Entry 1,802 - Entry 1,821

Entry 1,802

Woke up twice with the message: just as humans have varying personalities, plants do too.

Entry 1,803

Tree of life represents all the truth found in each religion.

Tree of knowledge of good and evil represents the belief in duality as an actual reality rather than a temporal experience meant to show us that which we are not.

Entry 1,804

In larger terms, however, what you are is always vaster than your knowledge of yourself, for in physical life you cannot keep up with your own psychological and psychic activity.

You read yourselves from the top of the page to the bottom, or from what you think of as the beginning to the end. Your greater reality, however, is read in terms of intensities, so that the psyche puts you together in a different way. The psyche does not mark time. To it the intense experiences of your life exist simultaneously. In your terms they would be the psyche’s present. The psyche deals with probable events, however, so some events — perhaps some that you dreamed of but did not materialize — are quite real to the psyche. They are far more real to it than most innocuous but definite physical events, as for example yesterday morning’s breakfast.

If you thought or felt in such a fashion, then you would appreciate the fact that biologically your body is yours by virtue of the mineral, plant and animal life from which it gains its sustenance. You would not feel imprisoned as you often do within one corporal form, for you would understand that the body itself maintains its relative stability because of its constant give-and-take with the materials of the earth that are themselves possessed of consciousness. You could to some extent feel your body coming together and dispersing constantly, and understand how you hover within it without fearing your own annihilation upon its dismantlement.

When you ask: “Who am I?” you are trying to read yourself as if you were a simple sentence already written. Instead, you write yourself as you go along. The sentence that you recognize is only one of many probable variations. You and no other choose which experiences you want to actualize. You do this as spontaneously as you speak words. You take it for granted that a sentence begun will be finished. You are in the midst of speaking yourself.

Its “nouns” become what they signify. Its declensions are multidimensional. Its verbs and nouns can become interchangeable. In a way (underlined), the psyche is its own language. “At any given time,” all of its tenses are present tense. In other words, it has multitudinous tenses, all in the present, or it has multitudinous present tenses. Within it no “word” dies or becomes archaic. This language is experience. Psychically, then, you can and you cannot say that there is a source. The very fact that you question: “Is there a God, or a Source?” shows that you misunderstand the issues.

In the same manner, when you ask: “Is there a master language?” it is apparent that you do not understand what language itself is. Otherwise you would know that language is dependent upon other implied ones; and that the two, or all of them, are themselves and yet inseparable, so closely connected that it is impossible to separate them even though your focus may be upon one language alone.

So the psyche and its source, or the individual and the God, are so inseparable and interconnected that an attempt to find one apart from the other automatically confuses the issue.

To deny the validity or importance of the individual is, therefore, also to deny the importance or validity of God, for the two exist one within the other, and you cannot separate them.

From one end of reality you shout: “Where is God?” and from the other end the answer comes: “I am Me.” Capitalize “Me.” From the other end of reality, God goes shouting: “Who am I?” and finds himself in you. You are therefore a part of the source, and so is everything else manifest. Because God is, you are. Because you are, God is.

The imagination, however, brings you into connection with a different kind of truth, or a different framework in which experience can be legitimately perceived. The larger truths of the psyche exist in that dimension.

You cannot treat thoughts and imagination in such a literal manner, nor in a large respect should you try to “guard your thoughts” as if they were herds of animals that you wanted to keep purely bred. Your thoughts do form your reality. If you do not fear them, however, they create their own balances. The psyche dwells in a reality so different from the world you usually recognize that there good and evil, as you think of them, are also seen to be as operationally or relatively true as the difference between the perceiver and the object perceived.

Dreaming is not a passive activity. It demands a peculiar and distinctive mixture of various kinds of consciousness, and the transformation of “nonphysical perception” into symbols and codes that will be sensually understood, though not directly experienced as in waking experience.

- Seth Speaks

Entry 1,805 - April 28th, 2022

“The motivation to not suffer” hits deep. On day 9 of my silent retreat, I broke down in tears because I truly realized that I was the author of both my happiness and my suffering—and I was tired of suffering. I didn’t want to accumulate any more misery in my body. It was a huge moment. I had read about this concept before, but it became a realized truth through experience after spending hours removing the misery from my body.

You can’t stop people from projecting their pain onto you, but you can choose whether to accept their pain or politely refuse to store it in your body as your own.

Entry 1,806 - May 10th, 2022

The reason it’s best to live alone is so you have more time to be with yourself. You already won’t have much alone time during classes and acting periods, so any solitary moments are vital for going as deep within as possible.

Additionally, any roommate—regardless of their level of consciousness—will inevitably require some of your energy, which could otherwise be directed toward your pursuit of freedom and breaking free from all inner and outer misery.

Entry 1,807 - May 10th, 2022

I experienced time differently than I normally do when meditating...

Usually, an hour of meditation goes by quickly, and I try to do two sessions—morning and night. I typically stop once to check the time, and it’s around the 30-minute mark. Since my 10-day silent retreat, which ended on April 16th, this has become a routine. Anyone who has established a routine knows when something falls outside the normal boundaries of that routine, it becomes noticeable.

This afternoon, I tried meditating for an hour, and as usual, I stopped to check the timer around the 30-minute range. But then, I stopped to check the timer in the 30-39 minute range six times, thinking I was close to hitting the hour mark each time.

I understand, at a minimal level, that how we experience time can change based on our level of presence, but this was one of the strangest experiences I’ve had. I recently realized I no longer need to “scan my body” to keep my mind concentrated on the present moment.

I’m simply present more often than before, not allowing my mind to push me around with unnecessary thoughts for extended periods of time. So, I guess what I’m learning is that the more I stay present, the more linear time seems to slow down.

It felt as though I were moving at the speed of light, while everything in my external environment—including time—moved so slowly it felt almost paused.

Entry 1,808 - June 8th, 2022

The symbolism in death and resurrection is centered on transformation. The form is transferring. Every 7 to 11 years, most cells in the body that are not in the brain or nerve-related will die and be replaced. For example, the average lifespan of cells in the intestine is about 10.7 years, while liver cells typically live for 10 to 17 months.

The reality is that we are all constantly transforming and changing—every instant, at both micro and macro levels. The outcome of this ongoing process of cause and effect, of birth and death, is transformation itself.

Some people change and transform faster than others, just as some cells regenerate faster than others. The hope is to evolve into a better version of oneself—to not settle, but to become healthier and happier. If you do that, then transformation is not only natural but also more than justifiable.

My outer transformation, particularly in relation to bodily autonomy, has been far more obvious than the average person’s, given that I’m medically transitioning through hormone replacement therapy. Nonetheless, it was a pivotal moment when I took that first courageous step toward change.

The moment I found enough courage to transform, I went for it—and that was a big deal for me because I had spent most of my life trying to please others at the expense of my own happiness.

It was incredibly liberating to finally make the choice when I was ready, rather than waiting around for others to accept it slowly—or not at all. Now, I rejoice in my sacred changes. I rejoice in my evolution. I rejoice in my transformation. Through transforming, I break free from the desire to conform.

I release myself from the need to please others, and I rise above the fear I once had about being who I’ve always been. If I have any advice, it’s this: Don’t worry about what people think of you.

There’s a good chance that most people don’t care, and if they do care enough to hate or judge you, it’s likely a cry for communication—a cry for help. But there is hope, and by being yourself, you shine as an example for those who need it most.

So cheers to transformation. Cheers to change.

Entry 1,809 – November 15th, 2021

I hate that I can't get through one movie without wanting to teleport there and be part of it in some way.

I try to forget about it, but it always reminds me that it’s my true love.
I try to run from it, and it runs after me.
I try to hide from it, and it finds me.
I try to look past it, but it looks through me.
I try to un-desire it, and it gently leads me back like flowing waters.

It scares me because it’s so public, but then I also have to acknowledge that I know I’m the type of person who could handle that.

I want it to be a phase, but it has survived every phase I’ve gone in and out of.

Entry 1,810 – November 30th, 2021

I don’t care if you have a college degree or not—believing in idiotic beliefs makes you act like an idiot.

Murder, whether collective or individual, is barbaric. We’re not animals. We’re human beings who should be rising above animalistic behavior.

I see conspiracies where QAnon has successfully convinced many Christians around me, as well as other spiritual people, of strange ideas—like the belief that the vaccines aren’t safe because the government wants to kill us—and I’m just like… Paranoia doesn’t help anyone. Believing in baseless ideas with no evidence is definitely not the best belief system to convince yourself to follow.

I’m pretty sure if every government globally agrees that we need to vaccinate, then this belief that everyone is evil is just fueling paranoia, and it makes no sense.

Entry 1,811

In my opinion, it is easier to first start by finding what you are not before you can truly begin the journey of knowing who you are.

That’s why I constantly point out the red flags of Christianity—so you know without a doubt that you are not Christianity, nor is God Christianity. You know without a doubt that Christianity is a religion we created, and anything created will eventually be destroyed. Anything we breathe meaning into will eventually be breathed out as meaningless, because the oneness between God and humans transcends the separation created by each religion.

If I didn’t go through the process of pointing out all the things that need deconditioning within Christianity, how long would it take before you noticed it or experienced its full damaging effects in your life? For me, it unfortunately took over 20 years before I really started becoming aware of the red flags in Christianity. Granted, most of my younger years I wasn’t that deeply immersed in it, but it still took a while before I started inspecting the religion for its pros and cons.

So for you, is it worth waiting for that damage to manifest? You can absolutely choose to dive deep into Christianity for years and years if you'd like, discovering its pros and cons, its green and red flags. Or, you can skip the heartache and learn from someone else’s experience. Either path is valid, but one involves a lot less suffering.

It’s like knowing that a woman you’re interested in has cheated on many of her previous boyfriends. You can choose to go out with her and potentially experience that same outcome for yourself, or you can avoid it and save yourself from a high probability of being hurt. Either way, you’ll learn something, but if you can learn from those who came before you, you’ll save yourself from unnecessary heartache.

Entry 1,812 – December 2nd, 2021

When we say gender is not binary but rather a spectrum, we are referring to a scientific fact, not a belief system.

XX and XY are not the only possible sex chromosome combinations. There are actually six known variations, such as XXX, XXY, XYY, and so on.

You could be assigned female at birth, be fertile, have a baby, and still have a chromosomal variation.

You could be assigned male at birth, produce semen, get a woman pregnant, and still have a chromosomal variation.

People who condemn those who do not fit the gender binary simply need to be educated, and then their confusion will disappear.

Just as there are chromosomal variations that create an interesting mix of male and female characteristics, people can also experience hormonal variations with any sex chromosome configuration, including the typical XX or XY.

For example, some women produce excess insulin, which the body converts into testosterone. This can result in them hormonally having more testosterone than the average woman with an XX chromosome. These women can grow full beards, develop more masculine features, have irregular periods, and more, because they produce the same level of testosterone as a man with an XY chromosome.

Conversely, there are men who don’t produce enough testosterone. This causes their secondary sexual characteristics to appear more feminine, even though they were assigned male at birth and have an XY chromosome.

These individuals—women with high testosterone or men with low testosterone—can opt to take hormones to help their bodies exhibit the sexual characteristics that match their gender identity.

This is credible, verifiable evidence that gender is not binary and that transgender and intersex people exist. Though many religious people may try to condemn anything that doesn’t fit into their binary beliefs, facts will always trump discriminatory ideology.

So why are people so quick to condemn transgender, intersex, and non-binary individuals when science has proven that gender is not strictly binary?

Regardless of whether it stems from a chromosomal variation or a hormonal imbalance, how we feel inwardly may not match the gender assigned to us outwardly.

Entry 1,813 – December 6th

People are often afraid to give love because they have forgotten that they are love.

They have been conditioned—by whatever forces shaped them—to see love as a limited and scarce resource that must be used sparingly.

Because of this, they treat their own love as something they possess rather than something they are. They treat it like clothing that must be bought at a price.

They treat it like a material item, as if there’s a limit to the quantity and quality of love one can give and receive. They project the limitless and unconditional nature of love onto a conceptual image of God, while separating that love from the plants, the animals, the air, and even themselves.

They see themselves and others as scarce, limited, futile, and less-than.

This perception causes them to feel dreamily separated from the present moment, constantly longing for a future where they can be with a God who can give them the love they crave.

However, one day, they will stop treating love as a separatist commodity—something one must wait until death to fully experience—and instead start feeling it in the present moment. They will reconnect with the oneness they share with all things and realize that this love has never been scarce.

This love cannot be limited. This love can never be separated from ourselves or anything else in existence, whether in form or formlessness. Love is not just the ground of our being; it is the reality of all being and non-being. It is the sacred inverse of illusion. It is the cornerstone of both personal truth and absolute truth.

It is.

Entry 1,814

One day, you will find your awareness occupying a parallel universe that paradoxically has no parallels—a universe that is the epitome of all universes, stretching infinitely in every direction.

It will be the universe at the forefront of rapid realization, knowing itself as it truly is. A universe not perceived through the limitations of the finite self, but rather through the infinite, multidimensional self.

You will see people as they truly are: love. You will see the connection of love that links everything—the birds, the trees, the rocks, the bees, the humans, the plankton, and everything in between. You will no longer second-guess your inherent oneness with all that exists.

You will feel safest having your awareness localized in this universe because here, you’ve stopped painting people with the brush of your own limited self, colored by its conditionings. Instead, you will hand them the brush and let them reveal to you the mysteries of their being—mysteries that stretch onward toward infinity.

You will not merely respect people as human beings, but as infinite mysteries, beyond the confines of your mind’s limitations.

In doing so, you will restore everything to its original realization: love manifested as what it is, exploring all that is.

Entry 1,815 – December 7th

No, it’s not hard to be a moral person. You just grew up in a family that made you think it was difficult. No, it’s not hard to be a moral person. You were just sold an overbearing, shitty moral code by a Christian denomination. No, it’s not hard to be a moral person. You were just convinced by society that women must behave a certain way—or else be seen as objects or property.

Entry 1,816 – December 8th

The trees are waiting.

Waiting to be seen.

To be felt.

They wait patiently, until we arrive—until we wake up to their divine presence.

Entry 1,817 – December 9th, 2021

Personality tests tend to divide people into categories. The Myers-Briggs test, for example, divides people into sixteen possible personality types. I would assume that someone who is constantly in the present moment will not be confined to a predictable personality type. They will have the freedom to choose how to be in any given moment because they are fully conscious and not attached to or stuck in their conditioned responses.

Those who have this freedom can reflect any personality type whenever they want. They are hard to label and even harder to predict because they don’t let the past define them. These people embody all personality types as they wish, without any desire to box themselves in.

Entry 1,818

All we are asking is that Christianity undergo the necessary death and resurrection it is so obsessed with in relation to Jesus. Otherwise, it will continue to decline in numbers because people are waking up to the manipulation it uses—especially through fear—to keep people plugged in at such high rates.

People may say, “You’ve changed so much.” Well, yeah, I was a product of Christianity.

Entry 1,819

It might seem like you are losing faith in Jesus, but actually, the opposite is happening. You’re returning to the true faith, and instead, you’re losing faith in religion. By giving up Christianity, you lose nothing. By going forward fully toward Jesus, you gain everything.

Entry 1,820 – December 11th

At a very foundational level, yes, we may have created everything—even the laws that govern our universe, our galaxy, and our world. However, that doesn’t mean these laws serve no purpose simply because they were created by us outside of or before our trek within linear time.

In my opinion, these laws serve as vital signposts of realization when we return to the basics of the natural universal laws we all collectively created for the betterment of existence. These universal laws are essential to explore because they offer clues to our infinite selves.

Religion was naturally designed with limits in order to exist as an organizational, mass-recognized group on Earth. Nonetheless, the realization of our infinite selves is possible both inside and outside of any religious group.

However, I believe we gain much more from life by studying the mysteries of the universe and the laws that govern them. These laws, by nature, extend beyond the limitations of any earthly group. They stretch beyond Earth, beyond the galaxy, and even beyond our universe. They are the fabric of realization, revealing to our deepest being who we are at a fundamental and source level. Time spent exploring these truths is time well spent.

Entry 1,821

I understand that it’s a lot harder for fundamental Christians to accept that we are fully responsible for our current reality because they’ve been taught for years that they are not responsible for everything.

They are taught that they are merely creations forced into this world by God’s will, rather than their own. Born to live and born to die, without any say in whether they wanted to come here in the first place.

They are confined to the Christian narrative of the Bible, without being given anything else to expand their understanding beyond the polarities of its chapters. Though nondualistic reality pervades duality—as it is the source from which duality springs, similar to how darkness is the source from which light springs to make itself known, or how silence is the foundation from which noise emerges—they are not trained by their fundamental churches to recognize nonduality.

Instead, they are taught to see themselves as victims—victims of Satan, victims of their sinful nature, victims of society, victims of the government, and so on. Their only viable and “good” option, they are told, is to submit to God’s will, even if it’s different from what they truly want.

They are not taught that God’s will is always aligned with their highest and best will for themselves—and that this is always in alignment with everyone else’s highest good. They grow so used to not trusting themselves that they cannot believe their true will is already aligned with what they call “God’s true will.” They almost always envision their will as being in opposition to God’s because religion capitalizes on division.




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