Entry 388 - Faith vs Knowing


Do you remember when Jesus said: “Don’t you remember in your scriptures it says, ‘Ye are gods’? Yet you say I blaspheme?” Eternal life is not something you can have; it is something we are in respect to our divine nature as Sons of God. It is upholding the truth that we are eternal, which, by the very respect of being eternal, is without beginning and end.

Anything that is considered eternal cannot be withheld from that which is eternal because it always is, so it wouldn’t make sense to say you are granted eternal life at a certain point in time because it’s not something you can grant—it’s a state of being. It’s a declaration of your inherent perfection through your direct and sustained connection to God, The All that is.

See, you can’t not be that which you already are, but you can forget that which you once knew. Faith is a stepping stone to clear knowing. Faith is the belief in things unseen; knowing is The All being aware of itself behind all experiences. Trusting that you are eternal life even though you don’t see it currently is faith. Awakening and experiencing yourself as eternal life is your knowing.

There is no beginning and end in eternity. You are energy from Source, and you have no beginning or ending because you come from God, who has no beginning or ending. Your perfection is written into your very energy. You, by virtue of being from God, are one with God and therefore always one with eternal life.


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