Entry 1,970 - Entry 1,991
Entry 1,970 - September 12th, 2023
If you consistently try to search for a problem in another, you’ll eventually find one.
Entry 1,971 - September 13th, 2023
It’s okay to have wants. Wants are what make us human. Denying our wants is denying our humanity. Denial of oneself creates suffering.
Entry 1,972 - September 13th, 2023
How much of what you do is aligned with what you are?
Entry 1,973 - September 13th, 2023
No one is here to make my heart skip a beat.
No one plays the song to my symphony.
No one here makes me want to spin with them in the rain,
To count the mud on our legs and shake and scream.
No one here to make me know without a doubt that I was meant to love them and to be loved by them.
It feels cruel to be stripped of this desire to love and be loved.
I can’t find it in any of my veins,
Not an ounce for this romance dreaming, for those in my life or those around me.
It’s perplexing how vacant my heart is,
How turned off I am to all potentialities.
It’s as if I exist in a vacancy created by me,
A prison by me that I can’t get out of,
A cage that keeps me from any shroud of love.
Entry 1,974 - September 15th, 2023
My best weapon against a psychopath is being my brightest self.
Entry 1,975 - September 16th, 2023
A Course in Miracles teaches you how to dissociate from your problems. It doesn’t actually tell you how to deal with them.
Entry 1,976 - September 17th, 2023
Spirituality doesn’t make one soul more advanced than someone who isn’t in it or doesn’t have a religious or spiritual practice. To assume so is to adopt a superiority complex.
We are all trying to become better. We are all trying to heal. We are all trying to solve problems. Just because you see patterns of harm in others that haven’t been healed yet doesn’t mean they are less than you. You still have unhealed patterns that cause harm, so get off your high horse.
It’s not even about healing—it’s about learning to love and accept the light and darkness of who we are, the divinity and humanity.
Entry 1,977 - September 18th, 2023
I didn’t come here to become God. I came here to be human.
Entry 1,978 - September 20th, 2023
No one is saying pharma is perfect, with no mistakes or corruption. But anyone who says the whole thing is untrustworthy, even with the facts, tests, and experimentation, and says it’s all bad—that is prime paranoia for you.
Entry 1,979 - September 21st, 2023
The belief that blood is needed for us to be saved means that they don’t believe love is enough to save us. It is demeaning to love. It attempts to diminish the power of love, and they don’t even realize it.
They say God loves us, SO He sent His Son instead of:
God loves us, and that alone is more than enough to save us.
Entry 1,980 - September 22nd, 2023
What I have to say a lot is: Get out of my mind. You don’t deserve my time.
Entry 1,981 - September 23rd, 2023
Back in high school and college, I was delusional about friends and enemies. I didn’t want any enemies, and I thought I could only have friends if I really tried hard enough—but that was delusional.
Human life is both yin and yang, friends and enemies. I can’t run from what is in front of me. I can either accept it or reject it, but rejecting it doesn’t make it disappear; it just makes me appear disconnected.
Entry 1,982 - September 23rd, 2023
Kyglo is in draft, but I am above draft.
Entry 1,983 - September 23rd, 2023
The idea of immorality is so subjective that I’m at a point where I don’t care if people document me as immoral in their mind. They have to live with the misery they created in their head.
Entry 1,984 - September 24th, 2023
We’ve already created an afterlife. It’s called technology, social media, television, online entertainment, video games.
Entry 1,985 - October 2nd, 2023
More dangerous than Christianity is the spirituality that encourages you not to feel your emotions because they say it will force you to reincarnate.
Entry 1,986 - October 4th, 2023
Why believe in concepts of God? Why isn’t believing in the afterlife enough?
Entry 1,987 - October 4th, 2023
I think the problem is people are products of their belief systems, and systems that discourage authenticity create dubious amounts of stress.
Entry 1,988 - October 4th, 2023
So, whether we like it or not, we will have to deal with the centuries of guilt and shame that rest on Christendom’s shoulders.
Entry 1,989 - October 5th, 2023
This is important, but I think the reason why the God in many parts of the Bible is obsessed with blood is because it is an entity or a conglomeration of entities pretending to be the Creator.
Invoking blood through a death ritual is a pagan practice. I 100% don’t believe Jesus was into paganism. So then the question is: How does a Christian know if they are serving a counterfeit god or the actual Creator?
Entry 1,990 - October 6th, 2023
What makes Christianity so dangerous is the followers are repetitively invoking the blood of someone deceased to keep a connection with potentially entities pretending to be the Creator.
Entry 1,991 - October 6th, 2023
Yogananda said it’s not about diluting emotions, but rather imbuing or enhancing them with divinity.
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