Entry 411 - Meet Me in the Sacred Grove


If we ever discuss anything beyond the materialism of this world, I want you to know that if you wish to explore, I am here. If you so decide to explore and go beyond present belief systems with me, I just ask you to meet me there with an open mind, to look at all things not as we perceive them to be, but as they are before we had a thought about them.

To look into your viewpoint, my viewpoint, and other people’s viewpoints with innocent and open-minded curiosity to that which goes beyond. I ask you to lay down your weapons of defense and to be vulnerable with me on thoughts that so often rule us without us even realizing it. I ask you to deeply consider and contemplate these questions we will ask in hope of going beyond that which is seen and entering into the unseen together.

A divine dance into the unknown. A sacred walk in the sacred grove. A loving skip to the fountain of bliss. Let’s walk each other home by being each other’s homes. Let’s provide the unique feast of discussion with the desire to learn, grow, and enlighten. Then, once we devour each feast over and over again, let us see that deep down, it was never the feast that taught us. It was our deep knowing from within the depths of our being that brought us into remembrance of who we've always been. Then may we sit and laugh at the prospect of us trying to learn that which deep down, we already knew.

It wasn’t a matter of learning, but a matter of remembering that which we’ve always known but chose to forget in order to enter the divine dance of the unknown. To one day re-emerge from the cold, shocking waves of the ocean with a bright smile on our face. Realizing that this was our choice: to experience the unknown, free of being known. Coming into a world as *tabula rasa*, a blank slate of all slates. Slowly conditioned by third-dimensional belief systems, to once again re-emerge our truth in all its glory. To remember our Source and to remember what we signed up for.

To remember this journey is the journey of excitement, and once this experience is over, we will see exactly why it was so. Beyond all the pain, all the emotions, all the suffering, all the joy, all the everything, was the Great I Am. The temporary allowed the Great I to feel the contrast. To enter the unreal, to feel beyond that which is seemingly real with the intention to find oneself emerge to that which has always been real. The you as yourself, seeing the eternal you.


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