Entry 2,071- Entry 2,087

Entry 2,071 - December 22nd, 2023

Any idea, concept, or image of God that limits Him in any way becomes a false idol in the mind.

The minute one tries to label what God is and say what God isn’t, it puts God into binaries, which is a limitation.

It is better to simply say, "What is, is," rather than create limits around and label what we deify as divine and what isn’t as not.

Entry 2,071 - December 25th, 2023

Let’s say that all cells do have consciousness. Then how would they be considered good or bad? If they don’t have a written Torah squeezed into each little tiny vessel for them to read, then what would they go off of?

Realistically, it’s more than the written word. The written word is just a symbol to carry information. In actuality, it’s really what one feels that makes the truth real for that particular person or entity with that consciousness.

Entry 2,072 - December 25th, 2023

I definitely think there are a minority of cases where people, especially younger youth, are misdiagnosed with gender incongruence and encouraged to go on puberty blockers when they really have another underlying issue.

There are also adults who might be wrongly diagnosed with gender incongruence, just like people misdiagnose themselves all the time using WebMD, or even doctors make mistakes. However, the stats of those who are unhappy with their transition due to gender incongruence are incredibly minuscule. If you look at the stats of those who are content with their transition, it’s remarkably high.

Nowhere is any drug, vaccine, or gender-affirming care 100% successful. But if you see that those who are not satisfied are an extremely small number, that should give an idea that it’s working.

 Entry 2,073 - December 25th, 2023

In my opinion, fundamental and stringent versions of religion have been linked to childhood trauma and weak critical thinking skills.

Entry 2,076 - December 29th, 2023

Many Christians fail to realize that we are all trying to be moral. The reality is that we all have different understandings of what that means.

We either do what’s best for ourselves or what’s best for others. Sometimes we do what’s best for ourselves at the expense of others, or what’s best for others at the expense of ourselves. This perspective moves away from simplistic notions of good and bad.

Realistically, people often do what they believe is best for themselves, even if it’s not best for others. Who are we to judge unless it’s from our limited perspective? Since our perspective is limited, we place value judgments of good and bad on others.

That’s why I often say Christianity feels like a morality club. They all try to agree on certain moral standards, but realistically, these standards are always fluctuating for each person.

Entry 2,076 - December 31st, 2023

Based on this, it follows that our beliefs about reality also attract the evidence that fits the framework our beliefs align with. Boundaries create a playground to explore linear space and time.

Entry 2,077 - December 31st, 2023

Feelings are the language of the universe.

Entry 2,078 - December 31st, 2023

Most people stuck in the closet, who do not accept themselves as they are, go into massive states of dissociation. They may live double lives, pretending to be straight while secretly pursuing relationships with those they’re truly attracted to, or they may develop intense addictions to pornography.

When sexual repression becomes extreme, the distortions worsen. This is often seen in religious priests and politicians who pretend to be straight while denying a part of themselves. Such extreme repression results in devastating distortions of sexual fulfillment. This is evident in the countless cases of Christian priests and pastors sexually harassing children, raping nuns, and committing heinous acts in secret.

This leads to my argument that sexual repression demanded by religious institutions is the number one cause of major and intense sexual distortions worldwide. If religions did not shame and guilt-trip people for having sexual desires before marriage or for being attracted to the same sex, this issue would not be as pervasive.

By convincing their followers that sex before marriage is a sin, religious institutions suppress natural desires, leading people to compensate with behaviors like porn addiction. These institutions create the "sin" and then market themselves as having the antidote.

Instead of allowing people to be who they are—gay, queer, lesbian, etc.—rigid religious institutions that uphold strict binaries make it seem like anything non-heteronormative is wrong.

As a result, people who don’t fit within these binaries feel forced to choose. They either accept the rigid belief system and deny a part of themselves as evil, repressing their sexuality, or they accept themselves and deny the rigid belief system.

Entry 2,079 - December 31st, 2023

Do you know how cool and balanced our society would be if we experienced two puberties and two genders in one lifetime?

A society where men knew what it was like to be women, and women knew what it was like to be men.

The level of sympathy and understanding would increase exponentially. People would feel more balanced, and there wouldn’t be this division between the two.

I feel blessed to be a trans man because it feels like I get to live two lives in one run.

Entry 2,080

If our idea of God limits God, then it is not true.

Entry 2,081

I’m what they might consider an autodidact polymath, which essentially means I love learning for the sake of learning any and all things that I currently do not know about. I am a seeker of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. I search far and wide across multiple fields to understand different components that eventually help me make more sense of one holistic area.

I take time out of my day to study simply because I love to learn. I don’t need a degree in all these areas to have a passion for learning about them. I love studying different philosophies, mathematics, astronomy, classical physics, quantum physics, religion, literature, and history (even though it’s incredibly biased), among other topics.

I’ve noticed that doing this helps me have a bigger-picture mentality when looking at single subjects because it allows me to find connections between seemingly unrelated ideas.

Entry 2,082 - January 1st, 2024


I think one of the main reasons why cheating is so prevalent among certain groups of people is based on what they are putting into their bodies—whether through their ears, eyes, mouth, etc.

Many people understand that the food they eat can either help or harm their health, but they don’t consider music in the same way.

So much mainstream rap is about having a good time at clubs, especially strip clubs. You hear song after song of women bragging about getting hundreds from men just by dancing on them, and thousands of songs about men having enough money to throw just to have women dance on them. The lyrics vary, but the message is essentially the same: I’m horny, and I want to hook up. Or: Having money allows me to do that. Or: Stripping for you allows me to make money.

These themes are repeated constantly with different beats in the background, and what people may not realize is that eventually, these themes turn into beliefs, and those beliefs shape their outer reality. Before they know it, they’re having multiple thoughts throughout the day about going to the strip club, or they start calling every girl they see “bitch” because that word is said countless times in the rap songs. Or they start saving up money to go to the strip club.

I started noticing this pattern with my Lyft and Uber passengers and even with myself. When I used to listen to a lot of Christian music (which had its own set of problems), I never thought about strip clubs. But now, with rap songs constantly referencing them, obviously, my mind is on it. Those themes have crept into my subconscious, making me consider going for fun, something I’ve never done before.

The problem runs even deeper. Think of all the people listening to this music while trying to settle down with a significant other. If you’re constantly hearing “Oh, I’d like to go to a strip club” but you’re married to a beautiful woman who doesn’t want to go, that could create discord. And if you go behind your partner’s back, well… cheating in some form is almost inevitable. Who goes to a strip club without seeking some kind of sexual gratification?

One time, I picked up a passenger around 1 AM. He was all dressed up, with a strong cloud of cologne around him. I asked what he was up to, and he said his fiancée was asleep, and he was bored—he didn’t want to watch Netflix and wanted to do something fun. For me, the puzzle pieces came together quickly. I’ve picked up enough guys like this to know where they’re headed.

I asked him very frankly if he was looking for something specific, and he said, “I mean… what type are we talking about?” Then I asked how his fiancée would feel about it. His response? “I’m a man. I can’t help it.”

The themes from the music had already turned into action. He admitted he had already cheated on her twice in six years, and here he was, open to doing it again—with no remorse. The strangest part was how he kept insisting that he and his fiancée had great trust in their relationship. I wondered if he was fully cognitively functioning because… what?

I asked him how he thought she’d feel if she found out. He admitted it would definitely hurt the relationship but shrugged it off, saying she’d never know. I encouraged him to get therapy because what he was doing wasn’t healthy, but he still left to go wherever he was headed.

I’ve had countless passengers in Illinois who specifically save up their money to throw at strippers. It’s an incessant loop of sexual gratification and second-density addiction. You listen to it long enough, and it owns you—but not in a way you want it to.

Let me be clear: I’m not saying strip clubs are inherently bad. The issue arises when someone is so deeply conditioned by the subconscious themes in these songs that their autopilot response is to seek sexual gratification at a strip club or a bar—even when they’re in a relationship. That’s when it becomes harmful.

If someone is that deep into the pattern, they need therapy. They need to stop leading with their second brain and start leading with their heart. They should consider how everything they consume—through their senses—affects their thoughts, words, and actions.

I look forward to a day when mainstream music centers on growth, evolution, setting boundaries, loving ourselves, and building deep connections. I look forward to the day when that type of healing music dominates the industry instead of this shake your ass for money nonsense that floods every other rap song.

A generation that leads with addiction ends in addiction. A generation that leads with growth and healing ends with healing.

Entry 2,083 - January 3rd, 2024

There is so much polygamy, circumcision, murder, and sex talk in the Bible—it's mind-blowing. No wonder they have a kids’ version to soften it up.

But just imagine hearing that story as a kid. That’s probably where part of my trauma came from.

Entry 2,084 - January 4th, 2024

Thinking that if you wanted to do something in this life but didn’t means you must do it in another life is such a basic and elementary interpretation of reincarnation.

Realistically, if we have access to an infinite number of probable universes to choose from—whether in this life or after this life (since life and death are mere illusions)—then one can simply slip into that probability and explore what life would be like from that vantage point.

One doesn’t have to wait until they’re a whole new person to experience it. That’s the fun part about probabilities.

People don’t realize that after death, they can spend as much time as they want in any type of universe, exploring it in-depth, shaping it, and creating within it.

That is part of being a creator. That is part of being who you are.

Entry 2,085 - January 5th, 2024

I still catch myself feeling guilty for being angry.

But now that I really think about it… feeling guilty about an emotion is such a weird phenomenon.

Anger is a natural release of pent-up energy. It prevents energy from getting stuck in our bodies.

It is healthy to allow ourselves to fully feel every emotion in the present moment. Doing so does not automatically equate to projecting that emotion onto others but rather allows it to merge with the dissolving light of the present moment, releasing it from the past.

Feelings are the language of the universe.

Emotions are the heartbeat of the soul.

Entry 2,086 - January 6th, 2024

Surrendering into the present moment as it is is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful things you can ever do.

All of my satoris (nostalgic feelings of oneness and peace) have come from surrendering in different scenarios.

One time, I felt it while buying gallons of water and pushing them to my car. Another time, I felt it right before my 10-hour reconstructive jaw surgery.

Surrendering makes the mundane insanely livable and nirvanic. To underestimate its power is to miss its significance.

By surrendering, you accept life for what it is and fully immerse yourself in the present moment. The universe sees that as an act of trust. And eventually, if it aligns with your highest timeline, it will manifest.

If it isn’t, the universe will bring you someone or something even better, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Surrendering is the key to deeper love.

Entry 2,087 - January 7th, 2024

Being an "empath," in my opinion, is just being hyper-sensitive due to an unstable environment while growing up.

Empaths do not have special superpowers as new-agers like to claim.


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