Entry 386 - The Story of the Devil


When you see the devil and hell similar to how you see Santa and the North Pole—a fictional character attached to a holiday—it actually becomes quite comical that you once believed in a devil. It’s like when you hit that age where you finally realize that Santa and his elves are just fiction and all those presents sent from Santa were really just from your parents.

Similarly, all those moments sent from the devil were really just your own moments sent from your higher self. The Jews don’t even believe in a devil. Instead, they believe there is an angel of God named Lucifer who works under and for God.

The concept of the devil was used by men in religion around 4,000 years ago to turn society from a matriarchal society to a patriarchal society by men, such as in the Medo-Persia areas within religions like Zoroastrianism, which Christianity is extremely similar to.

Women centuries ago had more power over men (which was obviously still an imbalance and not beneficial for society), and so religions formed around enlightened beings that became distorted in order to fit the agenda of whoever wanted something. In this case, men wanted power back, so they used the devil as a tool within religions like Zoroastrianism to get it back.

Christianity is extremely similar to what happened to Zoroastrianism—it’s actually shocking. I believe Jesus came with the desire to fix any distortions found within Jewish society, such as the patriarchal elements that created pain for women, alongside other intentions to help the Jewish people. 

After Jesus returned to the Father, men took Jesus, created a religion around Him, and then distorted His precepts to sustain the power of men over women and to keep people submitting to their oligarchy within their churches.

It’s a very common cyclical pattern of duality that happens. Women gain power for centuries, it becomes a little more equal, then men gain power for centuries, and around and around we go. Religion, in my opinion, is not the answer. It actually adds more questions by creating unnecessary abstractions to physical reality. Equality, balance, and loving everyone equally is the answer, which was Jesus’ message.


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