Entry 1,855 - Entry 1,861

Entry 1,855 - November 10th, 2022

I’m in a villain era, and I’m lovin' it.

By villain, I mean learning from the archetypal villains throughout the ages—putting myself first and not feeling bad about it (minus hurting people).

Entry 1,856 - November 12th, 2022

Right-hand personality types: You don’t believe in something higher than yourselves, and that is your downfall.

Left-hand personality types: No, we do—we just don’t call it God or use your concepts to explain it. To many of us, it’s better left unexplained than limited by concepts that were invented to try to make us feel better about the unknown. But if you are begging for a concept (as many right-hand personality types do), I would say it’s us that is higher and us that is lower, and we don’t need to believe to know that it is. We are all one, experiencing a unique holographic reality “supposedly” limited within a particular space-time continuum. I say "supposedly" because there are those of us who know how to experience the inverse of the space-time continuum and go beyond our bodies when we want to.

Entry 1,857 - November 13th, 2022

Did you know that the Christian Church paid over 4 billion dollars in sexual abuse claims? Now imagine Jesus’ reaction to that. o_O

Entry 1,858 - November 18th, 2022

The ego is like a computer system that grounds us in our current physical reality.

There are some egos that operate like old 2001 computer systems, even though it’s currently 2022. They rely on the 0/1 bit system to process information, which puts them in a predicament of the past. They might be able to synthesize and process a small amount of information, but too much can overwhelm their system. They might be able to open a few windows on Safari at a time, but too many could freeze their system. They might be able to handle only one particular belief system about why we are here and explore all of its minor branches of thought in the form of doctrines, but they cannot go beyond the boundaries of that belief system because their ego is hardcoded from 2001.

With this underdeveloped and outdated ego stuck in the past, it’s “us vs. them” constantly. There’s a constant impending threat that lives outside of them and beyond them. This threat is so powerful, it’s seen as a direct and threatening enemy not only of themselves but of God, further deifying and increasing the power of this threat in their life. For it’s one thing for a threat to be their enemy, but to believe God has an enemy is to openly admit that He is experiencing a form of division much more intense, deeper, and dangerous than they are. The fact that they believe God has enemies at all results from their inability to see beyond the 0’s and 1’s, the black and the white. They project their idea of themselves having enemies onto God in the supernatural realm, and they can only handle that one point of view or belief system, which causes immense turmoil.

They see themselves as apart from nature, which carries its own issues. Their limited view of being apart from nature is held in place by limitation and division. An example of this is when nature creates storms; they might think it was the “chaos of random acts of nature” or “God punishing them.” They either cannot or refuse to think beyond their one-sided belief system, which trickles into every part of their life where a belief may exist. This creates unnecessary assumptions that do not need to be made, which, once again, produces more unnecessary turmoil in their life. The ego that operates like an old 2001 computer system is a difficult ego with which to perceive reality.

Then there are some egos that operate like brand new quantum computers. They not only can process 0’s and 1’s, but they can process them at the same time because the actual hardware reads organic bits based on the organic nature of the quantum computer. They don’t rely on outdated gates to process each bit; instead, they take full advantage of the organic nature of a qubit to read two of them simultaneously. This allows them to process information at an extremely fast rate.

They are not only able to process quicker, but they are faster at synthesizing information, analyzing, grouping, differentiating, and creating connections. While the 2001 computer system was only able to handle one belief system about why we are here, the egos that operate like quantum computers are able to handle a multitudinous amount of belief systems and still not get overwhelmed. Since they can understand conceptually, intellectually, and intuitively the nature of belief systems, they understand that the actual weight of belief systems in life is similar to clothes. Beliefs are temporal; they are used to spice up physical reality, and they can be “worn” and “taken off” by the observer whenever the observer deems it fit to do so.

This sort of ego is not only aware of the inner self that grabs from all probabilities that are awaiting emergence like the bubbles on the bottom of a pot when the water is heated, but it is in constant communication with which probable realities it actively desires to choose. Because of that, there are fewer feelings of “the universe is going against my desires” and more of “I’m playing hide and seek as the universe while I’m here.” There is less separation and turmoil and more unification and happiness. When you know you are the computer, the computed, and so much more than both, that’s when it truly feels like a game with no strings attached.

Say you were to die in one universe, but you had the desire to keep living and exploring. They would have their consciousness jump to another probable self and live on until they deem fit. They would have full assurance that they will because they know deep down that they can find a way because it’s their dream, and therefore it’s their choice to do so or not.

Entry 1,859 - December 5th, 2022

Maybe your outer environment is an extension of yourself, not a reflection.

A reflection denotes sameness, but an extension allows one to see the multidimensional aspect expressed throughout the environment.

Entry 1,860 - December 8th 2022

Weird stuff always happens to my body after I watch Everything Everywhere All at Once.

It feels like I receive a burst of energy rising up from my feet.

While I was napping, I saw all these different images moving so quickly I couldn’t keep count. I don’t know if I’ve ever actually had that happen before.

My legs feel like chargers, and energy is entering through them.

My whole body is pulsating with more energy.

Similar to how there are Easter eggs hidden in games that can change the trajectory of the game, I think I hid energy upgrade Easter eggs in that movie before I came to Earth. They activate me and evolve me whenever I watch it.

Every full moon brings intense activations if one is open to it.

Entry 1,861 - December 22nd, 2022

Quotes from David R. Hawkins

Contemplation of the Map of Consciousness can transform your understanding of key areas of human life, beginning with the belief in causality, which is a major barrier to advancement. As perception itself evolves with your level of consciousness, it becomes apparent that what the world calls the domain of causes is in fact the domain of effects. Nothing “out there” causes your experience of life but rather what is “in here,” which is the energy field operating in your life. By taking responsibility for the consequences of your own perceptions, you can transcend the role of victim and come to an understanding that “nothing out there has power over you.” 

It is not life’s events but how you react to them and your attitude about them that determine whether the events have a positive or negative effect on your life, whether they are experienced as opportunity or as stress. Nothing has the power within itself to “create” stress. The loud music that raises the blood pressure of one person can be a source of delight to another. A divorce may be traumatic if it is unwanted, or a release into freedom if it is desired. Therefore, the only way to change your experience of life is to evolve your consciousness via alignment with high-energy attractor patterns.

You will also discover that “Love brings up its opposite,” so that the very intention to become unconditionally loving presents the obstacles that will need to be transcended (that is, jealousy, resentment, impatience, and so forth). Love and peace are the greatest threats to the “ego,” which defends itself by resorting to entrenched positionalities that lie hidden in the unconscious. 

These nonloving attitudes arose in childhood from the biologic, survival-oriented animal brain and were forced underground by parental and societal pressures via the well-known psychological mechanisms of repression, denial, suppression, reaction formation, projection, and rationalization. C. G. Jung created the word shadow to refer to rejected parts of the personality that need to be acknowledged and worked with in the process of psychological development.

It can be disturbing when these negativities erupt from the unconscious just when you are aspiring to become more loving! You can expect to encounter them as a consequence of your commitment to evolve.

Unknown to the aspirant is the past karma, which is also an influential factor. Hence, you cannot compare yourself to others as to timing and details of experience. As you rise on the Map and have access to greater energy, it is possible that you earn the right to bring up and clear out negative karma, and thus there may be periods of financial difficulty, illness, and other unforeseeable challenges. What seems like a setback, therefore, is actually an opportunity to evolve.

Q: You have said that just the act of consciousness calibration changes the calibration of something by virtue of intention. How is that possible?

A: We have discovered that when people over 200 observe something from lovingness, they are already raising its calibrated level of consciousness measurably. For example, when we consider something or someone adorable, the calibration that was at 204 will jump to 310 or so. Do you see what this means? You don’t need to go out and do fancy things. Just witness the sacredness of all existence, approach all life with reverence and goodwill, and by doing so, you’re changing the world by virtue of Heisenberg’s principle, which states that the observation of something changes it. I don’t know if the kitty’s purr was at 500 before we contemplated it, but it is now. The higher the level of consciousness of the observation, the greater the impact on the observed. We have literally been changing the calibrated levels of consciousness and much of society by the sheer observation of the work that we’re doing collectively. Everything we look at lovingly raises its calibration, even the Komodo dragon

The desire to know the truth tends to pull the truth to us. The higher your level of consciousness, the greater your lovingness, and thus the greater the impact of your observation and intention.

It is thanks to the ego’s tenacity that anyone is even alive to read this book. When we view the ego from an evolutionary perspective through the millennia, an understanding arises that allows for compassion. The ego is not our “enemy” but rather a “pet” to watch over. Instead of treating it with condemnation, hatred, and guilt, the way to de-energize it is by viewing it objectively for what it truly is—that is, a vestigial remnant of our evolutionary origins. Paradoxically, the ego is reinforced by condemnation, labeling it as “sin,” repenting with sackcloth and ashes, and wallowing in guilt. Such approaches merely utilize the ego to attack the ego, thereby reinforcing it.

As Freud discovered, out of guilt, we repress our animal nature and then project it onto others or a deity that purportedly has the same character defects as the worst humans. The ego is dissolved not by denunciation or self-hatred, which are expressions of the ego, but by benign and nonmoralistic acceptance and compassion that arise out of understanding its intrinsic nature and origin. Although guilt and repentance may have a certain pragmatic usefulness for brief periods in one’s spiritual evolution, it is to be noted from examining the Map of Consciousness that Guilt, Hate (self-hatred), Regret, Despondency, and all such negative positionalities are at the bottom of the scale, whereas Forgiveness, Love, Acceptance, and Joy are at the top and lead to Enlightenment.

Some people at 200+ levels of consciousness need ongoing serotonin support (see Chapter 4).

 easy to see why the mind is more powerful than the body. The energy field of Reason (cal. 400), with its beliefs and concepts of the mind, is more powerful than the energy field of the physical body (cal. 205). Thus, the body will express the beliefs held in mind, whether they are conscious or unconscious. One of the tasks of consciousness is to embrace your personal appearance (whatever it is), without putting yourself down.

Our proneness to accept negative beliefs depends on how much negativity we are holding in the first place. A positive mind, for example, will refuse to accept negative thoughts and simply reject them as untrue for oneself. There is a refusal to buy into commonly held negative ideas. We know how easy it is to sell self-condemnation to a guilt-ridden person, or fear of some disease to a fearful person.

Thought (cal. 400) is powerful because it has a higher vibration than physicality (cal. 205). A thought is actually a thing; it has an energy pattern. The more energy we give a thought, the more power it has to physically manifest itself.

The power of mind over body has been demonstrated by clinical research. For instance, in one study, a group of women was told that they would be given a hormone injection to bring on their menstrual periods two weeks early. Actually, they were merely given a placebo injection of saline. Nonetheless, over 70 percent of the women developed early premenstrual tension with all the physical and psychological symptoms.

After a lifetime of study, Sir John Eccles, Nobel Laureate, stated that it became apparent that the brain is not the origin of the mind, as science and medicine had believed, but the other way around. The mind controls the brain, which acts as a receiving station (like a radio), with thoughts being similar to radio waves and the brain being similar to the receiver.

The way to change our bodies is to change our thoughts and feelings by letting go of negative ideas, emotions, and belief systems. We have to cancel the negative programming that comes from the world, as well as our own belief systems. The more fearful we are, the more quickly we become programmed, and then the body responds accordingly.

Then, with the learning of one core truth, the whole pattern unraveled. What is held in mind tends to manifest—including unconscious beliefs. The culprit was not the world but the mind. All the negative programming and fearful conditioning was in the mind, and the body obeyed the mind. This law of consciousness reversed the spiraling paranoia. As each internal belief was looked at and let go, all the negative bodily reactions, diseases, and symptoms disappeared. In other words, it was not poison-ivy leaves that caused an allergic reaction but the mind’s belief that poison ivy was an allergen. As the mind let go of its programming, the body’s reactions cleared.

What is the process of self-healing? What are the consciousness techniques we can apply to bring about a reversal of dis-ease? We begin by letting go of resisting the sensations we are experiencing, and we stop labeling them. For example, we cannot experience a “duodenal ulcer” or “asthma.” These are labels, mental constructs, elaborate programs, and belief systems. We go into the inner experience of the exact sensations and let go of resisting them. 

In effect, we will eventually “disappear” them through aligning with them by welcoming the inner experiences of the sensations. At the same time, within the mind, we cancel any labels. We stop calling it an “ulcer” and instead go into the inner sensation of it. The inner sensation may be a pressure or a burning. Even the words burning and pressure are labels. We cancel those and again go into the core, the absolute essential, of what we are physically experiencing, and then let go of resisting that experience.

Steps for Self-Healing:

To put it simply, the consciousness technique of radical truth has these five steps in healing a particular illness:

1. Letting go of resisting the sensory experience of it.
2. No longer putting names or labels on it.
3. Using no words at all in the welcoming of the experience of the inner sensations.
4. Canceling the mental label, thought form, and belief system, and replacing it with the truth: I no longer believe in that. I am an infinite being, and I am not subject to that. I am only subject to what I hold in mind.
5. Choosing the energy field of Love, which heals.

Instead of being ashamed that we are a spiritual seeker with a physical illness, we instead become thankful and say, “Aha! Something is coming up to be healed.” We can see it as a sign of progress and be happy that we have a chance to heal these things that, paradoxically, are brought up by major or rapid spiritual progress (that is, karma). When we commit to a high truth such as Unconditional Love, that very intention attracts its opposite into our lives, something that wants to be healed and embraced by love. As we said, a commitment to Love “brings up its opposite.” Most of the great mystics of history had records of many physical illnesses (for example, see the entries on well-known mystics such as St. Teresa of Ávila and St. Hildegard of Bingen in Encyclopædia Britannica).

An illness is merely our consciousness calling attention to something that needs to be looked at, about which we are feeling guilty, fearful, or some other negative emotion. There is a belief system we are holding that has to be let go of and canceled. There is something that has to be forgiven, and something within us that has to be loved. So instead of judging ourselves for the illness, we thank it for bringing something to our awareness. We say, “Thank you, ulcer. I see. You forced me to look at the way in which I was condemning myself and not loving myself. Thank you, hypoglycemia, for showing me how much I have been living in fear.” We thank all our illnesses because they have brought us to that willingness and acceptance to move into the field of lovingness and the joy of realizing now, out of compassion, that this is how the body brings about self-healing.

The person who has surrendered limited belief systems can eat anything; can go anywhere; and is no longer subject to fears of contaminants, pollutants, drafts, germs, electromagnetic frequencies, carpet, smoke, dust, animal dander, poison ivy, pollen, food dyes, and so on. They have surrendered Fear, Guilt, and Pride and all the limiting belief systems that go with negative energy fields. Their perception of the body shifts, and it now seems to be like a puppet or a pet. This shift of perception is from I am the body to I have a body.

This is a very important shift of consciousness, because now the preoccupation is not with the body and defending it. We begin to notice that people are not really responding to our bodies at all but to our inner attitudes, our inner energy state, and our level of awareness. We let go of worrying about our physical appearance, for one day it dawns on us that everyone and everything in the world are actually responding to our level of consciousness, our intention, and the inner feeling we have about them.


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