Entry 404 - Poem of Release from Religion


Sadly, so much of Christianity has conceptualized faith into a doctrine you believe, rather than through your experience with God, realizing you’ve always been complete.

They equate your salvation too with a prayer, accepting their doctrine as “dogmatically true.” Any deviance from its strict pattern of belief is met with refusal to accept that person’s salvation as complete.

It’s like the leaders of the religion knew they needed to establish their devotion through submission, so they amplified doctrine and equated it with salvation. If you deny their communal thought processes, you deny your access to the Father’s mansions.

The fear they program you with is so intense, you wouldn’t know it unless you deprogrammed and released yourself from their embrace they call defense.

It’s a lonely journey to walk apart from your community, but the cost of finding yourself beyond all limits is worth every ounce of your precious energy.

Through your bravery to break free, you find out you’ve always been free. You just chose at that time to experience bondage and a prisoned mind, only to contrast the reality of your past with the present bliss, that you are who you are, ever connected to God and all that is.


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