1,906 - Entry 1,919
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Entry 1,906 - July 17th, 2023
Many techniques focus on the burning up of small vortices in the body, but I would argue there is an even faster way that requires no time: simply neutralize it in the mind. Then those little vortices no longer exist. They cease to be real because you no longer believe they are real.
I don’t think one should try to neutralize their likes and dislikes, desires, and fears before their death. I personally believe we became human to experience our likes and dislikes and then experience the contrast of not having likes and dislikes. Similar to the contrast between life and death, I believe both are necessary at different points. Just like there is a time to be born, there is a time to die. There is a time to experience all your likes and dislikes, and there is a time to not experience your likes and dislikes.
Why go to Disneyland simply to not enjoy it? Did we not come here to explore? To expand? To contrast experiences with differing levels of consciousness? Have we really come to be vegetables when it comes to likes and dislikes?
Once again, I don’t believe you need to get rid of your likes and dislikes to become enlightened but rather that you’re aware of them when they arise.When you become aware of that which arises, you are no longer unconsciously identified with it.
You then realize it was never that you had likes and dislikes, but that they came from somewhere and will go somewhere else, temporary messengers of temporary information.
They rise and fall regardless of you because they aren’t you.
Entry 1,908 - July 18th, 2023
The reason why I believe the idea that the cessation of desires is necessary for enlightenment is bogus is because it doesn’t correlate to a viable condition of consciousness. Part of the experience of individualized consciousness is to experience, and experience and desire are interrelated.
Another reason why I think it is bogus is because the Ra entities channeled by Don Elkins and Karla Rukiert talked about higher evolved entities from the 4th density all the way up to the higher densities of the 6th having the desire to serve others. They willingly lose their memory temporarily to come to Earth and be of service to us.
If desire was really a roadblock to higher evolved consciousness or enlightenment from our current density’s vibration, then these higher evolved entities shouldn’t have desire… But they do. That’s why I’m calling B.S.
When religions create a moralistic viewpoint of desire and demote it to a feeling that must be dissolved in order to evolve, I know they are not considering life from a realistic vantage point. Maybe non-life, yes, but not the experience of life.
Entry 1,909 - July 18th, 2023
Life is risking death every single day.
Entry 1,910 - July 19th, 2023
I’m learning to accept my imperfections.
I am learning to find the beauty in them,
the magic in them,
the peculiarity worth laughing with,
the joy in their diversity.
Entry 1,911 - July 20th, 2023
For a while, I was convinced the best way to keep the peace was to “fit in.” To “act how other people are acting in the group.” To “discard my personality for the group personality.” To discard my “likes and dislikes for the group’s likes and dislikes.” But then I realized, that actually does not benefit anyone at all.
What truly benefits someone is constantly being as true to who you are in every single moment, regardless of whether people “like it” or not. The reason being is that your truth is what you need, and your truth is what other people need. They don’t need a version of you created to “fit in.” They need your truth, or else who are they talking to? A version mimicking their likes and dislikes? Would you really demote yourself to a version of someone else just to please them? No. Be your truth! Don’t be anyone’s version; simply be you! You being you is enough. Pretending to be someone you’re not is too much of the wrong stuff. It’s actually pretty repulsive. It makes one think one isn’t good enough, so they have to be something they’re not.
When you stand boldly in your truth, you’re tantalizing. You’re appealing. You’re like a magnet of good energy. You reel people in. You create light. You create joy. You become the Creator. When you pretend to be someone you’re not, it’s almost as if you’re cloaking your light and then holding a dollar book light in your hands outside of the cloak. It is a cheap and unhelpful way to live life because it benefits no one. One might think they are benefiting others by fitting in, but in actuality, they are losing opportunities to challenge the status quo of the group, to create new neural pathways of thinking, exploring, and enjoying. Let people have the opportunity to enjoy your personality. Also, let people have the opportunity to not enjoy your personality.
Regardless of whether they enjoy it or not, it means nothing to who you are as a good or bad person. It simply means they have some exploring to do as to why they either love you, don’t care, or hate you. Don’t rob people of your truth. Present it boldly, and watch as you all get the most authentic opportunities for real growth.
Entry 1,912 - July 23rd, 2023
When your desire to know is more than your desire to remain unconscious of who you truly are, then nothing will stop you from experiencing Nirvana.
Entry 1,913
Nothing can stop you from remembering your reality, your truth, your connection to Source.
Entry 1,914
To the extent that one accepts that we are all one is the extent to which that person experiences peace.
Entry 1,915 - July 23rd, 2023
Awareness is stronger than habits.
Meditation strengthens awareness localized in the body.
It makes habits, conditioned responses, and cravings subservient to awareness.
You are less on automatic mode and more on manual mode.
You are less predictable and more open to an endless sea of possibilities in the present moment.
You are less likely to experience things happening to you and more likely to experience things happening from you.
You are more likely to be open to going with the flow than trying to control the flow.
Because the flow becomes synonymous with who you are.
You remember you are one with the cosmic sea of divinity.
The outer barriers were illusions of constraint that you used in order to potentiate.
Now you focus more on the inner realities of continual probabilities to choose from, and you have much more fun.
Instead of drawing energy from somewhere, you harness the energy you are.
Instead of converting other people's potential energy to kinetic energy, you convert your own and become your own kinetic energy.
Entry 1,916 - July 29th, 2023
Quotes from Bob Proctor:
Where do our wants come from?
The wants are so that I can grow!
The only prerequisite to making a decision is if you want to!
If you want to? DO IT!
Giving has to be spontaneous; if you have to think about it, you’re trading.
When you’re uncomfortable, you’re breaking out of the paradigm.
Commitment is what separates the amateurs from the professionals.
You make a decision, and you have to follow through.
Find an accountability partner who will keep you focused!
The ability to give yourself a command and follow it!
If I make up my mind, I will go right through a wall to make it happen.
Quitting is NEVER an option.
You never change the goal; change the plan.
If the way you’re working isn’t working, try another way.
Create your world by using your effective faculties.
10 things I’m grateful for:
Write the same thing three times.
Entry 1,917 - July 31st, 2023
Likes and dislikes do not keep us from enlightenment.
Our identification with the ego keeps us from thinking we are attached to our likes and dislikes.
Our identification with the ego makes us believe that likes and dislikes are the barrier when, really, it’s the identification with the ego.
Entry 1,918 - July 31st, 2023
I had a major realization after reading Becoming Wealthy and then The Law of One channeled reading from Ra.
Realizing you are abundance, that you by default inherit all the riches and wealth because you are one with riches and wealth by virtue of existing, is part of the deep, intense healing of the root chakra, or the red energy center.
Ra talks about how the first energy center has to do with sexuality and survival. If one believes in scarcity, lack, or limitation, then they are exhibiting that their first energy center is still blocked and not balanced.
I realize the reason why my Higher Self has gravitated me back to the new thought works of abundance books is because my first energy center was still blocked. I might intellectually think I am one with abundance, but I either had a limiting belief that I shouldn’t be wealthy or I shouldn’t have a lot of money because I’ve been programmed by Christianity to see that as “bad.”
I am now currently in the process of shedding these unnecessary belief systems and upholding my truth and reality as being one with perfect abundance. The belief in poverty, scarcity, and lack is not my truth. They are false. The reality of my abundance, wealth, and riches is a physical representation of my spiritual reality.
There is nothing wrong with expressing my truth as abundance, especially if my goal and desire is to spread it to everyone on this earth and beyond.
Thank you, Creator, that I am abundance, I attract unlimited wealth, and I make money even while I sleep.
Entry 1,919 - July 31st, 2023
Interesting Quotes from The Law of One:
Ra: I am Ra. Your opinion is an eloquent one, although somewhat confused in its connections between the freedom expressed by subjective knowing and the freedom expressed by subjective acceptance. There is a significant distinction between the two.
This is not a dimension of knowing, even subjectively, due to the lack of overview of cosmic and other inpourings which affect each and every situation which produces catalyst. The subjective acceptance of that which is at the moment and the finding of love within that moment is the greater freedom.
That known as the subjective knowing without proof is, in some degree, a poor friend, for there will be anomalies no matter how much information is garnered due to the distortions which form third density.
61.11 Questioner: It says here it would seem the proper balancing exercises for all the sensations of the body would be some form of inactivity such as meditation or contemplation. Is this correct?Ra: I am Ra. This is largely incorrect. The balancing requires a meditative state in order for the work to be done. However, the balancing of sensation has to do with an analysis of the sensation with especial respect to any unbalanced leaning between the love and the wisdom or the positive and the negative. Then whatever is lacking in the balanced sensation is, as in all balancing, allowed to come into the being after the sensation is remembered and recalled in such detail as to overwhelm the senses.
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