Entry 2,088 - Entry 2,107

Entry 2,088 - January 8, 2024

The greatest indicator of whether you should let someone into your inner circle is how they make you feel overall.

If someone goes out of their way to make you feel loved, included, supported and excited to grow, that's a sure sign to make time for them and let them in. They are for you and your growth.

Entry 2,088 - January 11, 2024

There's a saying that goes, "You can't always get what you want," but I actually think the contrary is true—you always get what you want. If you understand what that means, then you understand the secret of the universe: everything is a result of your desire, whether you are conscious of it or not.

Entry 2,089 - January 12, 2024

Christianity is a framework of reality. It is not the ultimate reality. All of reality cannot be confined within the limitations of the framework of Christianity.

Entry 2,090 - January 13, 2024

The fundamental version of Christianity touts nonsense when they say Jesus is fully God and fully human but then deny that Jesus ever made any mistakes. Because, literally, to be human means that our brains are not perfect—they make mistakes, they auto-fail. Instead of just recognizing that we are all fully God and fully human, which is what Jesus was trying to say the whole time, they created this rhetoric insisting he was "fully, fully human" while denying the reality of imperfection.

Entry 2,091 - January 14, 2024

I was watching a high school performance, and it dawned on me—the reason why it was hard to engage was because the actors weren’t allowing themselves to genuinely feel in those moments. It just felt surface-level, like their hearts weren’t in it, and that made it so dissatisfying to watch.

And I guess that’s why we strive to forget so much—to make the feelings feel incredibly real, to experience every ounce of every emotion as if our physical reality is everything.

As if it is the ultimate reality. The feelings are so intense, so alive, that you get so much from them. That’s why, when we see good acting, we know they are using every ounce of their ability to feel to bring that character to life.

Entry 2,092 - January 14, 2024

If more people were educated in physics, fewer people would fall victim to easily refutable claims such as the flat Earth theory.

Entry 2,093 - January 14, 2024

If more people were educated in physics, fewer people would fall victim to easily refutable claims such as the flat Earth theory.

Entry 2,094 - January 14, 2024

I think looking at things as "this is all good" and "this is all bad" is extremely limiting. In my opinion, as multidimensional souls, we are free to be and do whatever we want. Oftentimes, what’s best for you won’t be seen as best by others.

For example, me going on hormone replacement therapy to transition from female-dominant characteristics to male-dominant characteristics. Many consider that "bad" because it doesn’t fit their framework of who I should be. But to me, it would be bad to deny my chronic stress and suffering from untreated gender incongruence, especially given all the health scares I’ve had from trying to ignore it.

Is it all good or all bad? No! This journey has had its ups and downs, but again, it will never be good enough for everyone—and that’s fine. I don’t expect it to be, and no one should expect their lives to be universally accepted, whether they are transgender or not.

Life isn’t just black and white. It’s often gray, blue, green, and all the colors in between.

Entry 2,095 - January 17, 2024

In my opinion, people who think they absolutely need religion to be a good person are believing in their own weakness.

Entry 2,096 - January 27, 2024

I've been thinking about this a lot—what makes someone spiritually advanced?

Is it that they are kind to everyone at the expense of their own boundaries because when they try to set boundaries, people get upset? Or is it that, no matter what they go through, they don't experience suffering?

What's the benchmark?

In my opinion, someone who is advanced is someone who excels at something they worked hard to master—someone who has surpassed the average due to effort, dedication, and measurable results.

For example, cyclists who are extremely disciplined and win multiple races without doping. Firefighters who are so adept at their craft that they can be dropped into blazing fires and put them out in record time.

Working hard and becoming proficient at what you dedicated yourself to—that, to me, is true adeptness.

Oftentimes with spiritual and religious groups who set strange benchmarks for advancements, it is mostly opinion-based when it comes to who is truly advanced. Unless they rely on true data, consider it a red flag to find your adeptness through them.

Entry 2,097 - February 4, 2024

How will you know what's best for your character if you refuse to go out and try new things?

I believe there's a huge stigma attached to exploring different groups and sports as an adult. It’s much less so for sports, but definitely more so for beliefs. It’s considered almost treacherous or blasphemous to choose a belief system that differs from the one you grew up with.

But I think it’s important for each person to explore as much as they can so that they can find what works best for them and then dedicate themselves to it.

Entry 2,098 - February 5, 2024

Good sensations vs. bad sensations is an inaccurate way of thinking.

We just feel things.
We were designed to feel them.
It is encoded in our DNA to feel.

How nice is it to never dread how you feel?

Become aware of your emotional likes and dislikes.

The less suppressed you are, the more alive, spontaneous, and effortless you are while creating.

The more you hear your body and less your mind, the more jobs you are going to book.

Entry 2,099 - February 7, 2024

Hundreds of years from now, people will look at mainstream fundamental versions of Christianity the way we look at Scientology now—like a mind-destructive groupthink cult that sucked people in and used them for their money, attention and time.

Entry 2,100 - February 9, 2024

Mainstream New Age spirituality will not like this, but I’ve found that many of their beliefs are just as limiting with guilt, shame, and fear as mainstream Christianity.

I’ve deconstructed from the belief in a separate God from myself. Now, when I think of help from a higher source—the Creator, or whatever is above me—I just think of my future self. To believe in separation is to believe that separation is reality. 

There’s also this New Age belief that our ego will cease to exist, which is preposterous. Everything was instantaneously created at the moment of creation—including our specialized egos.

I say this with confidence: We, as this particular person, will always exist in the mind of God.

The illusion of death is simply to give the ego something to fight for. Kyglo will never cease to exist. You will never cease to exist. That is because when the Creator creates, it extends from itself. And since the Creator is part of us, we will never cease to exist.

Entry 2,101 - February 12, 2024

As you grow older, the problems change, but the emotions stay the same.

What I mean by that is, the things that might have bothered you as a kid might no longer bother you as an adult. For example, as a child, you might get upset if someone steals your Lego castle. But when you're older, maybe it’s not a castle—it’s a friend who steals your boyfriend.

The emotions you feel when someone takes something from you are still there—it’s just a different problem, shaped in a different way.

Entry 2,102 - February 14, 2024

So much of spirituality and religion ends up being escapism masquerading as enlightenment.

They say:
“Don’t feel your emotions, let them go.”
“Don’t feel hate, just love.”
“Don’t feel anger, just happiness.”

They create all these prerequisites for what it means to be fully present and enlightened. Ironically, many times it boils down to feeling less of the emotions they label as bad and more of the emotions they label as good—such as peace, joy, and happiness.

It is antithetically imbalanced from the start, which creates an imbalanced human being—pretending to be something they are not… human.

We came here to be human, not God. We came to play in the mess, to play in the mistakes—not to chase perfection.

When we chase perfection, we do the opposite of what we came here to do: to play in all aspects and in all ways. To embrace risk, discovery, and exploration, which all, in some way, involve mistakes and misery. Without mistakes and misery, there is no true success or joy.

Both are needed to understand the other. Without one, there is imbalance and misunderstanding.

Entry 2,103 - February 14, 2024

With religion, you can always find a reason to judge someone. But remember—religion is merely a placeholder for love.

If it’s not causing you to love more, then it’s no longer beneficial for you. And if something isn’t beneficial for you, it’s not serving you.

And if it’s not serving you, and you are serving it, then you are a slave to it.

In that case, I encourage you to chuck it out of your life—until you can learn how to use belief systems to benefit and serve you.

Entry 2,104 - February 18, 2024

Convince me otherwise—people who are constantly afraid of demons and demonic attacks are on the spectrum of schizophrenia.

Entry 2,105 - February 18, 2024

Religion and spirituality are both abstractions of life that reside in a conceptual framework that attempt to encapsulate life within.

Words themselves are also a limited way of conveying reality because they are once removed from actual reality. They are merely an attempted explanation of what is happening in the moment, often supporting a conceptual framework.

Reality (whole) → Words (once removed from reality) → Concepts (twice removed from reality)

Entry 2,106 - February 23, 2024

Excerpt from Freedom by Osho:

"Live it in all its agony and all its ecstasy—both are yours. And always remember: ecstasy cannot live without agony, life cannot exist without death, and joy cannot exist without sadness. That’s how things are—nothing can be done about it. That’s the very nature, the very Tao of things.

Accept the responsibility of being yourself as you are, with all that is good and with all that is bad, with all that is beautiful and that which is not beautiful. In that acceptance, a transcendence happens, and one becomes free."

Entry 2,107 - February 29, 2024

How diabolical is it to realize that the only reason social media is free is because we are the product?

They sell our information to make a profit, and in turn, we get addicted to the stimulus it provides—while it unintentionally pulls us away from the present moment on Earth.


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