Entry 399 - Reclaim Your Power
You’ve been conditioned your whole life by your family, society, culture, and religion to not trust your own experience over the experience of others.
You are told to put faith in other people’s experiences over your own, as if their experience is more important than yours because it was first oral history, then documented in a book, 3,000 years ago.
But see, that’s the irony. These people are just like you! You are just like them! They had experiences with God, and you also have experiences with God. The only difference is their experience became part of a religion, and yours became tossed to the side, assuming it would cause division.
But what would happen if you put your experience above all other people’s experiences? If you followed your heart? If you trusted God, that He will lead you according to love?
Do you really need to read Moses’ story 500 times to learn a lesson that you can barely relate to because you weren’t even there, and the written account only scratches the surface of the actual experience? Are you really going to devalue your life experiences with God by considering them “less,” just because your experience with God didn’t make it into some religion’s scripture?
Religion demands your obedience. Religion demands your submission. It wants you to put other people’s experiences before your own because then you MUST keep coming back to that religion, to that tradition, to their interpretations, to their experiences.
You must keep donating when they ask you because to not is to go against the God they have more access to. You must kiss the knuckles of your priest, to remember it is you who submits to the man clothed in gold, who gives you peace. You must keep coming back to church, or else you aren’t following God correctly by living according to that religion’s dogmatic reality.
But there will come a day when you will read the story of Job 1,000 times, or the story of Paul’s conversion 500 times, and you will see no more value in discussing the same age-old experience with the same people, in the same church, with the same pastor, with the same Bible study group.
You’ll do your yearly round of Bible study and realize you’re bored because these aren’t your stories. These weren’t your experiences. And one day, whether it’s tomorrow or in a thousand years, you will gather enough courage to put your experience above all others.
You will value your time with God over others. You will value your silent encounters with God more than others. You won’t submit to limits; instead, you will constantly go beyond that which attempts to control you and keep you through fear and guilt. You will see beyond the guise and lies that you are inferior, and you will realize God can talk just as clearly to you as God talked to Jesus.
One day, you will reclaim your power. You will remember your divine nature. You will once again stand in your perfection and express it through this body, the last limitation that, one day, you will defeat and no longer repeat. No more forgetting who you are.
No more submitting yourself to be controlled by outside forces. No more devaluing your experiences of God. No more believing in a system’s crafty persuasion to not trust in your heart. You will have full faith that God is with you, and your connection can no longer be manipulated by forces that try to tear your oneness apart.
One day, you will step into your power and see you’ve always been sweetly embraced by primordial peace. You will know that society, cultures, and religion are built with limits and division by ideas and doctrines claimed to be truth and not fiction.
You will remember God cannot be limited by doctrines or words. God is, so we exist, and since He loves us so much, God gives all that He is. Most importantly, God is so excited for when you decide to dive deep into the mysteries within, fully realizing it was you, always you, the heaven that God dwells in.
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