Entry 407 - Duality & Unity


Duality is illusions playing in reality.  
Reality is the foundation of All.  
Duality is illusions placed on top of reality, seemingly distorting reality but not truly, because truth can never be distorted.

Duality operates from perspective.  
Unity operates from Reality.  
Duality operates from a local position.  
Unity operates from an Absolute Observation.

People may view the opposite of Love as Hate, but in truth, Love has no opposites because illusions don’t truly exist.  
It’s comparing The Eternal to the Temporary.  
The Temporary does not stand to even come close to existing alongside The Eternal.

The Eternal is All, The Temporary wasn’t, is, and became not.  
The Eternal is indestructible in every way possible.  
The Temporary would cease to exist if one’s perspective went from local to non-local.

The Temporary can only inhabit similar temporary phenomena. Hence the source of all sin, death, evil, and hatred is the idea of illusions.  
Source does not mis-create illusions because it cannot create illusions.

Everything Source creates extends from what Source is: eternal, everlasting, divine, and indestructible truth.  
We decided to know ourselves through projecting a false reality called The Temporary.  
How does Love know what Love is unless one experiences what Love is seemingly not?

So then came the divine play of God,  
To explore the depths and riches and treasures of Itself as Love by allowing Its Son to create that which truly is not.  
So the Son of God is on the path of knowing thyself as God.

This path is perfect because it experiences all that is through all that is not, all the way to Source, who Is All that is.  
There are no wrong turns, there are no horrible mistakes. There is only that which is because that which is not never truly existed.

That which is, persists because it never ceases to exist.  
That which is not, never was because it ceases to persist.


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