Entry 1,930.5 - Entry 1,946


Entry 1,930.5

I feel Christ Consciousness peek through like the light seen through window blinds. I’ll be meditating, and instantly my mind will go to another destination from another person’s point of view. I’ll hear the words “capsize” and then realize I’m aware of someone’s thoughts on a boat as I see instantly what they’re seeing. They’re on a boat moving quickly and watching as the boat gently hits each crest of a wave, and they’re thinking, “I hope the boat doesn’t capsize.”

A part of the picture becomes a full scene in God’s cosmic movie that I jump into. Before, when I would meditate, mostly thoughts would compete for my attention. Now, as I meditate, it’s becoming more and more the awareness of other breathing souls living that capture my attention. Souls from across the globe are somehow interconnected to me as I meditate. I cannot explain it in any other way besides this being the birth of a Christ Consciousness—the preliminary glimpse into a multi-view reality.

Entry 1,931 - August 12th, 2023

I’m asexual in the sense that I wouldn’t have sex with someone for pleasure. I would have sex with them for divinity, in order to experience oneness.

The difference is that sex for pleasure keeps one in the rat race of pleasure versus displeasure. It doesn’t help one beyond temporarily regulating their nervous system. But once it’s done and the tiniest amount of displeasure creeps in, the desire for pleasure through sex reignites. This unending loop of attachment eventually becomes addiction, and then this addiction creates a feedback loop of using another person’s body to regulate one’s own internal system. It becomes quite parasitical.

The person no longer waits to please the other person but does whatever is necessary for them to be pleased first. It creates increased tension and attention on sex that follows that person incessantly throughout the day and night.

Sex for divinity is about both parties equally using sex as an instrument to experience their nature as divine oneness. It’s a sacred act of coming together (quite literally) in order to release into something higher together (a higher vibratory pattern). It can be likened to a bike. One can easily walk, skip, or drive to the store (experience oneness) if they wanted to, but they can also take a bike.

The bike isn’t essential in experiencing divine oneness; it’s merely a possible instrument to utilize. Once the experience is done, it doesn’t follow that person around incessantly. It doesn’t attach to them as it does with those who seek it for pleasure. It is merely stowed away in the garage until the next moment of intentional, ritualistic divinity is desired to be explored by both parties.

One person is not coaxed into sex because the other needs to regulate their nervous system, for they both have a multifarious amount of methods outside the act of sex to do so. Rather, it’s seen with extremely high regard, and they both know that is the safest way to view such a divine act.

Entry 1,932 - August 12th, 2023

Falling into Grace by Adyashanti:

“Any time you argue with what was, what is, or what will be, you limit your ability to experience the vastness of who you are. When we argue with life, we lose every single time—and suffering wins.”

Entry 1,933 - August 13th, 2023

Alcohol and other drug consumption is the closest thing to depopulation, and the urge to consume them has been encouraged behind the curtain by those who believe in lack rather than abundance.

Don’t believe me? Find out how much your body biologically ages whenever you drink alcohol or do drugs. Once you find that statistic, you’ll understand why it’s encouraged, promoted as “cool,” and why the majority partake in it. We’ve been encouraged to partake in consuming items that will kill us off quickly.

Every time you drink alcohol or do drugs, you prematurely age yourself. There are people alive now who believe “there’s too many people on the planet.” These people don’t need to kill you off for their gross belief in depopulation; they simply convince people to willingly kill themselves off this planet.

Entry 1,934 - August 14th, 2023

Part of healing yourself fully is healing from religious trauma. Until you aren’t triggered by any religion, you still have healing to do there.

Any feelings of resistance, animosity, or triggering show that there is still healing that needs to be done.

The same goes for the world around you.

Entry 1,935 - August 14th, 2023

About the Akashic Records: Everything on Earth is recorded within the geomagnetic field. Then all that happens in the galaxy is recorded in the sun and so forth. Not one moment is lost. We live in an incredible system of memory, accessible by anyone who is eager enough to access it.

Entry 1,935

There are many people who think more government control, more government ownership, and more government programs are the answer. But in reality, when any one group gets so strong that they call the shots, even against the disagreement of the majority of the people, then the government becomes an enemy of the people.

When the government still holds power and the people don’t want to serve the government, guess what happens? They are forced to serve. They are forced to pay taxes that do not benefit the people. They are forced to pay taxes on their land. They are forced to give up ownership rights, and the government can do all this because they have more power—through manipulating supply and demand, by keeping people in debt, and by making people feel powerless through higher inflation.

Simply keeping your money in the bank will have it decrease in value by about 2% every year or so—not by your doing but by the banks in connection with the IMF, who are working to control the people through each government.

The people are still forced to serve the system until they learn how to rise above it and make their own money to counter it. More government control, I repeat, is most definitely not the answer. Capitalism surely has its flaws, but it also has its advantages that Marxist systems cannot compete with.

Entry 1,936 - August 17th, 2023

Male and female are binary archetypes for the yin and yang of the soul, for the masculine and feminine energy that resides in every human being. Being male doesn’t automatically mean you will have more masculine energy, just as being female won’t automatically determine that you have more feminine energy.

The male archetype, symbolizing masculine energy, reflects the power, reason, determination, will, harmony, and order of the universe. Out of balance, it represents a skew towards over-judgment, which stifles creativity, flexibility, and exploration.

For example, there are people out there who create ordered institutions such as churches, and then, in order to “keep the harmony,” they make it a sin to act out of accordance with that church’s morality principles. So if one is LGBTQ, they are judged, possibly kicked out if they don’t “change their ways,” or ostracized by their church family and possibly their own family. This over-judgment of people who are open with their exploration of sexuality or gender is stifling and creates unnecessary and boring carbon copies because people aren’t encouraged to be individual and unique.

The female archetype, symbolizing feminine energy, reflects feelings, creation, expansiveness, creativity, flexibility, and exploration. Out of balance, it represents a skew towards irrational demands, insecurities, and an overabundance of the unnecessary at a moment when it is not needed.

For example, there are people out there who come out with new pronouns literally every single day. It’s irrational to assume everyone around them will at once learn, accept, and apply these pronouns with ease. Imagine if every single person had their own unique pronoun, and you had to memorize names and pronouns ranging from duck/ducks to xe/xem onwards. It’s irrational to assume the majority will partake in this. Pronouns are supposed to make it easier when talking about someone in a sentence. He/her/they keep it simple.

Entry 1,937 - August 18th, 2023

When I stand outside in the darkness of the night,
I’m subtly reminded this home is not my own.
Its peaceful trees are someone else’s seed,
Its land, the expression of another man.
I know this is my last incarnation here,
And it feels bittersweet to behold it as a mirror.
But I can’t help but feel like a foreigner in this body,
Still an amateur in my own unique hobbies.
I sit, I stand, I get up and command.
I tell this body to do this, do that, don’t forget to crap.
Then I retreat back into a deep state of Me.
And it all folds into one thing.
Relentlessly, it becomes like the wave of a sea.
How interesting it is “to be.”
I will miss this Earth and all its inhabitants,
But I know that this is not the time to write death notes,
But to write the future and what it holds.
But as of now, I can’t help but feel both dead and alive,
For meditation deconstructs linear time and replaces it
With concentric rhymes of life.
It unveils the behind-the-scenes of this mysterious cosmic dream.
The Earth then enfolds around my being,
My being embraces her like a sheet.
Such a strange feeling.

Entry 1,938 - August 19th, 2023

The cost for greatness is solitude.

Personal evolution, in my opinion, is constantly outgrowing old, debilitating versions of myself as a habitual practice.

Entry 1,939 - August 19th, 2023

You create your reality (infinite expressions of love).

You make your illusions the contrast.

Entry 1,940 - August 19th, 2023

Religions are the perceived antidote for a sick world.

But the real antidote is beyond the form and into the formless.

It actually simply is.

That’s the antidote.

And it’s actually an antidote for nothing because sickness doesn’t truly exist beyond the mind of the beholder.

Entry 1,941 - August 23rd, 2023

Sin is just a dirty word for mistakes.

Entry 1,942 - August 25th, 2023

I sat down to meditate for one hour,
And I killed my ego.
I destroyed it quickly on impulse.
I didn’t give it a chance to fight back.
It didn’t deserve a chance because it was my own fiction,
My own warped novel,
My own character creation.

I chose to end it because I wanted to play the womb of the universe.
I wanted to birth a new ego.
So I brought him into existence.
This ego listens.
This ego is not insecure.
This ego waits until I tell it to do something.
It is obedient to the One Life.
It is a new model.
I’ll call it Ego 3000.

Entry 1,943 - August 25th, 2023

I feel it all around me.
Every dire plea to be further connected to all of Me.
Every “please” and every “take me deeper,”
Sending me into the endless abyss of all of Me.

I look around in astonishment, as there is no end.
There is only more.
It does not stop.
It won’t stop.
It is ever-expanding.

How is it that I have no beginning and no end?
Perhaps that’s the play of the universe—
To pretend I am limited and have an end.

Perhaps it was supposed to be fun to pretend to be naive.
I now find it more fun to be awake in a world that doesn’t see its reality.
I see it as a blessing to wake up in a world that is only beginning to touch its divinity.

How exciting it is to wake up in a dream that is waking up.

Entry 1,944 - August 26th, 2023

Unconditional love is free will.
The lack of it is the illusion of determinism.

Entry 1,945 - August 26th, 2023

This morning, this hit me: When you wake up, the whole world wakes up with you.

As within, so without.

The world is a mirror showing us all that is healed or needs healing.

It shows us where we abound in unconditional love or where we perceive a lack thereof.

It shows us all the patterns we repeat without questioning:
Patterns of unforgiveness.
Patterns of forgiveness.
Patterns of laziness.
Patterns of discipline.
Patterns of joy.
Patterns of sadness.

So when you change yourself, you quite literally change the world.

Entry 1,946 - August 27th, 2023

For many people, they aren’t aware that they are identified with their ego, and through that identification, they are actually a slave to their ego. The great I Am serves the ego’s wants, beliefs, desires, ideas, etc.

But part of the awakening process is realizing that you are not your ego.
You are not this system that is consistently suffering, that is afraid of death, that is afraid of mistakes, that is afraid of issues.

You are the multidimensional I Am.

When people incorrectly identify with the ego and don’t understand or don’t realize they are doing so, they are not awake. But when they wake up to the realization that they are more than their ego, that they are the one perfect Life playing a game—that is when they wake up.

That’s when life starts to change for them dramatically.
Less suffering, fewer issues, more peace, more joy, more happiness.


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