Entry 1,752 - Entry 1,760

Entry 1,752 - January 3rd, 2021

The Blood of Jesus Necessary?

Kyglo: So certain Christians say Jesus’ blood was necessary to pay for our sins, and you’re saying that it wasn’t?
Guide: Well, let’s unravel this together without any previous conditioned thoughts…
Kyglo: Sure.
Guide: Very long ago, Jews were told they needed to sacrifice animals to have their sins forgiven so that they could stay in communication with God.
Kyglo: Right...
Guide: But why would the Creator need blood to communicate with you?
Kyglo: Well, they say it’s because God can’t be around unrighteousness.
Guide: But how could God not be around unrighteousness when, by God’s very nature, God is in all things, through all things, and with all things?
Kyglo: Idk... It almost seems like saying God can’t be around unrighteousness is implying God adheres to separation from some, as if God is tied down by duality and cause and effect.
Guide: Exactly! Which leads into my next question: does the Creator need anything from you?
Kyglo: Now that I think about it, it sounds a little weird saying Source would need something from us.
Guide: Right, because if God is truly the All-Sufficient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Creator, it would make no sense to assume that It needs anything when the Creator IS everything.
Kyglo: Woah… Thank you…

Entry 1,753 - January 4th, 2021

To Those Who Hold the Bible with Authority

Kyglo: When I try to tell my Christian friends sin isn’t eternal, they don’t hear me. How do I reach them to help them release fear, guilt, and shame?
Guide: What does Paul say in Romans chapter 7, verse 1 in regard to the nature of the Law of Sin and Death?
Kyglo: Well, he says, “The law has authority over someone only as long as that person lives.”
Guide: Okay, and then Paul says, “You also died to the law through the body of Christ.”
Kyglo: Right, so is that proof that even Paul believes sin and death are not eternal?
Guide: Yes, not only that, but that sin and death never even truly existed in the first place.
Kyglo: What do you mean?
Guide: Well, in order for something to truly exist, it couldn’t ever not exist, according to Quantum Physics.
Kyglo: What does that mean though...?
Guide: It means that according to Quantum Physics, everything is happening in the present moment. In order for it to exist, it must have no beginning or end, or it never truly existed in that form.
Kyglo: So, like, the energy always was, is, and will be, but the form of sin and death does not truly exist because once we pass through death at a specific time and place, both cease to exist in relation to ourselves.
Guide: Exactly.
Kyglo: So then when Paul says salvation is through Christ, Paul is upholding the reality that salvation always was, is, and always will be!
Guide: Exactly! Salvation doesn’t pick and choose because it is an eternal law, which Paul called the Law of Spirit and Life.
Kyglo: This makes sense!!! Now I understand why Jesus called the gospel the good news!!
Guide: And so it is.

Entry 1,754 - January 4th, 2021

Person: How do I deal with these non-woke folk?
Guide: Sorry, who?
Person: Non-woke people. The bots, the sheep, those who are still ignorant.
Guide: Why do you refer to them as different from yourself?
Person: Well, aren’t they?
Guide: How are they different if that is you?
Person: What do you mean, that is me?
Guide: Well, if we are all one, then woke vs. non-woke is just another dualistic belief. But now, instead of it being from religion, you’ve created it out of your spirituality.
Person: So you’re saying calling them non-woke is a dualistic judgment because I’m believing they are separate from me?
Guide: You tell me.
Person: But how is that me?
Guide: The world is a mirror of all the ways we have appeared.
Person: So why do I do that?
Guide: Well, it’s not you per se. It’s just that you weren’t aware your ego tricked you into identifying with that position of separation.
Person: How do I stop myself from unconsciously identifying with the ego’s position of separation?
Guide: Meditate, be fully present, contemplate, journal, do shadow work.
Person: So pretty much practice mindfulness.
Guide: Exactly, which you’re currently doing now, and you’re doing a great job.
Person: Oh, thanks.

Entry 1,754 - January 5th, 2021


Person: Can you help me?! Someone got angry at me and cast a spell on me!
Guide: Why are you worried?
Person: Because they told me the spell would hurt me, and I don’t want to be hurt!
Guide: How could they hurt you unless you chose to be hurt?
Person: What do you mean by “chose to be hurt?”
Guide: Well, if you are the creator of your own reality, do you think you have the ability to choose what you do or do not allow to become your reality?
Person: I mean… I guess?
Guide: So the choice is, are you going to allow them to create a reality for you and accept it as your own, or are you going to take your power back and create a better reality for both of you?
Person: So their spell can’t actually hurt me?
Guide: Well, which do you think is stronger: their spell dipped in death, which is sourced in illusions, or infinite love and light sourced in oneness?
Person: The second one. So how do I do that?
Guide: Think, say, and do for yourself and them thoughts of love and light, and you will be just fine because that is what you chose.
Person: Thank you so much… I guess I was scared because they know all these spells and serve powerful entities.
Guide: But do they truly serve powerful entities if their source of power comes from a lifeless illusion?
Person: Well, I guess not…

Entry 1,755 - January 7th, 2021

Guide to Rewriting the Past

Since you create your own reality, you have every right to change your reality right now.

You have every right to re-script any aspect of your life, whether that be past, present, or future.

If you keep things the same, don’t be surprised when they stay the same.

You could change the present and the future, but why not take it up one more level and change your past?

What do you have to lose? You only have that which is to gain because you’re transmuting anything you didn’t want into what you do want—and you can do that because you are the creator of your personal experience.

If you want to imagine you and your sister barely got into any fights, and if you ever did, they were short, and you learned powerful lessons right away, you can!

If you want to take the memory where some girl in high school turned your friend against you and instead imagine all three of you were great friends and had wonderful relationships, you can!

If you want to take the memory of having to get multiple X-ray scans but imagine you only had to get one, you can!

If you want to imagine that your most painful experience wasn’t painful at all and was predominantly a huge lesson that wasn’t bad, you can!

If you want to imagine your surgery was a breeze, and the whole process before, during, and after wasn’t bad, you can!!!

You can re-script ANY part of your life because you are the creator of your life!!!

You aren’t merely the cause to each effect; you are the awareness before the cause. So you can choose to re-script the cause because you came before the cause, and you are the creator of all causes in your life—past, present, and future!!!

The reason why this is okay is because, just as you have multitudinous probable futures, you also have multitudinous probable pasts just waiting to be explored by your current consciousness in your current reality. You can trace the memories in your cells back to the memory of the past that you accepted as real according to your beliefs, and choose another probable past to be explored and accepted as a legitimate past experience in this current reality. That is completely valid because you are the creator of your own reality in past, present, and future. 

Yes, you may co-create with other people, but even if you experienced the same event, your creations will differ based on the lens through which you both see the events, which are colored by your belief systems, perceptions, traditions, ideas, generalizations, and more. So if they are allowed to take an event that you both objectively experienced and understand, comprehend, and make sense of it through their subjective lens, then you can also go back and recreate your subjective experience of that objective shared moment.

You also have every right to erase, re-create, or re-write old memories however you wish because they are your memories in your head. If you want to forget the trauma to not be triggered, then you can. If you want to re-imagine the scenario in a way that no longer triggers you, you can. If you want to re-write the narratives within the memory, you can. No one can stop you from creating because that’s what you were meant to do.

Page 323 – The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts:

“A new belief in the present, however, can cause changes in the past on a neuronal level. Present beliefs can indeed alter the past. In some cases of healing, in the spontaneous disappearance of cancer, for instance, or of any other disease, certain alterations are made that affect cellular memory, genetic codes, or neuronal patterns in the past.”

“In such instances there is, as easily as I can explain it, a reaching into deep biological structures as they existed at one time; at that point the probabilities are altered, and the condition erased in your present, but also in your past.”

“When you alter your beliefs today, you also reprogram your past. As far as you’re concerned, the present is your point of action, focus, and power, and from that point of volition you form both your future and past. Realizing this, you will understand that you are not at the mercy of a past over which you have no control.”

“Cellular memory can be changed at any point. Present beliefs can insert into the past new memory, both psychologically and physically. The future is in no way predetermined on basic levels.”

Entry 1,756 - January 8th, 2021

TikTok – Omnipresent

Person: I don’t consider myself religious, I just consider myself to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Guide: Okay, so you’re saying you don’t go to church or read the Bible?
Person: Of course I go to church and read the Bible, but it’s because I love Jesus.
Guide: So are you saying I don’t love Jesus because I don’t go to church or read the Bible?
Person: No! I’m just saying I need to go in order to keep my relationship strong.
Guide: Is that something you truly believe, or is that an idea someone told you to believe in?
Person: I’m not sure.
Guide: Do you think perhaps that you were conditioned to believe a strong relationship with Jesus meant you need to have a strong relationship with Christianity?
Person: Why do you keep on separating the two? I don’t understand that…
Guide: Religions are confined by belief systems. Relationship is just a relationship—no scriptures, no doctrines, no limits, just love.
Person: So how can I just have a relationship with Jesus?
Guide: Drop it all and just be with Jesus. Let him lead you. Allow yourself the freedom to explore your own relationship with God. Then, if you want, you can explore religion too.
Person: I like your magic words, you funny man.

Entry 1,757

Person: Well, okay, maybe according to Webster’s dictionary, I might be outwardly religious, but truly it’s just a relationship.
Guide: If it’s just a relationship, then could you stop going to church or reading the Bible?
Person: Oh, of course not! That’s where my faith is!
Guide: But I thought you said you’re not religious—you just have a relationship?
Person: Well, I do…
Guide: But see, it sounds like you have a relationship with Jesus and with the religion of Christianity.
Person: What do you mean by religion?
Guide: Well, each religion has a distinct belief system with distinct doctrines that are enclosed within a certain creed, which is considered an acceptable way to believe in order to be saved.

Entry 1,758

Kyglo: Could you explain the nature of beliefs?
Guide: Sure. Picture an apple. Now, according to quantum physics, the form of that apple doesn’t actually exist—it’s really just energy.
Kyglo: That’s because the form follows the pattern of linear time and didn’t exist, exists, then doesn’t exist, so it never truly existed?
Guide: Exactly. But your belief that it does exist makes it real to you in your experience.
Kyglo: What does that mean?
Guide: Since you create your own reality, you bring any form into your peripheral simply by your belief in it.
Kyglo: So you’re saying if I didn’t believe apples existed, I wouldn’t see any apples in my daily life?
Guide: Yes, but that’s a less common belief to have because it’s shared by the collective, although it’s not impossible.
Kyglo: Okay, I see. What’s an example of a less commonly shared belief?
Guide: Well, let’s take the devil. Not everyone believes in the Christian version of it—not even the Jews, who gave birth to Christianity.
Kyglo: Oh, that’s right…
Guide: And if you believe in a form that doesn’t truly exist, imagine believing in an idea you’ve never even seen.
Kyglo: So how are they convinced so easily to believe in the devil?
Guide: The same way as anyone—they chose to make that belief their reality.
Kyglo: So that explains why some can be super scared of possession and evil while others seem unnerved?
Guide: Exactly.
Kyglo: Which posits that evil, sin, death, and separation are eternal, which would mean God is eternally dualistic and evil is God’s nature. It just doesn’t make sense.

Kyglo: So you’re saying if I didn’t believe apples existed, I would exclude any forms of apples from my peripheral?

Guide: Exactly. And if you believe the form of the apple exists when it doesn’t truly exist, imagine believing in an idea that you’ve never even seen exist.

Entry 1,759 - January 13th, 2021

Cause and Effect

Kyglo: Can you please help me? I really want to remove fear, but no matter how hard I try, it stays with me.
Guide: What is the cause that triggers the effect of fear?
Kyglo: I guess a fearful thought.
Guide: Okay, and so this cause or thought has a negative emotional charge linked to it, known as the effect. So how could you get rid of the effect of fear?
Kyglo: I guess change the cause, but I feel bad because I don’t know if I’m allowed to change that.
Guide: Well, let’s break this down, and then tell me if you feel bad for changing it.
Kyglo: Okay…
Guide: If the cause is a fearful thought, and the effect is feeling fear, then who are you?
Kyglo: I don’t know?
Guide: Well, if you’re not the cause or the effect, you must be whatever came before and after both, right?
Kyglo: So I’m that which is before and after, so that gives me the right to change any part of it?
Guide: Yes. If thought is subjective to the beholder, then why couldn’t that which is eternal (you) change that which is temporal and doesn’t truly exist?
Kyglo: Oh, fear is temporal because it is an illusion upheld by the belief in duality!
Guide: Right…
Kyglo: I feel so free!
Guide: As you should.

Entry 1,760

Kyglo: So how could I remove fear from my memories?
Guide: There are many ways. One, you could say affirmations about yourself each morning and night.
Kyglo: Okay, so like I could say, “I am strong, I am courageous?”
Guide: Yes, and you could do hypnosis to help you remove negative emotions from your memories.
Kyglo: How would I do that?
Guide: You could take a negatively charged memory and rewrite how you felt during it, or how you wished it would’ve been.
Kyglo: But isn’t that not okay… to change the past…?
Guide: Just as there are an infinite amount of probable futures, there are an infinite amount of probable pasts waiting to be explored, and the one you choose can affect you in the present moment.
Kyglo: Okay, so even if I chose a new way of how I felt in a past memory, technically I’m choosing a new probable past that already was, and I’m still rewriting that memory?
Guide: Correct. Any alteration whatsoever is a new choice that you have every right to explore and to feel the added benefits of in the Now. You are not forced to feel negativity.
Kyglo: So say if some dude stole my lunch so I cried, I could choose the probable past where he stole it but I had another lunch in my bag and smiled and walked away?
Guide: Right, or if you don’t want to choose that probable past, you can choose the probable past of just feeling differently in that moment. Instead of crying, you feel compassion for him and move on.
Kyglo: Woah, that’s so cool!

Kyglo: So say if some dude, when I was 5, pushed me off the swings, hurt me, and laughed at me, could I imagine after he pushed me off that he said sorry, and we hugged and made peace?

Guide: Right, or if you don’t want to choose that probable past, you can choose the probable past of just feeling differently in that moment. Maybe instead of crying from being pushed off the swing, you felt strong, even though he never apologized.


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