Conditioned Beliefs

I think a lot of things Christians have to come to terms with the potentiality of cognitive dissonance in regards to doctrinal beliefs. We’re taught at a young age by many that questioning anything in Christianity is equal to doubt and so it’s looked down on and you can be “guilty” so we shy away from it.

So questioning if patriarchy is from God is a big deal for certain Christians, depending on what denomination they go to, and many will actually see this and shut down their critical thinking skills if it threatens the beliefs of their particular denomination. 

However, questioning everything is a very healthy part of life. You should constantly be questioning the conditionings you’ve assimilated from your family, friends, culture, society, religion and recognize what is you and what is your belief in something else. This is how you break free from debilitating and restrictive ideas and come to realize how you are more than any conditioned belief.


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