What You Resist, Persists.

The reason why what you resist is what you persist is because energy even put in opposition means the opposing force will rebound the force you place on it. 

If you resist who you are, such as your sexuality, your desired expression, your passions, your talents, your hopes and dreams, then that which you persist and why will grow in you to oppose that resisting.

For example, let’s say you believe the fact that you are gay is a sin and so you resist it as if who you are is just a temptation. Every time you resist that part of what makes you, you on the earth plane, you actually strengthen not only what you resist, but the reason behind why you resist it. So if it’s because you have judged your sexuality as evil, then your judgement continues to increase within you.

And since how we act is a reflection of what is healed or not healed, and you have resisted your sexuality, an integral part of who you are, your resistance and judgement of those that remind you of that which you hate and despise of yourself, will also be hated and despised in other people.

By not fully accepting yourself, you cannot fully accept other selves. You confine yourself through judgement and you also confine others through your judgement. The duality and judgement can also be felt by all those around you. You do not add to the healing of anyone, but you have more than the potential to add to their suffering by projecting your own unhealed wounds onto them.


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