Entry 409 - Creator vs Imposter


The OT belief of the Creator emphasizes many positive and negative attributes to a limitless, infinite Creator, rather than recognizing that God is beyond duality, beyond polar opposites, beyond separation, and it doesn’t even make any sense to attribute illusive qualities found in our world to a real and limitless God who transcends all.

To have verses where God is so angry that He can’t help but destroy them all, refer to them grotesquely in sexually deviant manners when they disobey, demand strict and unwavering obedience to His fixed will—all do not make sense to apply to the true Creator, but yes to a war god, because it follows similar patterns of other war gods in other areas.

Now let’s move into repentance of sin. What does it mean to repent? To turn from. Well, what is considered the sin? Supposedly it’s disobeying God’s specific decree according to His will, not yours.

So if sin is built on the intention that you must follow God’s will over yours, regardless of if you have free will or not, that demand to follow supposedly God’s will nullifies your free will, because God no longer wants you to express and experience your own free will.

So if sin is in opposition to God’s will, then listening and obeying at the expense of your own free will is an objectification of your own will. The other spectrum is to consider what it’s like to not have God command and demand His will over your own. You see, if it isn’t commanded but rather it is suggested, and it’s for the highest benefit of yourself and all mankind, then there would be no need to repent because there are no restrictions, only experiences meant to be experienced.

So, a great litmus test to discover if something is truly from the Infinite Creator, or another war god followed by a nation that believes God is only for them and against other nations, is the litmus of beneficiality. Is following these commands overall beneficial for all of us—men, women, children—and also beneficial for all of humanity?

Are these sayings supposedly from God filled with love and peace and acceptance of your free will and of others? Or are they expectations of repentance, exact obedience, death, destruction, denial of free will, and not overall beneficial for all of humanity?

Are these sayings from God honoring people’s right to live their truth uniquely and encouraging them to enjoy the freedom to experience that which they wish to experience? Or are they expected to submit their free will on behalf of a god who needs your submission and obedience to accomplish His will at the expense of yours?

Are these commandments changing every so often, where they don’t stand to prevail throughout the ages, or is there an understanding and a knowing acknowledged by all that which is truth will prevail over that which isn’t?

Are these commandments unequal in their nature? Only offering protection for one gender and not going into detail or mentioning protection for the other gender? Do these commandments promote inequality in culture, society, and marriages? Do they promote submission to one will at the expense of the other and disguise this power trip as following God’s law?

Or do people live and honor each other as equal partakers of the divine nature, all equal Sons and Daughters of God, where there is no inequality which demands submission and control, just uniqueness celebrated and expressed with a baseline understanding that foundationally, we are all one and therefore inherently equal in essence.


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