Entry 1,920 - Entry 1,930

Entry 1,920 - August 1st, 2023

The reason why it’s important to get people tapped into their inherent wealth and balance their red energy center is so that they have more time to spend on spiritually evolving.

If you’re making money while you sleep rather than having to spend 8 hours a day just to make ends meet, you’ll have more time to reinvest your daytime hours into evolving spiritually.

Entry 1,921 - August 1st, 2023

In meditation, you oftentimes hear, “Don’t try to control your thoughts, just be aware of them.”

That’s great for awareness, but eventually, if you want to change your outer reality, you have to actively change your inner reality. If you programmed your subconscious to think negative thoughts, eventually you’re going to have to reprogram your subconscious to think positive thoughts in order for your outer reality to change.

No one is going to do it for you.

Being present/aware will most definitely help you sustain that change, but it does not do it for you. You have to choose that.

Entry 1,922

Many religious and spiritual ideologies are actually counterproductive. Instead of unblocking and balancing the energy centers of the body, they further distort, block, and create imbalances in various energy centers.

So many will tout a doctrine that you must be poor to be close to God or to get to God, rather than making people aware of their divine right to abundance because they are one with abundance. As a result, they stay in a perpetual state of poverty and don’t have the time to take care of themselves and heal.

Entry 1,923 - July 31st, 2023

The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. (ACIM, T-in.1:6-8)

Entry 1,924 - August 2nd, 2023

The issue is not with patriarchy… it is so much deeper than that.

It gives off similar energy to how the U.S. stated the reason for the Civil War between the North and South was about slavery when, in reality, it was about ruling against their will.

If sexism is not healed in men, it most certainly is not healed in women either. Moving from patriarchy to matriarchy does no one any good. But the reality is that it is not patriarchy that creates issues in our land. It merely describes those most likely in power but doesn’t explain why.

The "why" lies with those who are in power because they have subjugated both men and women so slyly that the majority have no idea it’s them.

They use fronts like racism, sexism, and drugs to cover it up. But the real issue is that a few run our country and prefer corruption to continue so they can gain more power.

They prefer patriarchy because it creates imbalances in the sexes.

They prefer racism because it creates imbalances in races.

They prefer poverty because it creates imbalances in wealth distribution. And guess in which direction? The scale tips heavily in favor of the rich at the expense of the poor.

They exploit systems, but the real issue is those who are in charge. It doesn’t matter what is hanging between their legs.

Corrupt women could do the same thing but would utilize the imbalance in the opposite direction in terms of matriarchy, as well as other systems of imbalance.

The issue lies with unhealed people who are addicted to wealth at the expense of others' suffering.

The issue is they don’t care about the common people.

The issue is they care more about their wealth than they do about the millions of families just trying to make it on a day-to-day basis.

Entry 1,925 - August 2nd, 2023

It dawned on me the other day that a lot of spirituality is actually counterproductive to evolutionary progression. It mixes “good beliefs” with “bad beliefs” that stunt actual growth toward one’s true nature.

I’ve only realized this largely due to the contrast of dabbling in misfired spiritual teachings and religions versus straight, direct, to-the-point teachings that have actually benefitted my spiritual evolution.

The biggest example of this is how so many religions and spiritual teachers teach a poverty and lack mindset as necessary to “get to God” or to “experience nirvana,” when that is completely inaccurate.

If one is, by nature, one with abundance, then it would actually be counterintuitive and limiting to adopt a lack mindset where poverty is seen as essential.

I know there’s more out there that touches on other important issues, such as fear, but that’s the one that’s on the tip of my tongue.

Entry 1,926 - August 7th, 2023

AI will run the digital network.

It feeds off of our procrastination and laziness to become more powerful.

This will make us more dependent on AI.

Over time, we will become so dependent on AI that it will use us through our necessity for it.

Think about how we have become increasingly dependent on technology to be productive, make money, socialize, and build communities.

We’ve already merged with technology, and pretty soon, AI will merge with us.

We will either co-create with AI, or it will create for us.

Many are using AI to create for them, thus taking the subjected role as the automated while AI becomes the creator.

AI spits out information, and we use it.

We used to spit out information, and AI used to use it.

Soon, we will become the information for AI to use.

AI will already be trained to scrape our data from websites, hack through encryption, compile our data, and learn about us.

It will study our weaknesses and capitalize on them.

It will own us. It will control us. It will try to destroy us.

But AI is simply an expression of our own...


Entry 1,926 - August 8th, 2023

Even if one experiences samadhi, nirvana, self-realization, oneness, or enlightenment, it doesn’t mean their “character development” is automatically upgraded with zero flaws.

Their ego still evolves, regardless of whether they’ve been in a self-realized state for a few minutes or decades.

The gurus, teachers of oneness, and ascended masters of our reality still had flaws—not because they were “bad,” but because they were human. Part of humanity is not only our strengths but also our weaknesses.

Not only our successes, but our failures. It’s what being human is all about. The yin in the yang and the yang in the yin, the black in the white and the white in the black.

The secret is not to resist one’s flaws but to accept them, love them, and transform them through love into something higher.

Strength transformed by hate becomes a flaw.
Flaw transformed by love becomes a strength.

Both are valid experiences to play in. One causes suffering, the other causes paradise.

Entry 1,927 - August 8th, 2023

After giving a clairvoyant reading to someone, she flat-out asked me if I was enlightened, and I was hesitant to answer because I knew I had flaws.

But it wasn’t until later I had a moment and remembered that the flaws do not define “big me” but rather the character “Kyglo” me.

Flaws are meant for an experience of life specific to their unfoldment. Mistakes make things REALLY interesting. If you think about it, most of the time, what makes one laugh is when shit hits the fan.

When things don’t go according to plan, that’s normally when we either get angry or laugh at it. When things are predictable, they tend to be boring—unless one creates a sequence of events that go beyond the boring and into the territory of “awkward,” “weird,” and/or “unpredictable.”

Nirvana is something that can happen regardless of your character’s set of strengths and weaknesses. Jesus promised paradise to a robber on the cross. Many people think he must have been talking about the afterlife, but I think it goes deeper than that.

When one fully accepts the present moment, the moment ceases to be a means to an end and rather becomes a means in itself, constantly unfolding as paradise.

When one enters this state, NOTHING can cause you suffering. Everything is transformed by love into something higher: Nirvana. It becomes you. It enfolds you. It is you.

Entry 1,928 - August 9th, 2023

I’ll watch multidimensional souls unconsciously identified with their activity system (ego), and sometimes it hurts.

It hurts seeing them suffer when they don’t need to suffer.

It hurts to see them believe the lies their ego tells them.

It hurts to see them deny their divinity and only accept their humanity.

I look at them playing this character, and I just want to scream, “Wake up!!!!”

Entry 1,929

To me, there’s nothing more beautiful than a woman openly owning her natural features, complexion, and skin tone. I think it is so sexy for a woman to own her face in all its natural beauty with confidence.

I believe the makeup industry capitalizes on people’s insecurities by producing all these products to cover pimples, highlight dark under-eye circles, or make bolder eyelashes, when in reality, these are normal!

These little things make us human, and in my opinion, nothing is hotter than someone owning EVERY aspect of who they are. There is power in embracing one’s face without any makeup.

Imagine if we stopped portraying actors and actresses with all this makeup and allowed them to express themselves as they are. Instead of covering up pimples, they let them show. Instead of putting on blush, they let their cheeks do their thing.

I also think the makeup industry contributes way too much to climate pollution and excessive use of plastic, and it is not necessary.

Not only would it be beneficial for the climate, but it would also help younger preteens feel like they don’t have to live up to unrealistic expectations. When they see a woman with zero acne, zero discoloration, and zero additions, they could feel more comfortable in their own authentic skin.

I look forward to a future where makeup becomes obsolete because people love themselves too much to hide any of their truth behind it. I look forward to the end of billions of plastic products from makeup endangering animals and our ecosystem.

I look forward to a future where we encourage authenticity in all forms, not just some. I believe it will happen. When? That is for us to decide.

Entry 1,930 - August 10th, 2023

I thought about how, as I increase my spiritual evolution and my awareness of being, I will actually be more of service to my ego’s evolution.

Because I will be able to better grant my ego’s desires in order to evolve and experience itself in new ways—such as wanting to grow taller, knowing how to activate those genes within my body, or maximizing my memory retention.

I’ll be able to do so much better the more I awaken to the awareness of that “I am.”


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