Entry 1,947 - Entry 1,968

Entry 1,947 - August 31st, 2023

Sin is a belief in limitation. Essentially, sin is the belief in separation.

Entry 1,948 - August 31st, 2023

I share this as good news: I don’t believe that the true Creator has murder on His Mind. We can rise above the legends and find that the Creator truly is love.

Entry 1,949 - September 1st, 2023

I believe any form of murder is not from the true Creator, including blood rituals and sacrifices.

Ultimately, if one traces history, blood rituals originated from paganism. Many Jews who followed the true Creator did not kill innocent humans or animals to appease an angry war god. So, when Jesus stands against murder, I stand with Him.

Entry 1,950 - September 2nd, 2023

In the past, I used to get scared if I said something that I didn’t want to happen because I thought if I said it, it would automatically happen. But the reality is, when you say something from a place of ego, it stops at a place from the ego.

If you know yourself as the I Am, you know that you are more than your unconscious habits. You are more than your affirmations. You are more than your self-monitoring criticism or strange ideas. None of that can override the I Am.

So, don’t be worried when you memorize the script because it’s at the level of ego, not at the level of your infinite, limitless self.

Entry 1,951 - September 2nd, 2023

I tricked my ego into thinking Nirvana would make it the best in the world, when in reality, Nirvana would dissolve its power over me and subjugate it to the One Perfect Life.

Entry 1,952 - September 2nd, 2023

While I was walking to the gym, I thought, how funny is it that in Eastern religions, they teach that if you still have unfulfilled desires, you need to come back to Earth? They forget that there are an infinite number of us exploring us.

We extend in all directions for infinity. There is no end to what we can explore in one life because we can extend in such a way. We are infinite because we are the I Am. If this particular version of us does not experience it, you can definitely bet that there is another version of us exploring that career.

Maybe we don’t see it fully, but when we die, we will have that knowledge added to us. We will be able to see it fully because we will once again be reunited with all of our many versions that went out and explored the many dimensions of experience.

Entry 1,953 - September 4th, 2023

Long Living Hacks

  • No toxins (alcohol).
  • No smoking of any kind (cigars, cigarettes, blunts, etc.).
  • No drugs of any kind (even those touted by the new age group to make people “enlightened”).
    I have known people who have taken LSD, and it split their personality into multiples. Now they deal with multiple personality disorder. IT’S NOT WORTH IT.
  • However many hours of sleep your body needs every day. No compromise.
  • Lots of water.
  • No meat.
  • Exercise every day.

Entry 1,954 - September 6th, 2023

Acting taught me not to be afraid to be in my body, to feel hard emotions, and to deal with hard moments.

Entry 1,955 - September 7th, 2023

Based on my experience, A Course in Miracles is more of an "end book" than a "process book." It teaches people to disassociate from what’s happening right now and to see it as an illusion in order to perceive something better that isn’t necessarily visible to the eyes, but is with the spirit. While this is advantageous, it’s not necessarily realistic in the moment. Realistically, evolution takes steps.

We came here first to experience our emotional bodies. To bypass our emotional bodies and skip that step by disassociating does not serve the same purpose. Plus, we won’t be able to have so many useful catalysts that other evolved beings who don’t have emotional bodies, like ours, lack.

The emotional body is a gift because it allows us to experience strengthened catalysts in the moment. So, trying to skip all the steps and go straight to the end, disassociating, isn’t necessarily the best approach. I think we should appreciate the experience before us, not try to disassociate from it.

This realization came to me after I had a conflict with someone. I realized that after doing A Course in Miracles for a while, I was very disassociated from my emotional body. When I felt my emotions again, it was kind of a shock.

I felt like they were so foreign that it was uncomfortable. I wasn’t initially willing to accept them, and it made me feel awkward. But I believe there is more power in accepting and loving your emotions than in disassociating and pretending they’re not there.

Entry 1,956 - September 7th, 2023

You can’t change how people think about you, but you can change how you think about yourself.

Entry 1,957 - September 8th, 2023

I get shocked when I look up at the sky because all I see is myself.

Entry 1,958 - September 9th, 2023

When Dolores Cannon says, “You’ll just keep learning the same lessons until you learn how to deal with them,” I don’t think that’s entirely accurate to what I have experienced.

I think that realistically, we experience life as it is, and we’re always going to have moments of inferiority, moments of superiority, moments of jealousy, and moments of insecurity. In reality, we come in with trauma, and trauma shapes our experience. Without trauma—and just life—there would be no contrast. The trauma is just as important as the healing because it gives us the human experience, and allows us to empathize with others.

Saying that only one is valid, and the other is not is unfaithful to the experience we came to have. We came to experience everything.

I don’t believe it’s a case of, “Once you stop seeing yourself as superior, you’ll never have to go through it again,” because that would rob that person of experiencing the balance between the two. Life gives us everything, and everything is part of life.

Entry 1,959 - September 9th, 2023

Spirituality is weak where acting is strong.

Acting is truly the art of living.
Spirituality often bypasses this present moment for something that isn’t really there.
It bypasses people’s emotions,
their emotions,
other people’s emotions.

It is a pseudo-pill for something that claims to exist but misses the point. The point of the moment is what is there in front of us.

Entry 1,960 - September 10th, 2023

Maybe perfection isn’t the goal.
Maybe acceptance of our light and dark is the goal—acceptance of all that we are.

Entry 1,961 - September 10th, 2023

There are three main ways to deal with emotions:

  1. Genuinely have them and then repress them into the body
    This keeps the body anchored in the past. It no longer functions as a neutral mechanism for experience. Instead, it becomes bogged down by past traumas, creating unnecessary pains, sicknesses, and bodily issues.

  2. Genuinely have them but learn to disassociate from them
    This leads to temporary detachment from the emotional body, which is resistance to the present moment. The reality is that we all have a strong emotional body in this life, and we are living in it for a particular experience. When we try to float above or disassociate from our emotions, we aren’t honoring the present experience—we’re trying to flee from it, which is a form of fear. It also carries a touch of a superiority complex, as we might think we are “higher” than others for not displaying hurtful emotions. However, in doing so, we still hurt ourselves, which in turn hurts others in different ways.

  3. Genuinely have them, accept them for what they are, surrender to what they are, love them for what they are, and then genuinely release them
    Allowing oneself to truly feel the emotions that come up leads to release through love is how we rapidly evolve. It doesn't mean we have to project them onto others, but rather let them be brought up into the present moment to find the treasures they hold. When we do this, we not only heal years of trauma from emotions imprisoned in our body, but also prevent trauma from being lodged in our body and from causing more problems.

Entry 1,962 - September 10th, 2023

The goal of earthly life is not to become perfect but to accept oneself as both perfect and imperfect, filled with intense light and intense darkness.

Not to run away from the dark, but to embrace it, laugh with it, and love it as it is.

We are dense beings filled with both healing and trauma—both experiences packed with extreme amounts of evolution and learning. But even evolution and learning are not the goals of this time on earth.

Love is.

Finding love in the light and even in the dark.
In the parts of us we abandoned.
In the parts of us we hate.
In the parts of others we despise.
In the moments we feel distraught and afraid to move forward.

This is the meaning of our earthly life.

Entry 1,963 - September 11th, 2023

I have poked holes in the veil of remembrance, but I have not removed it.
Removing it would take away all the many exciting experiences I could have.

Entry 1,964 - September 11th, 2023

Vulnerability is power. You know why? Because you’re showing that you’re not afraid to reveal certain parts of yourself. You freely express all of who you are, and that’s powerful. That makes you dangerous because other people cannot win over someone who isn’t insecure about who they are.

Entry 1,965 - September 11th, 2023

I always see this new age stuff where people say, “Everyone is either a lesson or a reflection of who you are.”

Why not stop trying to demystify the complexity of people and just let them be who they are? Why do we have to constrict them to what they are to us? That’s so limiting, and it creates a worldview that puts us at the center.

What if them simply being who they are in their entirety is enough? What if we stopped there—stopped trying to make other people’s actions about us—and just let them be as they are, from where they are? Not everything has to be explained away.

It’s quite annoying to cap a person to a reason why they’re in our lives when they simply are in our lives. Let them be themselves in their entirety. The world does not revolve around one ego.

Entry 1,966 - September 12th, 2023

The real demon that Christians are afraid of is fundamental mainstream Christianity—the type of Christianity that flirts with evil in the dark but speaks against it in the light.

That version of Christianity serves the highest evil order.

Entry 1,967 - September 12th, 2023

You flirt with the unknown, but eventually, you choose. You always choose.

How twisted does a version of religion have to be to paint repressed emotions as legions of demons?

Entry 1,968 - September 12th, 2023

I laugh when I hear how a supposed self-realized master took on the karma of one of their followers. If they simply taught their followers how to accept, love, and release their repressed emotions, they wouldn’t have to play this weird "transfer the repressed emotions into my body" game.

It reminds me of a bad game of hot potato, where the hot potato wants to get out, but people just keep tossing it from one body to another. But here’s the issue—it still gets unresolved. The reason why the supposedly self-realized master took on someone’s karma and had it afflict their body physically, rather than deal with it, is because they don’t know how to. Otherwise it would be dealt with the instant that self-realized master brought it into the present moment.

So much for being a self-realized soul.

What’s the point of knowing you’re one with the Self if you don’t even know how that translates into one’s everyday lifestyle? I think that’s where the phrase "actions speak louder than words" comes from. One can claim to be anything, but if their actions say differently, it becomes obvious to the public eventually.

A true self-realized soul knows how to respect, feel, and release repressed emotions from the body. Only those in religions that denounce the body, encourage dissociation, and look down on emotions don’t know how to do it—because they don’t spend time trying to.

They hate linear time and constantly try to escape into the non-linear. They think they conquer life by suffering less, but really, they only conquer their ability to self-dissociate for a limited amount of time before plopping back into their limited body, which they have absolutely no idea how to control.

The only times they do know how to control it are when they are dissociated, which makes them no different than the alcoholic who dissociates, the drug addict who dissociates, or anyone else.

Fun fact: It’s really easy not to suffer when one is dissociating. It’s not that special.

Some people have gotten so good at it through their religious fervor that they can get very far away from their bodies, making it seem like suffering is nothing. But nonetheless, eventually, they will have to return to the body and confront any repressed emotions they haven’t dealt with—or the supposed repressed emotions of their followers.


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