to make it clear that there is nothing to be gained, either, by hating hatred. You fall into the same trap.
What is needed is a basic trust in the nature of vitality, and faith that all elements of experience are used for a greater good, whether or not you can perceive the way in which “evil” is transmuted into creativity. What you love will also be a part of your experience in this life and others.

In each life you are meant to check the exterior environment in order to learn your inner condition. The outer is a reflection of the inner.

You are meant to understand the nature of your inner self, and to manifest it outward. As this is done, the exterior circumstances should change for the better as the inner self becomes more aware of its own nature and capabilities.

When you get to the point that you realize you are forming your day-to-day existence and the life that you know, then you can begin to alter your own mental and psychic patterns, and therefore change your daily environment.

This realization, however, should go hand in hand with a deep intuitional knowledge of the capabilities of the inner self. These two factors together can release you from any difficulties that have arisen in past lives. The entire structure of your existence will begin to change with these realizations, and an acceleration of spiritual and psychic growth will develop.

Knowing your reincarnational background, but not knowing the true nature of your present self, is useless. You cannot justify or rationalize present circumstances by saying, “This is because of something I did in a past life,” for within yourself now is the ability to change negative influences. You may have brought negative influences into your life for a given reason, but the reason always has to do with understanding, and understanding removes those influences.

In a reality that is inconceivably multidimensional, the old concepts of God are relatively meaningless. Even the term, a supreme being, is in itself distortive, for you naturally project the qualities of human nature upon it. If I told you that God was an idea, you would not understand what I meant, for you do not understand the dimensions in which an idea has its reality, or the energy that it can originate and propel. You do not believe in ideas in the same way that you believe in physical objects, so if I tell you that God is an idea, you will misinterpret this to mean that God is less than real — nebulous, without reality, without purpose, and without motive action.”

Now your own physical image is the materialization of your idea of yourself within the properties of matter. Without the idea of yourself, your physical image would not be; yet often it is all you are aware of. The initial power and energy of that idea of yourself keeps your image alive. Ideas, then, are far more important than you realize. If you will try to accept the idea that your own existence is multidimensional, that you dwell within the medium of infinite probabilities, then you may catch a slight glimpse of the reality that is behind the word “god,” and you may understand why it is almost impossible to capture a true understanding of that concept in words.”

God can only be experienced, and you experience him whether or not you realize it, through your own existence. He is not male or female, however, and I use the terms only for convenience’s sake. In the most inescapable truth, he is not human in your terms at all, nor in your terms is he a personality. Your ideas of personality are too limited to contain the multitudinous facets of his multidimensional existence.”

All personal contact with the multidimensional God, all legitimate moments of mystic consciousness, will always have a unifying effect. They will not, therefore, isolate the individual involved, but instead will enlarge his perceptions until he will experience the reality and uniqueness of as many other aspects of reality of which he is capable.

He will feel, therefore, less isolated and less set apart. He will not regard himself as being above others because of the experience. On the contrary he will be swept along in a gestalt of comprehension in which he realizes his own oneness with All That Is.

The soul can be described for that matter, as a multidimensional, infinite act, each minute probability being brought somewhere into actuality and existence; an infinite creative act that creates for itself infinite dimensions in which fulfillment is possible.
The tapestry of your own existence is simply such that the three-dimensional intellect cannot behold it. These probable selves, however, are a portion of your identity or soul, and if you are out of contact with them it is only because you focus upon physical events and accept them as the criteria for reality.

In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds.

The past existed in multitudinous ways. You only experienced one probable past. By changing this past in your mind, now, in your present, you can change not only its nature but its effect, and not only upon yourself but upon others.

Pretend a particular event happened that greatly disturbed you. In your mind imagine it not simply wiped out, but replaced by another event of more beneficial nature. Now this must be done with great vividness and emotional validity, and many times. It is not a self-deception. The event that you choose will automatically be a probable event, which did in fact happen, though it is not the event you chose to perceive in your given probable past.”


As I have said frequently, time as you think of it does not exist, yet in your terms, time’s true nature could be understood if the basic nature of the atom was ever made known to you. In one way, an atom could be compared to a microsecond.
It seems as if an atom “exists” steadily for a certain amount of time. Instead it phases in and out, so to speak. It fluctuates in a highly predictable pattern and rhythm. It can be perceived within your system only at certain points in this fluctuation, so it seems to scientists that the atom is steadily present. They are not aware of any gaps of absence as far as the atom is concerned.

In those periods of nonphysical projection, the off periods of fluctuation, the atoms “appear” in another system of reality. In that system they are perceived in what are “on” points of fluctuation, and in that system also then the atoms (seem to) appear steadily. There are many such points of fluctuation, but your system of course is not aware of them, nor of the ultimate actions, universes, and systems that exist within them.”

The inner reality of the message was told in terms that man at the time could understand, in line with his root assumptions. Development unfolds in all directions. The soul is not ascending a series of stairs, each one representing a new and higher point of development.

Instead, the soul stands at the center of itself, exploring, extending its capacities in all directions at once, involved in issues of creativity, each one highly legitimate. The probable system of reality opens up the nature of the soul to you. It should change current religion’s ideas considerably. For this reason, the nature of good and evil is a highly important point.”

On the one hand, quite simply and in a way that you cannot presently understand, evil does not exist. However, you are obviously confronted with what seem to be quite evil effects. Now it has been said often that there is a god, so there must be a devil — or if there is good, there must be evil. This is like saying that because an apple has a top, it must have a bottom — but without any understanding of the fact that both are a portion of the apple. (Pause; one of many.)

We go back to our fundamentals: You create reality through your feelings, thoughts, and mental actions. Some of these are physically materialized, others are actualized in probable systems. You are presented with an endless series of choices, it seems, at any point, some more or less favorable than others.

Now those who have such beliefs actually lack a necessary deep trust in the nature of consciousness, of the soul, and of All That Is. They concentrate upon not what they think of as the power of good, but fearfully upon what they think of as the power of evil.
(9:40.) The hallucination is created, therefore, out of fear and of restriction. The devil idea is merely the mass projection of certain fears — mass in that it is produced by many people, but also limited in that there have always been those who rejected this principle.”

The Speakers help you in the formation of dreams which are indeed multidimensional artistic productions of a kind — dreams existing in more than one reality, with effects that dissect various stages of consciousness that are real, in your terms, to both the living and the dead and in which both the living and the dead may participate. It is for this reason that inspirations and revelations are so often a part of the dream condition.”

Consciousness at different levels or stages perceives different kinds of events. In order to perceive some of these you have only to learn to change the focus of your attention from one level to another. There are minute chemical and electromagnetic alterations that accompany these stages of consciousness, and certain physical changes within the body itself in hormone production and pineal activity.

Probable realities are only probable to you because you are not aware of them.”

You can direct the healing of your body, telling yourself that this will be accomplished by you at one of the other levels of sleep consciousness, and you may ask for the aid of a Speaker to give you any necessary psychological guidance that is needed to maintain health. If you have particular conscious goals and if you are reasonably certain that they are beneficial ones, then you can suggest dreams in which they occur, for the dreams themselves will hasten their physical reality.”

Now unconsciously you do many of these things. You often go back in time, so to speak, and “relive” a particular event so that it has a different ending, or say things that you wish you had said. A knowledge of one state of consciousness can help you in other states. In a light trance the meaning of dream symbols will be given if you ask for them. The symbols may then be used as methods of suggestion that will be tailored for you personally. If you discover, say, that a fountain in a dream represents refreshment, then when you are tired or depressed, think of a fountain. In another layer of reality, of course, you will be creating one.

All symbols stand for inner realities, therefore, and when you juggle symbols, you are juggling inner realities. Any exterior move that you make is made within the interior environment, within all the interior environments with which you are involved.
Symbols are highly charged psychic particles and that includes physical objects that have strong characteristics of attraction and expansion, that stand for inner realizations and realities that have not been perceived through direct knowing. (By direct knowing here, I mean instant cognition and comprehension, without symbolization.)”

You operate as if your thoughts were secret, though you should know by now that they are not. Not only are your thoughts apparent through telepathic communications, for example, but without your conscious awareness they also form what you may call pseudo-images “beneath” the range of physical matter as you normally perceive it in some cases, or “above” this same range.

Feelings can be examined in the same way. They will appear differently, with much greater mobility. Thoughts, for example, may appear as stationary structures, as flowers or trees, houses or landscapes. Feelings will appear more often in the changing mobility of water, wind, weather, skies and changing color. Any physical ailment, then, can be perceived in this state by looking inward into the body and discovering it; then by changing what you see you may find yourself entering your body or another’s as a very small miniature, or as a point of light, or simply without any substance, yet aware of the inner body environment.”

You may perceive the thought patterns as quickly flashing sentences or words that are usually seen within your mind or within the other mind, or as black letters that form words. Or you may hear the words and thoughts being expressed, or you may see the earlier mentioned “landscape” in which the thoughts symbolically form into a picture.

You make the decision. You then become aware in whatever way you choose of the physical effects within your body. You enter the body as you did in the way I gave earlier for healing. With great sensitivity you are able to see what physical effect the decision will have — whether the state of the body remains the same, whether there is a great sense of health within it, or the incipient beginning of great difficulties.”

In like manner you explore the mental and feeling aspects, then you turn your attention “outward,” toward the environment that results from this alternate present. Mentally, events will appear to you. You may experience these strongly, or merely view them. They may become so vivid that you momentarily forget yourself, but if you maintain your contact with this level of consciousness, this will happen seldom. As a rule you are very aware of what you are doing.

According to the situation, you can do the same thing to find out the effect of this decision on others specifically. You then return to normal consciousness, going through the A-l state that you used as a preliminary. After a period of rest, return and make the second decision, and again the third, following through in the same manner. Then in your normal state of consciousness, of course, you make the decision that you want from the information and experience that you have received.”

It has some energy of its own, but needs additional energy from a perceiver for any interrelationship to take place. If such a materialization appears threatening, then simply wish it peace and withdraw your attention from it. It draws its main activating energy from your focusing, and according to the intensity and nature of your focus. You must not take the root assumptions of physical existence with you as you journey through these levels of consciousness. Divest yourself of as many of them as possible, for they can cause you to misinterpret your experiences. (Pause.)”

When you are proficient you will not be swept willy-nilly into other stages of consciousness as you sleep, but will be able to understand and direct these activities. Consciousness is an attribute of the soul, a tool that can be turned in many directions. You are not your consciousness. It is something that belongs to you and to the soul. You are learning to use it. To the extent that you understand and utilize the various aspects of consciousness, you will learn to understand your own reality, and the conscious self will truly become conscious.”

Some of the events that I see connected very clearly with these persons in the future may not, in your physical system, occur. They exist as probabilities, as potentials, actualized in thoughts but not turned into definite physical form. I told you that no events were predetermined. I would have to tune into a future date, in your terms, and probe it with all of its ramifications in order to ascertain which of the probable actions I saw in your earlier would be actualized in your later.”

All That Is is a source of infinite and unending simultaneous action. Everything happens at once, and yet there is no beginning and end to it in your terms, so it is not completed in your terms at any given point.”

Your idea of development and growth, again, implies a one-line march toward perfection, so it would be difficult for you to imagine the kind of order that pervades. Ultimately a completed or finished God, or All That Is, would end up smothering His creation. For perfection presupposes that point beyond which development is impossible, and creativity at an end.
There would be an order in which only predestination could rule, each part fitting in with a particular order without freedom to change the pattern given it. There is order, but within this order there is freedom — the freedom of creativity, that characteristic of All That Is, that guarantees its infinite becoming.

All That Is is inexhaustible. Infinity rests within simultaneous action, in a way that you cannot presently understand.

All That Is is alive within the least of itself, aware within for example the molecule. It endows all of its parts — or its creations — with its own abilities that then act as inspiration, impetus, guiding lines and principles, by which these parts then seek to further create themselves, their own worlds and systems. This is freely given.”

Illness and suffering are not thrust upon you by God, or by All That Is, or by an outside agency. They are by-products of the learning process, created by you, in themselves quite neutral. On the other hand, your existence itself, the reality and nature of your planet, the whole existence in which you have these experiences, are also created by you, using the abilities of which I have spoken.

Illness and suffering are the results of the misdirection of creative energy. They are a part of the creative force, however. They do not come from a different source than, say, health and vitality. Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.”

Within that framework, it is possible to have sane and healthy minds within healthy bodies, to have a sane planet. The release and use of creative energy expended simply to maintain your planet and your existence, is impossible to conceive of. The great amount of energy available to you gives you great leeway in its use.

Basically, however, no system is closed. Energy flows freely from one to another, or rather permeates each. It is only the camouflage structure that gives the impression of closed systems, and the law of inertia does not apply. It appears to be a reality only within your own framework and because of your limited focus.”

Religion per se, however, is always the external facade of inner reality. The primary spiritual existence alone gives meaning to the physical one.”

Exterior religious dramas are important and valuable only to the extent that they faithfully reflect the nature of inner, private spiritual existence. To the extent that a man feels that his religion expresses such inner experience, he will feel it valid. Most religions per se, however, set up as permissible certain groups of experiences while denying others. They limit themselves by applying the principles of the sacredness of life only to your own species, and often to highly limited groups within it.”

In these continuous exterior religious dramas, the Hebrews played a strange role. Their idea of one god was not new to them. Many ancient religions held the belief of one god above all others. This god above all others was a far more lenient god, however, than the one the Hebrews followed.

The early Hebrew god became a symbol of man’s unleashed ego. God behaved exactly as an enraged child would, had he those powers, sending thunder and lightning and fire against his enemies, destroying them. Man’s emerging ego therefore brought forth emotional and psychological problems and challenges. The sense of separation from nature grew. Nature became a tool to use against others.”

Sometime before the emergence of the Hebrew god these tendencies were apparent. In many ancient, now-forgotten tribal religions, recourse was also made to the gods to turn nature against the enemy. Before this time, however, man felt a part of nature, not separated from it. It was regarded as an extension of his being, as he felt an extension of its reality. One cannot use oneself as a weapon against oneself in those terms. (Pause.)”

Perception of the exterior universe then changed, however, and it seemed to be alien and apart from the individual who perceived it.
(10:24.) God, therefore, became an idea projected outward, independent of the individual, divorced from nature. He became the reflection of man’s emerging ego, with all of its brilliance, savagery, power, and intent for mastery.”

All That Is, in other words, represents the reality from which all of us spring. (Pause, one of several.) All That Is, by its nature, transcends all dimensions of activity, consciousness, or reality, while being a part of each.”

The open concept of All That Is, however, frees you to a great extent from your own projections, and allows a more valid contact with the spirit that is behind the reality that you know.”

The effect of opposites results, then, from a lack of perception. Since you must operate within the world as you perceive it, then the opposites will appear to be conditions of existence. These elements have been isolated for a certain reason, however. You are being taught, and you are teaching yourselves to handle energy, to become conscious cocreators with All That Is, and one of the “stages of development” or learning processes includes dealing with opposites as realities.”

In your terms, the ideas of good and evil help you recognize the sacredness of existence, the responsibility of consciousness. The ideas of opposites also are necessary guide lines for the developing ego. The inner self knows quite well the unity that exists.”

This is the dilemma of the ego, particularly in its early states. It looks outward for answers because this is its nature: to manipulate within physical reality. It also senses, however, a deep and abiding connection that it does not understand, with other portions of the self that are not under its domain. It is also aware that this inner self possesses knowledge upon which its own existence is based.
As it grows, in your terms, it looks outward for confirmation of this inner knowledge. The inner self upholds the ego with its support. It forms its truths into physically oriented data with which the ego can deal. It then projects these outward into the area of physical reality. Seeing these truths thus materialized, the ego then finds it easier to accept them.”

You are not fated to dissolve into All That Is. The aspects of your personality as you presently understand them will be retained. All That Is is the creator of individuality, not the means of its destruction.

Personality changes whether it is within a body or outside of it, so you will change after death as you change before it. In those terms, it is ridiculous to insist upon remaining as you are now, after death. It is the same as a child saying: “I am going to grow up, but I am never going to change the ideas that I have now.” The multidimensional qualities of the psyche allow it to experience an endless realm of dimensions. Experience in one dimension in no way negates existence in another.

You will not find yourself by running from teacher to teacher, from book to book. You will not meet yourself through following any particular specialized method of meditation. Only by looking quietly within the self that you know can your own reality be experienced, with those connections that exist between the present or immediate self and the inner identity that is multidimensional.

There must be a willingness, an acquiescence, a desire. If you do not take the time to examine your own subjective states, then you cannot complain if so many answers seem to elude you. You cannot throw the burden of proof upon another, or expect a man or teacher to prove to you the validity of your own existence. Such a procedure is bound to lead you into one subjective trap after another.”





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