Entry 390 - Who Really Are You?


Our hair is like the grass, our skin like the dirt. Our fingers like the branches, our likeness like God. Our eyes are like galaxies. Our nose canals with breath entering in like the wind through a tunnel. Our fingerprints like the stump of a tree. Our ears like strings vibrating on a guitar. Our brain like a radio transmitting signals into images. Do you see the universe outside of you is also within you?

The interconnectedness between you and everything else within your body runs in beautiful harmony, but can also go into disarray. You are not conscious of each individual cell, yet billions of these cells within you are symbiotically living together as one—moving, doing, and living every single second.

In your gut, millions of healthy bacteria are fighting the bad bacteria on your behalf. Do you not see that your whole bodily system is a reflection of the universal system in oneness? That our connection with every part of our bodily system is beautifully interconnected, and that all of us in the universal system are also interconnected? We have the story of the universe written into our being.

The connection of everything is so deeply rooted in our existence. It’s like the genetic instructions within our DNA; always there, ever-present. How do you know that your white blood cell knows it’s only a little white blood cell and not much more? How do you know you aren’t a little organism inside God’s body? What did Jesus mean when He referred to us as the Body of Christ? How do you know that you’re just a body and not much more than that? Are you a body having a spiritual experience, or are you a spiritual being having a human experience?

If you’re not your thoughts, then what are you? If you’re not your feelings, then what are you? If you’re not your beliefs, then what are you? If you’re not your personality, then what are you? If you’re aware you aren’t these things, then who is that which is aware of what you are not? Who really are you?

The blessing is to be born into the unknown yet come to know who we are, our true nature, the true interconnectedness we all share. Not by our mind alone, but by every single part of our being—from the cells in our feet to the neurons in our head. The unknown in us realizing the unknown in everything else. Where divinity awakes the true Self from the dream of life, and we respond with, “Thank you, now I’m aware. I was once blind, but now I see.”


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