Entry 2,152 - Entry 2,168
Entry 2,152 - May 14, 2024 Premature aging of the body through destructive daily actions is for the weak. Through Bryan Johnson's research and Blueprint, a new evolution of human beings will lead the future of this world. As leaders die out from refusing to rid themselves of harmful actions to their bodies, other people's bodies, and the planet's body, we will be the ones to take over and lead the generations toward a healthier and brighter future for all—animals, people, and ultimately the Earth as a whole. Entry 2,152 - May 14, 2024 One of the issues with many in spirituality is that they hear some channeler say they are all light and love and don’t realize that they could very easily be manipulated without even knowing it. It gives the same energy as those from the Abrahamic faiths who say the Creator is light and love but then, at the same time, claim that the god they call the Creator demanded them, on multiple accounts, to commit full acts of genocide. The Law of One ...