Entry 410 - You Come From Source


The reason that we do not have a beginning and end is because that which we came from does not have a beginning or end.

If our essence is energy, which can be neither created nor destroyed—the energy which is God—then how could we have a beginning or end if the Source from which we come doesn’t either?

God creates through extension of Himself. That’s why we were made in the image and likeness of God. Anything that extends from Source is a perfect creation because Source can’t help but create perfection.

Anything that is projected into existence that is not perfect is not truly from Source and therefore does not truly exist, since Source is all there truly is. Anything that is projected into existence at a specific time and place had a beginning and an end, and therefore is not real and therefore does not truly exist.

If you were a projection from God, then that would mean at one time you ceased to exist, you exist now, and you will cease to exist once again—which not only annihilates you but also annihilates the truth that God only creates perfect creations.

The eternal always was, is, and will be, and therefore death has no power to destroy. Death to the eternal is only seen as a transition to another phase of life, not an end to its existence, because you cannot end that which always existed. And since we come from Source, our life force that constitutes our existence was, is, and always will be.

However, if you are a temporary projection from God, an object without eternity imprinted on it, the temperance of its existence is evidence of its false reality. You cannot be a false reality because you are one with God, and God is one with you.

If you are false, then you’re saying God is false. But God cannot be false because God is all that there is. But if you affirm your truth that you are one with all that is, and that oneness is true absolute reality, then you can’t help but be that which is, because you are that which is by being one with God.


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