
Showing posts from January, 2025

Entry 2,152 - Entry 2,168

Entry 2,152 - May 14, 2024 Premature aging of the body through destructive daily actions is for the weak. Through Bryan Johnson's research and Blueprint, a new evolution of human beings will lead the future of this world. As leaders die out from refusing to rid themselves of harmful actions to their bodies, other people's bodies, and the planet's body, we will be the ones to take over and lead the generations toward a healthier and brighter future for all—animals, people, and ultimately the Earth as a whole. Entry 2,152 - May 14, 2024 One of the issues with many in spirituality is that they hear some channeler say they are all light and love and don’t realize that they could very easily be manipulated without even knowing it. It gives the same energy as those from the Abrahamic faiths who say the Creator is light and love but then, at the same time, claim that the god they call the Creator demanded them, on multiple accounts, to commit full acts of genocide. The Law of One ...

Entry 2,132 - Entry 2,152

Entry 2,132 - April 28, 2024 There are people who are scared to death and who never overcome their fears in one lifetime. There are people who will never touch a Ouija board because they're scared. There are people who will never skydive because they're scared. There will be people who will never do their dream job because they're afraid. Isn't it shocking that people’s fears are stronger than their ability to overcome them? Someone who is truly spiritual does not run away from the shadows, does not run away from the darkness— but embraces it all. They allow the darkness just as much as the light to transform them, change them, direct them, and teach them. They allow both light and dark to show them what it means to be human, what it means to be alive, what it means to exist. They don't run away from themselves. They embrace all of themselves. If you're not willing to embrace all of yourself, then you're robbing yourself of your humanity. Entry 2,133 - April...

Entry 2,108-Entry 2,131

Entry 2,108 - February 29, 2024 Agnostics, in my opinion, is the humblest path because they don’t claim to know for sure what happens beyond the grave, which forces one to be extremely present. Entry 2,109 - March 1, 2024 I can definitely see the allure of many religious communities. Normally, they are centered around the most charismatic person who seems the most moral or whatever benchmark that religious community values the most. They see that person as a spokesperson, a representation of what they can become. Most religions shaped like this are devotionally aligned rather than present-awareness aligned, like Zen Buddhism. They uphold devotion above everything else, hence the structure of their religious community reflecting devotion as the cornerstone of their benchmark for spiritual or religious progress. That’s why, oftentimes, you have people who are extremely devoted to their religious community. They want to be "moral," or "help God build His kingdom," or ...

Entry 2,088 - Entry 2,107

Entry 2,088 - January 8, 2024 The greatest indicator of whether you should let someone into your inner circle is how they make you feel overall. If someone goes out of their way to make you feel loved, included, supported and excited to grow, that's a sure sign to make time for them and let them in. They are for you and your growth. Entry 2,088 - January 11, 2024 There's a saying that goes, "You can't always get what you want," but I actually think the contrary is true—you always get what you want. If you understand what that means, then you understand the secret of the universe: everything is a result of your desire, whether you are conscious of it or not. Entry 2,089 - January 12, 2024 Christianity is a framework of reality. It is not the ultimate reality. All of reality cannot be confined within the limitations of the framework of Christianity. Entry 2,090 - January 13, 2024 The fundamental version of Christianity touts nonsense when they say Jesus is fully God...

Entry 2,071- Entry 2,087

Entry 2,071 - December 22nd, 2023 Any idea, concept, or image of God that limits Him in any way becomes a false idol in the mind. The minute one tries to label what God is and say what God isn’t, it puts God into binaries, which is a limitation. It is better to simply say, "What is, is," rather than create limits around and label what we deify as divine and what isn’t as not. Entry 2,071 - December 25th, 2023 Let’s say that all cells do have consciousness. Then how would they be considered good or bad? If they don’t have a written Torah squeezed into each little tiny vessel for them to read, then what would they go off of? Realistically, it’s more than the written word. The written word is just a symbol to carry information. In actuality, it’s really what one feels that makes the truth real for that particular person or entity with that consciousness. Entry 2,072 - December 25th, 2023 I definitely think there are a minority of cases where people, especially younger youth, are...

Entry 2,056 - Entry 2,070

Entry 2,056 - December 11th, 2023 You are not your body in the sense of you are not your limitations. Entry 2,057 - December 13th, 2023 Personally, I think when Bashar says that we are interacting with people that we created in our reality, I think what he means by that is, we create the idea of who we think someone is in our head. If it were to be that we created the person literally in front of us, then yeah, it would be a total simulation. We would be the only ones real because we would be the only ones creating. But if it were actually created in the sense that anyone we interact with, we keep as an idea in our heads and we have all these ideas about them, it doesn't take away from who they are in actual reality. Just like they create and have ideas of who we are in their head. Then we have this idea that truly we are together. The creation of who they are in my head is going to be different than the creation of who they are in their own head. Entry 2,058 - December 13th, 2023 ...

Entry 2,044 - Entry 2,055

  Entry 2,044 - November 25th, 2023   People be like, "Oh, I’ll let the universe handle it," not realizing that by saying that, they are creating separation between themselves and the universe. If one truly believed in oneness and the play of life, they would feel no guilt as the universe brings proper justice to those who hurt them, knowing also that at the end of the day, this whole life is a play. Entry 2,046 - November 26th, 2023   There are two things I know for sure: Unconditional love is truly unconditional and pervades all things, all no-things, in and beyond and through the universe. I create my own personal reality and co-create with others around me. Entry 2,047 - November 26th, 2023   I’ve waited years to find a love I believe I deserve. I want it passionate. I want it messy. I want it full of the crazies, Where we’re so crazy for each other we can’t stop staring deep into each other’s eyes. I’m not talking seconds; I’m talking double digits in minutes. T...