Entry 2,132 - Entry 2,152
Entry 2,132 - April 28, 2024
There are people who are scared to death and who never overcome their fears in one lifetime. There are people who will never touch a Ouija board because they're scared. There are people who will never skydive because they're scared.
There will be people who will never do their dream job because they're afraid. Isn't it shocking that people’s fears are stronger than their ability to overcome them? Someone who is truly spiritual does not run away from the shadows, does not run away from the darkness—
but embraces it all.
They allow the darkness just as much as the light to transform them, change them, direct them, and teach them. They allow both light and dark to show them what it means to be human, what it means to be alive, what it means to exist.
They don't run away from themselves. They embrace all of themselves. If you're not willing to embrace all of yourself, then you're robbing yourself of your humanity.
Entry 2,133 - April 28, 2024
My belief is that demons are actually just disowned fragments of people’s personalities that they refuse to accept as part of themselves.
So many people who are afraid of what is symbolized by the dark—manipulation, boundaries, biting back, being territorial—try to shoo that off of themselves, not realizing it's still a part of who they are.
No matter how much they try to dissociate from their humanity, no matter how many times they try to label it as a demon or a devil, it is ultimately part of being human to hold both light and darkness within us.
Religions and beliefs that teach a rigid binary—such as needing to choose between service to others or service to self, heaven or hell—are, in my opinion, a toxic form of spirituality. They deny the other side of our humanity. They deny contrast and uphold an unrealistic expectation of what isn't.
Entry 2,134 - April 29, 2024
If your leaders are having trouble with pedophilia, then there is something really wrong with your doctrine. If it's really as holy as the religion makes it out to be, why are there so many pedophiles in a supposedly holy profession?
Entry 2,135 - April 30, 2024
(An exaggerated title expressing my desired way to act)
- I will hold people accountable.
- I will call people out on their bullshit.
- I will say how I honestly feel.
- I embrace conflict as a healthy outlet for feeling emotions.
Entry 2,136 - May 3, 2024
I used to be incredibly scared to say anything negative about the Jewish God because I thought he would instantly kill me or punish me in some way. But later on, I realized that those are traits of an insecure god.
The stories in the Old Testament only testify to how insecure he is, and it's more likely that the Jews did believe in the Creator, but they also followed an alien species that pretended to be God. Because who is that insecure unless they are dipped in the contrast of black-and-white, good and bad?
Entry 2,137 - May 4, 2024
Everyone is always changing.
There are people who see themselves as super nice and believe they never do anything wrong, but they don't realize that one of their weaknesses is that they also overstep boundaries. They overshare in an attempt to connect with people, but in doing so, they trauma-dump and don’t ask people about their boundaries.
They are constantly violating people’s boundaries in ways they may not even realize—like taking too much time out of someone's day to talk about themselves or trying too hard to connect with people who are busy.
They don’t realize that they hurt people by consuming their time, making everything about themselves, or taking things too personally and escalating situations beyond what is necessary.
Entry 2,138 - May 4, 2024
A toxic trait that many people exhibit without realizing it—what I would call spiritual narcissism—is when they project their own suffering onto others instead of recognizing that suffering as their own.
They’ll say things like, "If only they did the healing work, then they wouldn’t act like this." But in reality, we all have trauma to some extent.
If your trauma gets activated, you are no different than them. We are all healing. We are all in a state of change.
People who see themselves as better than others just because their trauma isn’t triggered in a particular moment are the definition of spiritual narcissists.
Identifying with a spiritual ego doesn’t make someone superior. It only makes them blind to when their own trauma is activated. These people are hurt, and it can happen to anyone at any time.
Entry 2,139 - May 5, 2024
I grew out of Christianity like a kid grows out of believing in Santa Claus.
I grew out of Christianity like a five-year-old grows out of three-year-old clothing.
I grew out of Christianity like a kid grows out of crying over plastic toys being taken from them by another kid.
I grew out of Christianity when Christianity couldn’t hold space for someone like me.
Entry 2,140 - May 6, 2024
I feel like if people treated their significant others the way they treated the deities they worship, relationships would be much healthier.
If each person in a relationship loved their partner with religious devotion, a deep intimate love that goes beyond pleasure, the world would start to heal.
If people read their lover’s poems and songs about them like churches sang their psalms of praise, relationships would deepen, and love would naturally grow stronger.
If people sang to their lovers the way they sing to their God, the intensity would quicken.
If people listened as attentively to their partner’s stories as they did to scripture, love would flourish.
The problem is that so many people love a separate deity more than their actual partner. Their deity becomes their real love, and everyone else is just a shadow of it—it doesn’t hit the same.
If people could see that their lover on Earth is one with the Creator, just as they are, love would intensify. There would be no need to separate the love for the Creator from the created because they would realize they are both one.
Duality condensed back into oneness—the ultimate reality.
They would laugh at how funny it was that they ever thought they had to separate the two.
Entry 2,141 - May 7, 2024
No one can be a saint if they haven’t been a Satan.
That rule applies to everyone—even the gods of their respective religions, who retain human-like traits.
That’s why claiming the God of the Bible would never forgive Satan is hypocritical, because the Bible shows his actions were more "satanic" than anything the devil in the Bible did.
The God of the Bible supposedly murdered everyone on Earth except for one family because they didn’t meet his standards of righteousness.
The God of the Bible granted Elijah the power to summon bears to maul children who made fun of his bald head.
The God of the Bible killed his own people for mishandling the Ark of the Covenant, even though they were excited to have it back.
I could go on and on.
Hatred, according to many religious people, is seen as “bad.” But they fail to recognize that they are dissociating from their own God, who is described in their scriptures as engaging in actions most would consider cruel or unjust.
Many religious followers fail to see how something as "bad" as hatred can be used as fuel for success.
Hatred fuels ambition. Ambition creates drive. Drive leads to success.
Darkness can be harnessed in a way that propels you forward. Why do you think there's so much of it in every mainstream religious text?
I’m learning to harness my darkness, love my darkness, use my darkness, and create with my darkness.
Just as good can be used to harm, bad can be used to help.
It’s a fine line we walk every day.
Entry 2,142 - May 7, 2024
A little bit of alcohol won’t kill your liver, but it also won’t heal it!
Entry 2,143 - May 7, 2024
A successful life, in my opinion, is about balancing low-status and high-status moments, knowing when to play one over the other when it is most beneficial.
Many religions encourage only low status. They compare their followers to sheep, entirely dependent on a shepherd.
They encourage humility and low status, but what people don’t realize is that if you perpetually play low status, you will get taken advantage of. People will verbally abuse you and mistreat you in many ways until you decide to play high status and set boundaries.
High status is often condemned in religions because it teaches people to think for themselves rather than having a pastor, bishop, or priest think for them in the name of God. High status gives back authorship and dominion to the individual, allowing them to create life as they wish rather than being sucker-punched by life to stay “humble” in exchange for rewards in heaven.
Religions set up all these little rewards to encourage low status:
- Turn the other cheek → Reward
- Love your neighbor → Reward
- Be humble and meek → Reward
It plays into people’s materialism by pushing materialistic desires into an immaterial realm, which is contradictory. How do you make people want high status in heaven, closeness to God, and rewards?
Tell them they have to be low status, suffer, and be humble to get it.
So they spend almost their entire lives willingly being pushed around, abused, and attacked, never fighting back. They never set strong boundaries because to be strong is to be a goat—and they can’t have that.
Entry 2,144 - May 8, 2024
Love and hate are both essential parts of the human experience of duality. Hatred is just as important to a human as love is.
That doesn’t mean hatred has to last forever as a memory in your head, but rather that, when it arises in the moment, it serves a purpose. If you deny it and claim you never hate anyone, then you're lying. It arose in a millisecond, and then you pushed it away, saying it doesn’t exist. That’s called dissociation. That’s not being truthful with how you feel in the moment.
Better to accept your humanity than to run from it.
- Hatred is an intense fuel for goals, success, and leveling up.
- Love is an intense fuel for fostering group growth, collective success, and group leveling up.
One must learn to level up individually if they want to thrive in a group.
They need to be able to stand up for themselves within a group and have the strength to leave if the group no longer serves their goals.
Selfishness and selflessness are a balance that a human learns throughout life.
If one is missing, that person will be off balance.
You can replace selflessness with love and selfishness with hatred. Without one—or by denying one’s experience of it—you are in denial and off balance.
ALL humans love and hate. ALL humans experience contrast. It is part of our programming.
To deny that is to deny one’s humanity.
Entry 2,145 - May 8, 2024
I see and use songs as if they are portals for time travel.
For example, I was listening to Circle of Life while working out, and it reminded me of how, 11 years ago, we would wake up to that song in Mexico during the Christian Bayside service project. I imagined sending myself healing energy and encouraging my past self to live my most authentic life.
What’s interesting is that, in that moment—when it was the present and I was lying on a cot in Mexico waking up to that song—I remember feeling peaceful and open. Something about the song felt intensified, but I didn’t know then that it was my future self sending me healing energy to be my most authentic self.
Entry 2,146 - May 11, 2024
There are easier ways to tell people to be nice to each other than through long, convoluted stories in the Bible involving circumcision, multiple wives, murder, and land.
Actually, that’s the perfect way to sum up most of the Bible. XD
Entry 2,147 - May 12, 2024
I've been close to true love,
but I always missed it.
Always felt like I got the short end of the stick.
Entry 2,148 - May 13, 2024
Ever since I came out as a trans man, mainstream fundamental Christianity has felt like a persistent enemy to my identity—hating everything I have become.
I’m reminded daily by its followers of how bad I am when its followers slide into my DMs, telling me they don’t want God to send me to hell for what hangs between my legs.
I mean, imagine that.
What a superficial god they worship—one who would send people to hell over a piece of flesh either swinging or not swinging between their legs.
Like, doesn’t he have better things to do than measure body parts for heaven or hell?
Come on. This is just getting weird. XD
Entry 2,149 - May 14, 2024
I have a lot of justified hatred toward Christianity.
It ruined my friendships with so-called "non-believers", and I will never get that time back.
Entry 2,150 - May 14, 2024
I am committed to uprooting all of Christianity’s footholds within my being—breaking free until its limitations have no hold over me.
I will break free from any system of oppression or any system that supports beliefs in oppression, weakness, gloom, shame, and guilt—whether for merely existing as I am or for not following an old man’s teachings to the letter.
Entry 2,151 - May 14, 2024
I have to take a break from spirituality every few weeks because I find it almost as toxic as Christianity—barely tolerable for long durations unless one deconstructs enough fear and shame to make the experience more freeing than imprisoning.
The only groups I don’t need breaks from are atheists, agnostics, and The Satanic Temple, which is pretty much atheists who use Satan as a figurehead for liberation from mind-manipulative religious cults pretending to represent the Creator of the universe.
Entry 2,152 - May 14, 2024
Controversial opinion:
People who are afraid of Satan are still afraid of themselves.
The dark is just as much a part of us as the light.
If you're human, you are made of both.
Stardust and the ability to collapse into a dark hole, sucking all the light into it.
The black center of our eyes represents the black hole we all contain in our soul.
The white outer center of our eyes represents the light we all contain in our soul.
Both are necessary to be fully human.
Those who deny that Jesus had sin deny that he was fully human.
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