Insights During Meditation

 Quantum physics says that the observer and the observed are the same, they are one. One who identifies with the observer only creates images of the present moment and understands the present moment through those images they have created. For example, when someone who has had a positive experience with the Bible such as singing and learning valuable lessons from its words and see the Bible in front of him, the image of his experience from the past will be applied to the Bible in the present moment. 

Similarly, if someone was sexually abused by their uncle who was a Catholic priest and was forced to go to Mass where he was the priest, every time he sees the Bible, he could apply the images from the past of hypocrisy, terror, and pain because this man who abused him also uses this book during his service. The past image of the observers experience is being applied in the present moment, and it will vary drastically depending on one’s experience. 

If one identified with the observed only then they focus on ‘what is’ as who they are. They see the oneness but they don’t have any identification with their own body because they are all that which they observe. Since they do not identify with the body, which is observing, they can oftentimes seem like they are“not in reality” but rather in their own world. There are stories of gurus who walk around butt naked in India, seemingly completely detached from the societal and culture norms they are in, just one with the observed, not at all identified with their body as the observer.

Then there is awareness that one is both the observer and the observed and also the awareness beyond it. This one recognizes the supposed limits in our world are to keep the illusion in place to keep “playing the play”, but also recognizes the reality that we are all one. There is just One and we are all part of that One. There is no one better or less, superior or inferiority, just sparks of God experiencing life in new and exciting ways. They go along with the play, but they also help whoever is ready to “elevate” beyond the play and see it’s not truly real. From the stairs above the stage, one then sees the lights, the lines and the people all making it seem like it’s real but not truly real. 

As awareness, their perspective is all. They can see consciousness through a single point in time, such as through their individual body as an observer, they can see through all points through that which is being observed, and they can see consciousness as beyond the observer and the observed and recognize their true formlessness and infinity beyond all design as awareness itself.


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