Entry 406 - Christianity vs Jesus' Message


Do you really believe in Jesus, or do you just believe in what Christianity believes Jesus’ message was?

To believe in ideas about Jesus is different than believing beyond ideas.

One comes from religion, the other comes from the heart.

If you truly believed in Jesus, you would believe in yourself.

Jesus’ message wasn’t to submit to a new religion called Christianity and believe in the ideas about him or go to hell.

Jesus’ message was about taking your power back from oppressive, patriarchal, oligarchic societies and religions.  

Jesus’ message was about being your truest and most authentic expression.

Jesus’ message was about love and equality for all. He did not advocate for imbalanced systems like patriarchy or matriarchy, but was for an egalitarian way of life appreciating both sexes equally.

Jesus’ message wasn’t about blood being a price to pay, but a message that we are more than our bodies and we truly cannot die.

Jesus led the way to self-realization, not into another oppressive religion whose message is to convert people to their way of thinking about God or go to hell.

Christianity teaches duality, forcing salvation to seem as if it lies in their hand of doctrines and teachings and no one else’s.

Jesus taught transcending duality bent on fear and control by realizing the oneness that is, was, and always will be.

Do you really want to know the difference between Christianity and the spirituality taught by Jesus?  

Christianity's version is like putting a goldfish in a tiny tank in the ocean. Jesus' version of spirituality is the goldfish in the entire ocean.

Christianity is “I see God through a limited lens,” spirituality is “I see God beyond all lenses.”

Christianity is “form your ideas of God through our scriptures,” spirituality is “spend time with God and go beyond ideas and scriptures.”

Christianity is “believe in other people’s experience of God,” spirituality is “knowing God through my own experience with Him.”

Christianity says “you must interpret God through our doctrines, traditions, and beliefs or else you worship a false god,” spirituality doesn’t limit God to words on a piece of paper or an idea in the head.

Christianity says “your relationship with God is only legitimate within our religion,” spirituality says “your relationship with God is legitimate regardless of if you’re inside a religion or outside of one.”

Christianity says “you will go to hell if you do not obey and follow our doctrine,” spirituality says “the only hell there is, is the one you create within your own mind.”

Christianity controls you by using guilt, shame, and fear. Spirituality is freedom from guilt, shame, and fear.

Christianity will call you damned if you don’t convert, spirituality will affirm your perfection and oneness with all that is in every situation.

Christianity is based on clearly divided lines that separate them from other religions. Spirituality says, “let all come to the feast and enjoy what the Father has prepared for His Sons.”

Christianity equates salvation with thinking like the group. Spirituality knows in its inherent salvation, having experienced firsthand the oneness that unites all.


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