Entry 408 - Relatability vs Reality


Even though we were made in the image of God, we have listened to people who have told us God is made in our image. We’ve subordinated the Almighty, Limitless, Beginning and the End, Alpha and the Omega, The Eternal, to having an untamable and uncontrollable ego, fixed with the same ego traits as man. Through supposed scripture, we truly identify God as we do with man. We give God human attributes of losing control in His anger, wrath, judgment, pain, suffering, repentance, and more.

We endow Him with both positive and negative emotions, as if His well-being is dependent on our continuous obedience. We make Him into a possessive, territorial God who chooses some and doesn’t choose others. Then people label it as “anti-Judaism” if we extend God beyond the boundaries of choosing one nation and say God is for all nations.

The hypocrisy is beyond me, so how do we fix it? We stop endowing God with what feels relatable, what feels comfortable. We stop abdicating our authority to supposed Scripture in which we’re told to blindly accept with faith, even though it creates a portrait of a vulnerable and possessive Maker with anger issues. Someone would have to turn off their critical thinking skills to not identify that behavior we have thrusted on the Almighty, Limitless Creator. Imagine the Creator having anger issues for not obeying His exact command. 

Imagine the Limitless Creator destroying all of your people, flock, and homes for failing to do exactly as He commanded. Does that not violate the law of Free Will? Why would the Creator want to violate His own law and choose destruction over free will? Does God not delight in our ability to choose, rather than for us to be slave robots to very exact commandments that, when done wrong, lead to a doomsday death of stoning by those who apparently said they loved you the other day?

Does it make any sense to follow a God who tells you that you have free will, but then insists you must follow His will or die? Does it make sense that ‘God’ preaches a separation mindset in order to convince you to murder innocent animals to stay in contact with God, or else be punished and lose the presence of God? 

Does it make sense that God commands you to murder complete nations on behalf of simply acquiring land from wicked people? As if the Jews never did anything that was considered “wicked” but instead were spared because God “chose” them over other nations that were collectively destined to die. Does that make any sense at all? How could God have favorites when God is All there is? What Creator preaches separation when there exists no true separation because God is All there Is?

The truth is, that portrait of God is not God. The Creator is not pushed and pulled by whimsical decisions of man. The Creator is truly indescribable, and to try to limit Him is more a reflection of our limits than it is of who God truly is. 

The Creator doesn’t need your bloody, ritualistic sacrifices to appease an angry God in order to not die a painful stoning death. God doesn’t need your exact form of obedience. That god who says all this is not the True Creator. The god who does is a god of war, a god of wrath, a god that demands obedience, a god focused on attaining his will at the expense of your own will and your inherent freedom to be who you wish to be.

If you submit to this idea of god through supposed scriptures and religions that create this portrait, you tie yourself to this god as long as you choose. But trust me, freedom is so much better. Trust your heart, follow the path of your intuition, embrace your free will, and enjoy your freedom. Don’t let unknown negative forces disguised as the Creator convince you to draw innocent blood and join pacts with them. That never seemed to go well in history...


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