Entry #21 - Lesson on Problems

I was contemplating how small I am compared to the universe, and then I considered how much smaller my problems are compared to the universe, to the mountains, and even to me. I considered what even is a problem? And I realized that problems are problems because they affect us in some way that we wish we weren't affected by. However, we have the potential to determine if something is actually a problem or if it can be seen in a new light. 

We can focus on how something is negatively affecting us, or we can focus from another point of view and see the positive lessons we can learn it. Truly, a positive perception on this could definitely help retrain ourselves to think much more positively and contribute to a better overall way of thinking when they come our way. So I'm going to propose looking at "problems" in a new light.

So I said a problem normally is considered a problem because it affects us in some way, shape or form; but if we choose to change our perception and make it so that it doesn't have to become a problem, then it won't be a problem, it can become something else to us. Something with more value. Something more important. 

Then, if we choose to see them as areas of growth that will strengthen our person and make us better, we may welcome what we once considered a "problem" and consider it tremendous growth.

So maybe what man calls problems is what God calls growth and when we strive to change our mentality from a negative outlook to a positive one about these areas of growth, we'll welcome the lessons they bring us and the positive shaping they bring to our character.

With that in mind, instead of trying to run from our problems, or even consider them problems in the first place, let's embrace the roadblocks in our lives, the challenges in life, the trials that come our way. Let's see each "problem", not as a problem, but as an opportunity to grow and to become a better person overall.


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